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Everything posted by Kamineko

  1. Wow! I never heard of the idea of putting kitty litter with stuff I'm storing. Seriously though, thats a very intriguing idea!
  2. Any warehouse suppliers carry pallet wrap. I did a quick Google for "pallet wrap" and got this.
  3. I use pallet wrap. Its managed to keep my Gakken Mospeda box all glossy and scratch free and from yellowing, though i'm not sure the plastic has held up the same.
  4. I think he means that the car will ride like its on rails (rollercoaster). . . I'd just say get better seats.
  5. Here's a short article about armed robots going to Iraq.
  6. Yeah but its orderable!
  7. Here
  8. Actually its Doug Adam's project. They are just carrying it on after his death. Whats cool is Marvin's voice for the movie will be done by the original Marvin from the radioshow.
  9. Ya know, I don't think the majority of us are ditching our collections due to lack of interest. In my case, I have to consider whats coming versus what I have. My physical space is limited, and holding onto dupicates, and even triples of MISB stuff is gonna force me to start using my car to hold stuff. j/k of course!
  10. Actually i intend to use a room exclusively for my anime madness, when i can buy my own flat. I kept all boxes nicely (esp MGs) so that in future i can display them on shelves in the room, together with cabinets full of mechas. A room i can walk in to relax and dream... Yes! My dream is to have a house where one room will feel like you stepped into a Yamato distribution center/warehouse . . . Yammies floor to ceiling Well, we can dream . . . It wouldn't be Macrossworld if we didn't reiterate
  11. Retro theme? Maybe, but it wasn't retro when I first saw it back in the early 80's. I think it was the fact that people died (which I thought was hella cool), instead of parachuting out like in the old GI-Joe shows that attracted me. That and watching Strawberry Shortcake and poorly dubbed Voltron episodes really got tiring.
  12. I admire your enduring passion for your collection. I can relate to your "smuggling" of goods past your neighbors. Over the years I've ordered so much stuff that the UPS/Fedex/USPS carriers know me by first name, and any HLJ packages from other customers addressed to my postal zone have almost always been mistakenly delivered to my residence (damn the last time I saw Scott from HLJ, he said I've spent over 600,000yen with him). Since I live in Northern California, its hard to justify the cost of an additional room when factored in with the damned astronomical housing prices here, though it is intriguing to create a "Macross Shrine". . .
  13. noticing people are ditching their stuff . . . I'm wondering what driving factors are causing people to ditch their collections. We all know that life catches up. I'm even thinking of getting rid of my stuff. Buying duplicates is beginning to catch up; its so hard to pack if I change residences . . . and now that I'm focused on a home purchase, I'm not too keen on stuffing the place with valkyries. It's kind of an eyesore to have unopened Yammies sitting in your living room . . . Here's a brief list of reasons I want to ditch my stuff: 1> Make it easier to move. (I want my collection to fit in 1 cubic meter!) 2> I bought early and have too much crappy Macross stuff. I want to keep only the stuff I think is cool (ie ditch the 1/60's, 1/72's, keep 1/48's, customs) 3> I want to focus on my other hobbies. (My golf clubs need dusting off, or I should sell my collection for a new Canon EF-S lens). I want to hear reasons why you guys are getting out too . . .
  14. Imagine the messages possible with this device?
  15. Thanks for the suggestions. Your writeups provide excellent information for me to start . . . Its too bad Meister suffers from a bit of funkiness, as this is the primary one I'm interested in. But that aside, I guess I'll just have to get em all (lefthand, righthand, metal, non-metal, ... ) Bah!
  16. Ok, sorry if this question has been posed within this 90+ page thread, but its too tedious to search through . . . Does anyone or can anyone post a pic of an Alternator and a Binaltech side by side? I am considering getting either series but I'd like to weigh the pros and cons of getting one series over the other. Since Alternators are readily available to me, and they are cheaper, is it worth getting them if they don't have diecast? Is the diecast worth it, or is it overrated like in the 1/60's? Any input much appreciated! Thx!
  17. Along the lines of "Jammers" . . . Imagine whats next . . . maybe space based version of one of these?
  18. On her head Actually I removed the paint on mine so she's wearing none... j/k So would that be Milia going commando?
  19. Its an interesting film . . . ok enuff to get rid the bad taste of Mac Zero's disappointment. SMG and KaDee Strickland do actually look pretty hot in the film. Too bad the film tries to be both a Japanese horror flick and a Hollywood screamfest (read: play loud noises to scare audiences) at the same time. I'd give it a "wouldn't even try looking for a .torrent" vote. BTW the audience was like 80% female . . .
  20. Kamineko

    Yamato Stand!

    Heh I just overfeed my 30lb cat. I would be most impressed if he could even jump that high for it . . . The "bubble" is a glass dome from TAP Plastics (a west coast, US plastic fabrication company). They sell it along with acrylic bases.
  21. Kamineko

    Yamato Stand!

    If you do, Yamato reserves the right to come to your home and break the Chunky Monkey. Yamato won't need to go to your house. The stand barely is strong enough to hold a 1/60 (at an angle of course). The chunky monkey is heavy enough already for it to topple over anyways. DAMNED YAMMIE JOINTS!!! The stands ready to throw whatever's on them onto the floor anyways. I'm almost ready to glue them down . . . almost . . .
  22. Its out. I guess this is an OAV. The one pictured at the beginning of this thread is the limited edition I think, Best Buy has the regular version.
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