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Everything posted by Southcross

  1. just an FYI for anyone that hasn't downloaded these files yet off iMacrossVII... I periodically go in and archive the files into a .rar file and move them to a more appropriate location. So if they aren't in the "uploads" directory, they are probably in more appropriate directories.
  2. Yeppers that they are ftp://imacrossvii.myftp.org/mwftp/Southcr...0Monstrosities/ monster_original_v1.zip contains JPGs for printing on your home printer monster_manual.rar contains a pdf created from the instruction images contained in the first file. The PDF is cleaned up and optimized for printing.
  3. ya its too bad... image the size of the blade... its gotta be the size of a Human profile.. maybe the profile of two people... its kinda hard to picture the exact scale
  4. its from the never released Disney sequal (never even made it to "direct to video")... "Tron the Later Years"
  5. Well in regards to Isamu... there is that scene where Isamu uses a bayonet... which IMO is an excelent close combat weapon that should be incorporated in all the gun pod designs. perfect for cutting open Pods, Power Armor, Zentradi size cans of Tuna...
  6. Macross >meets> Gundam >meets> Star Wars That explains it!!! That is why Max was so good, he's secretly a Jedi... Master of the Flying Arts!!!
  7. Only a little drunk? Shame on you! Now go and get very drunk It's still 2 more hours till I get off work and can have a cold one. Graham its 2:55am... I'm at work and I WISH I was drunk
  8. Hey I have seen some damn cute cosplayers.... the scary ones typically will dress to match their body types... not excentuate it :yuck:
  9. I like the thought of a prequil to the prequil explain how the SDF1 came to arrive on the earth... explain the Zentran and Meltron blah blah blah... Explain how the Robotech Masters....
  10. I e-mailed a friend of mine and I think she summed it up best....
  11. hmmmm.... more Southcross Model Monstrosities ideas.... but lets see 1210m at 1/72 scale... makes it about 55.5 feet long (16.8m) 1/144 scale (perfect the the Nachimco models)... 27.7 feet (8.4m) 1/200 scale (for some of the other "mini" scale models).... 19.96 feet (6.05m) egads I'd love to undertake that... but OMG, it wouldnt fit in my garage... well unless I did it in sections (to be later bolted together).... the ideas are coming... now should I do it in combat or flight position... I think I like flight... now before or after the space fold.... hrrrmmmm me thinks I would need to take out a personal loan for a project of this magnitude EDIT---- but I bet I could make a mint on Ebay, and have to charge a mint for shipping. Immagine being the "moving company" called in to haul the monstrosity across the US to the buyer.
  12. Well the bitrate of the MP3s is kinda out of my control. If you do find a .torrent that has a higher bitrate, please upload the .torrent file so I can join in. I'd gladly put the higher bitrate up on my FTP.
  13. ok.. maybe I misunderstood... your looking for the LLA soundtrack... hrmmm... wonder at what quality the audio was muxed into the video... if its 128k... even 96k on the low end... we could extract the Wav audio, cut the audio into segments for the songs, then encode them into MP3... when I have a little more time, I'll look into it. The quality won't be "true", but hey it will be better than nothing.
  14. Mospeada OST? :cough: iMacrossVII FTP :cough: :cough: I think its under /MWftp/Pat_S/Mospeada I'd have to look when I get home, but its there
  15. Sounds like GO! GO! PLANET Z!! 5 robots.....with the power of Earth, Fire, Wind , Water and.....Heart...wtf heart?! I never did get that....but anyway.... 5 robots combine to form.....PLANET Z, the ultimate giant robo which runs on cow manure to be eco friendly...and uses a solar gun made of mirrors and magnifying glass and.....omg.... ROTFLMAO
  16. thats going to be the name of the next Macross project?
  17. I love the "fly crap" spec of a Regult Great work Nanashi
  18. ROTFLMAO ACK!!! I'm blind!!!
  19. Yup http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/art/_art_macrosstv.htm I've seen those images before and they are increcible. Are they touched up at all? Because they seem more vibrant than the TV series ever did! Even the Animeigo DVDs. . . Thanks! Hurin Edit: And now that I look more closely at some of them, I'm almost positive they never appeared in the actual show. Could easily be wrong though. So, what is the source of these? Did the original team get together to re-render some of these as sorta "commemorative cels?" I have to agree with Hurin. It looks too nice and crisp. Not that I am complaining... They are scans... probably from one of the MANY Macross art books. If you look at some the solid "mid-tone" colors, you can see what is refered to as "screening" (looks like the image is behind a window screen), this is common in scanning printed material. Excelent images none the less.
  20. I've gone to bed... so if you try the room out, stick around and chat with your fellow MW friends. Also check out the "user" tab, the Avatar options are kind of kewl... the rooms are customizable (on my end), I plan to change the graphics of the rooms.... any idears? I have a few, but will need to get the images It stores the Username/Pass you use, so you can log back in with the same info. Only drawback is that you need to type it in every time you log in. Feedback?
  21. give this a try... its a Java based "Visual Chat Server" now I will most likely be AFK if you see me logged in, but feel free to give it a try... iMacross Visual Chat when I get more time, and sleep I will edit the rooms to have a "macross" look and feel to them
  22. it is a hour long or so (i haven't even watched it, just went straight to iMacross) music video of Yellow's concert. It is made up mostly of Yellow singing with clips from the series. There is also some new footage, but I have yet to see it. I will check it out later. Thanks....sounds like Mospeada's version of Flashback 2012. I only watched part of it, and thought exactly the same thing very kewl though, wish it did have subs for the spoken parts
  23. well aint that just dandy
  24. well doesn't it normally go the translation route of: original Japanese >> rights bought and coverted to (HK) Chinese >> the Chinese company outsources to a Korean company for the compolation of the translation >> The translasions are forwarded to a company out of Canada to do the Engrish translation >> then winds up in Mexico for the cheaper labor and production/import costs? you'd be lucky if Bandai is spelled right
  25. !!!!FYI!!! you DO NOT NEED A SPECIAL LOGON TO ACCESS VII +a special login is only required to Upload files. you can download using an Anonymous login. +the number of total simultanious logins is limited to save bandwith, even though its gonna be a flood for a while (I can see it, my Bittorrent app is at a crawl) +if your DL fails, my FTP server supports resuming downloads... just try again, just don't delete the original or clear your internet cache
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