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Everything posted by Southcross

  1. I will have to check, but IIRC I have this vid... its thumbnail size but I can drop it on VII or Bittorrent (prefered) it if anyone so desires
  2. OMG, WOW! probably the nicest SD I have yet to see (other than JokeMachine )?
  3. darn, I so had my hopes up.... 33.13609% - Total Geek (but I see so many areas for improvement )
  4. LMAO, thats just sad
  5. I tried these programs: "Will work for Gas" "Sexual favors for Crude" "Gun for hire for Fuel" "Selling my Soul for a tank of Petrol" atleast I got a hit from the "Sexual favors" one, but all I got was a jar of Lube
  6. Yes... yes.... one of us... one of us.... There are 18 levels of membership. Who knows what they are... or where they live... yes, thanks Max.... I love the titles, with the exception... HTF do I get rid of the title "Bridge Bunny"???!!!??? :lol: :lol: Contribute to discussions. bah! see I'm participating... and its still "Bridge Bunny"..... whine... complain... Couldn't I atleast have a custom title that matches my "nickname" given to me by my friends/co-workers: Whiney Little Biyatch, WLB for short no? crap!
  7. I forget what the car is called, but I believe there is a new 2005 coming out from either Ford, or maybe Honda. I was watching a car show and they discussed it, I wished I had watched it closer. It uses Hydrogen as a fuel, the benefit is the exhaust is water IMO, the HUGE drawbacks... 1. WTF the Conoco doesn't have Hydrogen? Where do you fill up? 2. egads if you get into an accident there will be nothing left (can we say Hindenburg??) 3. what would your engine sound/run like? I guarantee you, it will impress NO ONE! 4. It will look like your car is taking a leak every where you go. Besides the "rusting" factor having a metal vehicle produce water as a byproduct 5. What kind of HP and torq could you get out of an engine like that, with the average American being considered "overweight", the damn thing would move like a golf cart 6. Methane would be an easier source of fuel, garbage>rots=methane vs the generally accepted method to produce Hydrogen is from water. By applying electricity (high voltage) to water you can seperate the hydrogen and Oxygen atoms... unfeasable outside of industrial applications. maybe they came up with some "new" process, but as I recall from college Chem, there are no natural ways to produce Hydrogen. Well I guess you could cap a Volcano, capture the Sulfuric/Hydrogen compounds as they come out, chemically seperate them before they become Sulfuric Acid.... Ack, might as well burn children as a fuel source
  8. Yes... yes.... one of us... one of us.... There are 18 levels of membership. Who knows what they are... or where they live... yes, thanks Max.... I love the titles, with the exception... HTF do I get rid of the title "Bridge Bunny"???!!!??? :lol: :lol: Contribute to discussions. bah!
  9. damn, now i wish I had chosen the Diesel option for my VW...
  10. please don't think I was being mean... it had been a long night and your post was just so... vague.
  11. Yes... yes.... one of us... one of us.... There are 18 levels of membership. Who knows what they are... or where they live... yes, thanks Max.... I love the titles, with the exception... HTF do I get rid of the title "Bridge Bunny"???!!!??? :lol: :lol:
  12. OMFinG.... $1,200? well... shoot... I have a (get this, my neighbor loves it): Pre-September 11th Egg carton expiration date 9/7 (02) 6-egg carton coined as "terrorism free eggs" by my neighbor starting bid $400
  13. Thanks Graham for the wonderful scans.... I agree completely, that reactive armor is absol-freekin-lutely amazing
  14. sorry, guess you didn't catch the note of sarcasm
  15. pages... words... pictures.... page numbers
  16. Its all good Graham, no worries
  17. *looks at watch* *tap foot* *looks at watch* ok, show us the goods already
  18. while I'm glad to see we have Custom titles.... HTF do I get rid of "Bridge Bunny"????????!!!!!!!!?????????
  19. While I an NOT a hentai fan, I saw the director's cut. The "hentai" scenes do add a component to understanding the story, the "assassin" part of the story was excelent and is what draws me to the story. If there is an "edited" version, I need to see if I can find it. Comparing it to "The Professional", or comparing it to "le'fem Nakita" (SP?) I think is very fitting, IMHO. Now if I could find a pistol that was selectable between explosive ammunition and traditional, I'd be in Heaven
  20. Boinger, I'm turning into a FLCL (that is one f'd up show) fan, let me know how big the files are (non-video files). I could probably host them for you.
  21. while from a "assault" standpoint I agree, more room for more weapons to be aimed on target.... but from a defensive standpoint, you really want to make as small of a target as possible for enemies to hit.
  22. hey don't think I was mad about not finding a complete Mac+ box... I have Photoshop Skillz, and a high rez 11x17 flatbed... just nothing to scan, and had no money to buy something to scan. I think you guys have been doing excelent work, I love the Macross Case and I wish I could afford one to go along with the Mac+ case I'm going to order. I love the current Mac+ design, keep up the good work!
  23. omg omg omg omg.... :looks at checking balance online: egads 3200y shipping??? more than half the cost of the toy.... ACK!
  24. if Ali is working with the kind of sub files I think he is working with... not hard to edit them per'se... the pain in the Arse comes in getting the timing right... trimming off .33 seconds at the begining could throw off one single sub a hour into the film... so you have to watch it again, find the sub then add in either a delay or lengthen how long a sub shows for... then watch it again to see if any other subs were thrown off It took me an hour to resync the sub to a single episode of Macross... all because the subs for ep 2 didn't account for the proper length of the opening, also didn't account properly for lenght of time the person actually spoke. if the sub only shows for 1.25seconds but the person actually spoke for 5seconds... the next series of subs start to show, it looks horrid. but if you can get the subs down to within 1/10th of a second of when they are actually spoken (also disapperaing appropriately within 1/10sec) the mind will fool you and they "appear" to be in sync. ROCK on Ali
  25. :shake fist: I haven't been on the boards in like a month.... and still no Mac+ Box?? WTF
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