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Everything posted by Southcross

  1. darn... I so wish I had pictures of the stuff I used to build
  2. Unless they have obscenely low instore prices, it would probably be about $50-60 for that set. 399563[/snapback] how many discs to the FX release are we talking about?
  3. you found a DVD for this OVA series between your seats?? http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=3233 I really don't want to know who/how/or why.... If you get disc 1 or 3, let us know how it goes.... there only appear to be 3 episodes, only 12 people that have seen it have posted opinions on ANN. Looks interesting... assuming its just an "adult" rating, and it isn't a full blow Hentai vid
  4. no personal comments on the series... YET! I haven't picked up a copy yet. But you can get the whole series from ANIMEniacs for about the same cost as one of the "normal" box sets. http://www.animeniacs.com/item/DVD2007.html
  5. I was at ANIMEniacs yesterday... picked up the Dynamite 7 OVAs & Movie, but I do not see the TV series on their shelf.... dang $45 at discountanimedvd.com this same set would be $16 at ANIMEniacs
  6. threatening to send letters to wives/girlfriends/bankruptcy court on where the money really is going?
  7. hola crapola.... just been trolling around on the ANN website... check out the work history on the voice actress for Marlene Angel a lot of titles (even just minor roles) that pop off the screen... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ople.php?id=281 http://www.aoni.co.jp/talent/0460903.html Scheiße! She was the original japanese voice actor for Rose Thomas in Full Metal Alchemist?!? (Rose Thomas)
  8. I googled "Man Faye"... I'm blind now
  9. woh!!! this one looks like it may be quite interesting when its finished... http://daveschool.com/mechwarrior/index.html
  10. darn it.. I wish people wouldn't use Quicktime! Quicktime was awesome back in the day, until Apple got the bright idea of wanting to charge EVERYONE to use it... so the "free" version is full of "please buy/upgrade me" garbage. $30 to make the "buy me crap" go away, I'd paypal them $1 just to end the freeware-ads. Not to mention an obtrusive tray icon/app that was a memory hog and buggy even when inactive... and the only way you could disable it was to use RegEdit and delete the Run event (and do this every single time you "have" to use the quicktime player/plugin, because it would re-create the entry). EDIT---- Quicktime 7 you can now disable the tray icon Not to mention that Quicktime Player for PC is 21 frackin Megs! [/Rant] beyond that... OMFG! this is good I think they have a future in the industry
  11. completely understand.... but condeming the whole series: "I completely and utterly despise this show" just because you don't like a few episodes (admitedly, the ending is supposed to be a big part of any show). If that were the case I would DESPISE EVERY ANIME I watch (due to an ending, a bad episode, a character)... Cowboy Bebop... Evangelion.... Macross... Robotech.... Trigun... and countless others. If ya' hate the ending, state so... everyone else has But those first 20 episodes are incredible IMO, and the first 11... I could watch them over and over and over and over again EDIT---- should also add... I have yet to see the Movie, so I don't know if the ending was changed or not.
  12. WTF? I'm gonna go wash my eyes with Lava soap and a scouring pad!
  13. Oh... I have a message into a guy I know that has contacts in Hong Kong (the kind of peeps that produce Music CDs and Anime DVDs )... I pointed out that the OSTs are no longer made, people may have an interest in buying them, etc... hopefully something will come of it
  14. my (and a lot of other peoples) complaint is how the last episode was done, "rushed" is one common word used to describe it. The ending should really be turned into an OVA (like Evangelion) or an additional two to three episodes.... anywaysies I do NOT want to give away anything about the story itself it has all the good points of Anime: Love, Hate, violence, mecha, nudity and mild sexual content If your offended by animated sexual content, you won't miss much of the story (only some character building) by skipping episode 15 I can get seriously involved in the anime I'm watching... this is one of series you don't know whether to be pissed off, sad, or happy... 'cause you mood will change in about 2-3 minutes. Oh and not to mention, a very dark and powerful score to fit every episode/event/action sequence... like any good anime should
  15. what ever.... not going to get into the flame war about why XYZ anime is underrated and what ABC can do with themselves here is track 7 from OST 2 Rondo Gate. "Death Tech" EDIT... corrected url probably one of my favorate songs that stands out every time I watch the series... I think its near the end of episode 4 if memory serves me correctly... anywaysies.... if you listen to the whole song, after the initial 10-15s of audio I hear "popping", but it may be my ears/stereo playing tricks on me.
  16. speaking in general.... taking any anime series you liked... if you wanted to find others you "might" like... do you guys look at the: Director? Screenplay Writer? Original Creator? Other? Sometimes when I look at the works between the three... I get widely different types of Anime... just trying to get an idea of where I might focus my next paycheck or two on
  17. Listened to OST I while I was at work today.. a little less Manic than normal... maybe the "popping" I heard was just perceived. :shrug: I'm at home now and listening to all the MP3s I DL'd on my stereo (burned to CD). So far so good, if all turn out ok, I'll share them the Blue Gender soundtrack has a lot of treble to bass "bursts" that are kinda hard to distinguish from popping.... the soundtrack is very dark and "heavy metal-ish" gawd I love it
  18. Same MP3s that I noticed the popping in
  19. dang... I need to keep up with the news... from ANN.. never knew they were making a "new" transformers movie. Bernie Mac playing a character in the Movie?
  20. Graham!!!! Check this Shiz out.... Blue Gender "action" figures in sizes from 6" to 25" coming out soon http://www.southernisland.com/bg.htm I have already made contacts with ANIMEniacs.com, they may be able to get them when they come out but dang! $120 a disc? I did manage to get my hands on some MP3s, but the really good songs have "popping"
  21. Anyone? The word I got on another board is that the OSTs are out of print... I would really like to get my hands on them
  22. When I look at a list of who did what for a series... like this example from Anime News Network for the series Blue Gender... do you find that its better to follow the works done by the Director, the Screenplay writer, or the Original creator?
  23. dang.. I thought those were nice when they came out
  24. I found a few japanese sites/references to the OSTs... 3 releases? dang! >Blue Gender Dope Gate Original Soundtrack 1 >Blue Gender Rondo Original Soundtrack 2 >Blue Gender Open Gate Original Soundtrack 3 But I can't seem to find a dealer selling them... wish I could read Japanese, using babelfish on every google hit is just annoying I even tried egay, though I find it odd that of all countries that are NOT listed, eBay Japan?
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