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Everything posted by Southcross
You coud probably modify a dirtbike helmet to make one
DAMN! I had no idea that airsoft was so finely and accuratly detailed. The only drawback that I have learned through "research" is how short range and relatively inaccurate they are at extended ranges. The sniper rifle is nice, but they really really need to find a way to up the range. Maybe propel the plastic ball with say... a 17 Rem cartidge would double the effective range, and be lethal at about 12" Nice M41A pulse rifle, where they heck did you buy that? EDIT------ correct me if I'm wrong... its a Thompson with a "conversion" kit on it to make it a pulse rifle??
nah, its can't be... 1/200th scale would make it 4.42" tall... unless... the pictures were done really close up. That, and there is an aweful lot of detail for such a small scale. then again what do I know... thats why I'm asking
*gasp* too bad I can't read Japanese.... can someone tell me if it says this is a scratch-built that someone did? Or an actual production toy? Impressive Monster Model(s)
how did I double post? lol
Netflix has Plus and II? hmmm maybe I should consider subscribing
Thanks Imode, thats a site I have yet to find. Had what I was looking for, and I quote: "In 2040 AD, reckless Valkyrie pilot Lt. Isamu Dyson is involved in a battle against renegade Zentradi in an asteroid field." Added that site to my favorites
Macross Plus question.... I have watched and re-watched my Episode 1... I don't recognise the enemy mecha Isamu is fighting at the start of the episode. Is it Zentran, Meltron, some other enemy?
Flashback 2012? Thats a new one to me... I still haven't seen 7 yet, but maybe I need to find Flashback... dunno... I wish these were easier to find, I don't personally know any Anime buffs I could borrow it (or anything) from. Scrolling back up I see pFunk mentioned it, its still a new one to me...
Thanks for the bump, very interesting read. Having been of the "Robotech" generation, I understood that it (Robotech) was a combination of three different Anime stories "perverted" from their original story to make enough eppisodes to get a syndication in the US. Although I (up untill the last few years) never knew the correlation of one "Macross" to the other... Like II being a tangent story and really having no place in the "real" timeline. Several years ago I came across Macross II in a video rental store. I rented it and I was so disappointed. Now that I have learned its place in things, I wish I could see it again.
/emote pinky to corner of mouth and make DR Evil laugh "for 100 Trillion Dollars I can build it" Ok for real, my brain is hurting... found out the source I was looking at to make a scale drawing... well the scale was distorted or stretched width wise by atleast 20%... so I have to go re-scale the drawing to make it a "to-scale" drawing. Otherwise I'm going to wind up with a Monster that is wider than it is tall (and that aint right). Also doesn't help my first "blueprint" was drawn on a gross miscalculation... somehow *bang forehead on desk* I got 9.75m to equal 944in... almost 3 times bigger than the real dimension of 383.86in (must of hit the wrong button on my Calc) I gonna do a writeup and some sketches, then post my Idear on the Model forum.
Sorry I don't have a specific comment about painting "camo". A good source I have seen many aricles about painting Camo schemes on planes is Fine Scale Modeler If I come across a copy of FSM that has a "camo painting" article, I can scan it for you. is Acrobat 5 PDF format ok? The trick as I can remember is you make the base coat then you airbrush a diluted "secondary" color over the base coat. Airbrush is an artform... I'm still trying to master it myself.
Ack! I never thought about making it move...hmmm that would be kind of a toughy. I was thinking more of a display model. Though I could be really dastardly and dig into my research papers and books from when I was an Engineering Major. Theoretically I could use a heavy high-speed Gyro, maybe two of them... and with the help of some heavy-duty RC model motors, I bet I could make it even walk (well presuming I make it light enough)
Actually what I would like to see (heck If I can find the right resources, I WILL build one). 1/33 scale Mac II Monster 26.8" tall 49" Long w/Barrel 11.63" wide true scale weight 10.37lbs The only question I will have to post one day to the Models forum is what would be the best construction. I used to be a machinist.... doing it in stainless steel or 440 aluminum (either polished up or nickel plated) would look awesome and be a piece of cake for me. Althogh it would weigh a freekin ton
Interesting Zentradi website...
Southcross replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Movies and TV Series
Ack!! oh... there it is... burried under the Japanese pages. Interesting, but somehow I pictured her wearing a thong.... but oh well, one can fantasize right? now on a different note, what size would she be at 60 feet tall... size quadruple-Z? -
Finally got to watch Mac 0, my 1st impressions
Southcross replied to JKeats's topic in Movies and TV Series
I took another look at my vids.... oh ya, never really payed enough attention to the "explosions" themselves, it is noticable... but I don't think its distracting from the general animation or the story line. I agree, but again I don't think it necessarily detracting. I hope they plan to do more than the what, 5 or 6 episodes. Even if its a different Macross story... I want more doh almost forgot... I hate working... its distracting me... What are the supposed release dates for 4 and 5? Has there been any word about a box set, "movie" compolation, inflatable Sawa? -
thanks F360 (the original post was from a few days ago, this had turned into a flame thread that wouldn't go away), I'm looking at the site right now! Thanks for the info on the "box" set, I'm gonna look at it. finally someone who isn't feeding the flame! For you flame feeders, I hate to smack thee with the good old Websters Dictionary: fo·rum ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fôrm, fr-) n. pl. fo·rums, also fo·ra (fôr, fr) -The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business. -A public meeting place for open discussion. -A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program. -A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation. -A court of law; a tribunal. FYI to all those that don't seem to get it. If you post a "negative" to a flame post you just make the flame build higher. If you post a "positive" or heck even a "neutral" the flame goes away. I was irritate, yes, so I posted again... and yes that was "my bad" For those that are new to reading my posts I am generaly long winded and I go into detail. I don't write like I'm talking to a Fifth grader. It comes down to are your reading it for the "intended" meaning or just looking at the words. I want to Thank Cannon Royale (Grand Cannon), F360 for actualy giving me information. And thanks go out to KingNor, I agree, your right.... but I am an old school board poster and a recovering chat room addict. I firmly believe in the use of Forums for: "A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program." I have a deep dislike for sensorship, forums are moderated for a reason and I agree.... FYI the word "Bootleg" does not appear *anywhere* on the FAQ site. c:\flame.exe -off -f:"c:\my documents\because this is getting poinless.txt" now I'm gonna ask a mod to lock this. If you want to talk about the differences between the versions or any good buys out there for the Macross Plus vids... Please PM me
Anubis, exactly what I said except, the 16" (406mm) guns look about right. The barrels more than double the overall length of the Mecha.
oh kewl.... does it come with "Kung-Fu action grip?" OMG I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT... LOL if Unicron was the same diameter as lets say the earth it would be approx 1/132,000,000 scale... LMAO
Ok, got me on the dual Bifors chest rocket launchers... completely forgot about them. but as for the "Gun" armaments, all the specs I have seen on them have them rated as "inadequate" their relative damage compared to other mecha (friend or foe) is extremely lacking. 12.7mm or 50cal (.5 inches AP (steel core inside of a copper shell)) compared to the 50mm (2inch) Gat on the Valks firing depleated Uranium rounds... 32mm AA is another liability, 32mm (1.5 inch) AA has a very slow rate of fire and are a fragmentation type of ammunition... great for shooting down B-17s and kamazis in WWII... but little to no penetration. The Laser was rated as feable. Flame thrower was meant for "population control" as well as the grenade launcher (again no penetration power, come now its a grenade). Now the Mauler anti-aircraft laser, I gonna have to look that up cause I don't remember it. From a armor defeating purpsose the 50mm DU ammunition is nearing the same level of penetration that the American Abrams tank has fireing Discarding Sabot AP rounds (also 2" once the Sabot is discarded). The 50mm round will actually be more accure do to the spiral rifleing vs the DSAP rounds are finned kind of like a mini high-speed 'glider'. Lasers (depending on the type of energy used, but this is assuming a Light laser) against armor have a "time on target factor" The damage from a laser is generate by its heat on a single spot and not instantanious damage. The missles are generaly of a Thermo-nuclear design and are rated on a Kilo-ton basis for their damage (talkin' Uber damage to all but the heavily armored cruisers). The Grapplers... is he gonna go ride piggy-back on something? FYI I used to be a military nut.... explains why I'm in love with the MacII Monster and the Valks *will edit or add more if I can think of anything, I'm at work and should be doing something
I'm thinking in Tactical terms. If they had given it a gun pod like the Valks.... I would completely change my view. IMO it was an excelent CD Mech (not likely to take out a whole block of Macross City in combat) vs lets say a Monster or a Phalax. As for close combat, all the Destroids were cannon fodder. The only mecha that actualy got a fighting chance in close combat were the battleroids. Now in close combat a Spartan vs an Unarmed Zentran(Zentreadi) warrior... ok fair enough... that would be an interestingly close match. Now if it did come as part of the "Multi-Pack" heck ya I would still buy it... its just not on my wish list.
I've decided... I'm just going to stop eating all together to be able to buy one
Finally got to watch Mac 0, my 1st impressions
Southcross replied to JKeats's topic in Movies and TV Series
Now, please don't get me wrong... I'm speaking not in generality, but as "this was my first impression of CG" I Have learned to embrase CG, but... BUT... the original CGIs I have/had problems with when they came out and I still can't seem to enjoy them. Now as an example the Toy Story movies (please forgive my leaving the Anime genra), I love them (own the "Toy Box" DVD collectors edition) but if you view any of the decade old CGI animations they did... OMG they suck a$$ my specific example is "Tin Toy", I don't care if they won an award for it. Their animation and design of the "infant" (if you can call that flatchulent blob a realistic "infant") was horrible. -
hmmm interesting site, has sheet music for many Anime songs: animescores.com
Ghadrack, very interesting pic. horribly blurry, but interesting. Now, I'm currious... it might be the depth of field, the fuzzyness, the angle.... but why is there a Mac-0 sign sitting in front of it? Also, comparing it to the guy's/gal's sholder in the background is kinda missleading... having been a photographer for more than a decade, the depth of field is so far off on that pic you can't scale it to anything in the background. Secondly I do have a problem if thats the mold proto-type... the arms on the monster appear to be way too long for its body (I will have to look at my materials to check the "scale")