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Everything posted by Southcross

  1. There was already a M0 post you should of added this to the thread. There are always going to be animation faux pas, thats what happens when you have several animators working on different parts of the sequence. One animator doesn't realize the other didn't draw in the missles, insignia, etc. Its gonna happen, some are down right blatent, others you really have to watch closely to see. "to many cooks sturing the pot" I don't hold those SNAFU's against the story, I have seen enough as it is in Macross and other mainstream Anime's. I'm in it for the story not to pick out irregularities. But Que Sara...
  2. Huh? Dude...u can bash M7 for anything, but don't bash M7's J-pop/J-rock. It pwnz j00!! Wolfx, dont' get me wrong. I'm not bashing all the Mac7 music. But here is my prime example: ¡KÇGÇNÇP Ç`Ç~ÇÏ¡Ð!! (sorry I don't have an English translation of the name)... its worse IMHO than the Macross Plus song Tepee off the "Macross Plus: for fans only" Album. FYI when you have been drinking the song Tepee coming on can be hysterical and annoying at the same time. Makes me wish that song was arround when I was in college
  3. Well, we've seen how Toynami's 'prototypes' compare to their 'production' toys. So, I think it's safe to say this is the best we'll see. A clear canopy might be an improvement, but that's if they throw. Ack! if this is as good as its gonna get?!? I haven't changed my mind. If they improve the seams and make a "real" canopy/cockpit... then thats a different story. I consider it a wait and see.. HG has enough of my money as it is, I think I need to give more to BW
  4. On second thought... if this were say... a prototype, the final version being "perfecct" that might be a different story.
  5. Ack! I'm blinded Toynami is not known for making the best Valks/Toys... and to charge $80 to boot... not sure to even a Robotech collector (and a true Macross collector) like myself would want to *puke* up that much money for one. If it came with a bunch of addl stuff... DVDs or CDs... Robotech Battlecry II for PS2 (if there was such a thing). Or was about half that price, I might consider it.
  6. I personally am not a Hentai fan, If I wanted pr0n I would go buy pr0n. But I thought Kite was interesting. Some of the memorable scenes... - *minor spoilers* - - - - - - - - - - - - - When she was getting her @ss wooped in that mens room doing that hit. The scene where the boy got hit in the back with the basket ball. The exploding bullets... they ROCK! though, the scenes where the the guy would get shot in the head and not die instantly?!? (who thought that up? hello McFly? Put a bullet in your grey matter and your not going to stand there with a bewildered look on your face, your dead.) Then suddenly the three bullets he got hit with detonate... wow Then there are those marble sized grenades the boy had, where can I get one? 2010 wishlist... miniture grenades and one of those dual mode pistols
  7. Well all those fall into the main genre of anal discharge, and that music type was covered in M7. Woohoo!!! can we say Spanish Christian Polka!!! I normaly love the Macross soundtracks, Mac7 can get pretty bad though. for what the mid 90s?? some of the music is as bad at the crap that came out in the early 80s
  9. As long as they are good subtitles... i.e. progress at a readable rate, make freekin' sense.... they really aren't to big of a deal. I have seen some pretty bad subtitles. Ones that progressed so fast that I was forced to pause my DVD player many times to read them (Usually cheap imports). I have also seen bad translations that read like it was written by a redneck highschool drop out. Now I haven't seen the specific eppisode (or movie?) (I think its mentioned somewhere on MW) of a few episodes of Macross that were so badly translated that "you should go get a cup of coffee, by the time you come back the subtitles should make sense"
  10. hehe same here POA... now I'm the offical Pest everyone wants to flame Welcome to MW
  11. awesome thanks ewilen
  12. Its burried under a bunch of Japanese pages. I had to litterally click on every link to find it. Sorry I don't have the URL.
  13. for the sake of trying to not go completely off topic... Espcially with non-region 1 DVDs floating arround. I saw a Deawoo "region free" DVD player for like $35 (does Pal and NTSC). Anyone have any personal information about it, or other similar DVD players? I already have a nice Panasonic, I would just like to have a DVD player than can do Pal, European and Asian DVDs.
  14. ROTFLMAO Personally I like Fire-proof vaults, your kid with a 12 guage couldn't open it Also again, no viewing collection. My design for a display shelf (will need some tweaking, but basically here it is). Take an office depot/officemax/Staples $40 book shelf. Using matching 1/2" (12.7mm) molding, cut pieces to fit inside of the shelf compartment (top/bottom/sides). Install with glue and finishing nails .75" (19mm) back. Install Glass panes (I would suggest that the corners be croped by about 1/4" (prevents the corners from snapping, also allows easy removal with a pen, and the glass to be 1/8" smaller than the shelf opening). Cut two more pieces (per shelf) of 1/2" molding for the top and bottom. Install (holding glass to back molding) with screws (don't glue and nail!). Now here is where you can get creative, use 3" crown molding around the top and bottom. Any other idears?
  15. Shouldn't the inverse of this also apply??? I've got a solution Want to have kids at the price of having your prized Valks damaged... here's a thought... sell them Rascals on the blackmarket! And I'm not talking about the Valks A healthy child on the blackmarket could fetch $50,000+ Imagine all the Valks and customs you could buy with that!?! :salivate: No? hmmm... Here is a thought, for you people who have yet to have kids.... Kids cost nothing to make... They cost you money once they are made and proceed to get more and more expensive. A lot of the time they become more and more worthless (kind of like a cheap import car, i.e. Yugo). Valks can cost a bit to get... have little or NO upkeep cost... and they become more and more valuable (they also don't steal cars, do drugs, murder you in your sleep). a $.15 condom vs an infinatly expensive child destroying your $xxxx.xx colection of Valks
  16. Ya, those are the ejection boosters... one to push you out of the canopy area... the other to keep you clear of the stabilizers and any flying debris as your Valk disintegrates.
  17. Woohoo!!! I hear that! brings me back... *tears wellup in eyes* I miss it so. Now I sit at work dreaming of going back to those days.
  18. Well I'm sure that "hand inking" probably went out more than a decade ago. But, I'm also sure they are done in basically the same mannor using a drawing app like Adobe Illustrator, Quark, etc (maybe some kind of proprietary drawing app). Not a 3D, computer generated image.
  19. Kewl, they are $5.43... but you have to buy several to hope to get what you want? ack! FYI the date at HLJ is April 04 Release
  20. hmmmm....Misa or Sawa.... thats a toughy, gonna have to order both
  21. ok, now thats plain evil. Like it, but still its plain evil
  22. I prefer to threaten life and limb (explains my amputation idear )
  23. Impressive color scheme on the Legioss, love the base. Need to find an Invid soldier and make a Diarama
  24. very impressive.... I'd love to get my hands on them to do some hi-rez scans. they just cry to have Adobe PDFs made of them How many different ones do you have?
  25. Ever thought of amputating the arms? hehe but seriously, I too am adding glass "doors" to my bookshelf. If I ever get my sketches done, I'll post them. Each shelf will have its own glassfront.
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