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Everything posted by Southcross

  1. Yes. If either one of the engines were lost or exploded one of the following would happen: http://manuals.macrossmecha.info/vf1/fact/accom/escsys/ HFS Nanashi! Your information as always... ROCKS! EDIT---- re-read the site at home, was reading it before at work... let me refraise what I said OMG Nanashi.... HFS do you ROCK! absolutly amazing information
  2. Thanks Nightbat if everyone was like you my 2nd/3rd post probably would not have become a 3 page flame thread. A newbie to this board is not going to know 1. who Shawn or Graham is (well unless they see the index.htm page ) 2. let alone what Shawn or Graham have said about "posts" 3. know any of the "rules", of which I am testiment to being mod spanked for a rule that was not even on the FAQ. There are a lot of (to many) rude posters, I agree completely with "answer the question... provide a link... and let the mods lock the post if necessary" But again, I say if its a pinned message on one of the boards and you post a message asking the about the same topic... you "open" yourself to ridicule. FYI the search feature, if you don't realize how its set up, won't return shiznit.
  3. Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 7407 bytes) in /home/macrossw/www/mwf/sources/functions.php on line 1989
  4. this is Macross"world" not Macross"database" the VF-19 is still in the shadows, it's coming but that's all we know forget about a 1/48 version, that's just rumours of fanboys dreaming "maybe" has never been for sale The search option is to be used so as to NOT take up space by overkilled topics, such as the yf-19fp. Its been stated by Shawn. Its been stated by the Moderators. Use the search option first. If you can't find an answer, then post. ...............End of line.............. The problem with that is... if there are no new "interesting" posts... why bother reading.. posting... or even coming here? My feeling is that unless its pinned or up on the first few pages of topics... its fair game to post a new thread. What good does it do (IMO) to post a message on something that's been dead for 6 months. Opinions change, products change, news can change, etc... If its a "Duh" question, like the person who posted about HG (when its pinned).. I can understand then that you want to biyatch slap the person.
  5. To put it simply, yes. For for more details see: http://manuals.macrossmecha.info/vf1/valkyrie_fuel.html ack! kewl read thanks Nanashi... never knew that, though I was wondering how "air" was going to be used in the engines "reaction" in space.
  6. No, Harmony Gold does indeed hold the rights outside of Japan to the original SDF Macross. They can't create a new series using the characters, but they can develop merchandise based upon the series. my bad... good to know... EDIT--- let me clerify... its not "good", but for my information/knowlege its good
  7. figure that out and you become the worlds most powerful and rich person, instantly. gass companys and oilfeild owners would take out contracts on your head. wars would be fought over the technology. Gas and Oil compies will talk to their State Representative... who ever is on their payroll that month... have the reactor designated a WMD and it would never see the light of day
  8. They also have this listed on the RT.com store: Macross Visor Now... I'm not sure how this classifies... it does not say Robotech, nor SDF-1 (which by HG license can still be RT)... but just "Macross" and the description says "UN Spacy" logo.. not RT logo... Isn't this item is also questionable?
  9. Now I'm thinking positively and of course speculatively... Its possible that BW said to HG: "Ok, you winey little Biyatch! We will let you market DYRL, DYRL ONLY... you have 6 monthes to make something of it. If you murder it in the market place, its all on you, you take the loss and the fan backlash. If you succeed in appeasing the fans, makeing new fans, and don't go bankrupt (with how much money your going to have to pay us)... We'll talk about letting you license other Macross works." Or... your probably very very right... HG is testing BW to see just how far they can go before BW snaps.. goes Manic... and drops a bomb of a "Reactive" lawsuit against them. I'd love to read the Cease and Disist order. Might explain the pre-order.... making it "appear" available for preorder to give plenty of time to cancel it if BW pursues, or continue and make money. Problem is I also see HG making a huge stink if BW forces HG to cancel it. saying something like "BW doesn't want the US market to have Macross" or some other load of crap.
  10. buddy... pal... share?
  11. Midgar... maybe... Also kind of reminds me of the "lost" Proculture city from DYRL, though its been a while sinse I have seen the movie.
  12. That actually sounds pretty good. Word! I would kill to see an entire movie in jive... and Pootie Tang was only mostly jive, so it doesn't count. From Airplane! That was actually Macek's first draft.... Thats fricken hillarious... I think you made my day
  13. LMAO! I actualy missed it the first time I looked at it. Well I'm sure some RT fan that doesn't know schiznit is looking at it going... oooo an Orange Valk.... I must have it
  14. Most likely because the Valks were meant for space flight... and space is the source of all the "exotic" natural radiation. The Crew compartments/Cockpits are probably shielded.
  15. Minmay on a MP3 CD is standard issue right? Or did they start cloning "Mini-Minmays"?
  16. LOL....not true. The 1/55 is a very tough toy. Graham my old vf1j's arm broke of rather easily. they can be fragile in soem areas. wel I had th eoirignal vf1j not th ebandai reissue. Well didn't his mom tell him that he will go blind... or his arm will fall off if he keeps doing that? Yeah. But that did nto stop you either so you should not be talking. lol. j./k serisoly the arm at teh sholder wehre itis attached othe bodey god loose then snapped off. Ya I have the same problem... my doctor told me years ago that I would need shoulder surgery. How does your Valk cope with the hairy palms??
  17. Visit Nanashi's website it has a nice "technical" writeup on the Valk Engines: Nanashi and the Macross Compendium
  18. LOL....not true. The 1/55 is a very tough toy. Graham my old vf1j's arm broke of rather easily. they can be fragile in soem areas. wel I had th eoirignal vf1j not th ebandai reissue. Well didn't his mom tell him that he will go blind... or his arm will fall off if he keeps doing that?
  19. VF-0 from Macross Zero Ep 1-3 (4,5?) they run on conventional fuel All later models (that I am aware of) run on "nuclear" propultion
  20. Yep the VF-1A "brown", aka "Canon Fodder"
  21. Egads! I would so love to just play it for a few hours... what a lot of headache for a PC game... Wasn't there a hack to change the Japanese to English, or am I thinking of something else? Oh, btw.. haven't said this lately... HG blows
  22. Ya, coming from a TF? Well I guess its as believable as taking the word of any politician it all depends on who you ask. (Robotech <> Macross <> Transformers) > Reality
  23. Good lord that's a lot of desktop icons. I like the quicklaunch bar, personally. Why won't they crank out a 1/48 CF already ha! I have more Icons on my desktop
  24. OK I have a little more difinitive information regarding the "carpet bombing" stealth fighter Actualy Its the stealth bomber, I made the same mistake myself: Basically, a bunch of us were wrong... and right... but mostly wrong This reply I got to my e-mail just made me go WOW
  25. Well if you read the "Child proofing" your collection thread... I bet the average 4yo could probably do it without foreign objects I agree my 1/55 bandai is a tank
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