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Everything posted by to177

  1. Hey Jesse, nice collection of the Club-M kit! Man, wish I didn't traded my 1/72 Yf-21, VF-11, and YF-19 kit now. Oh well, guess the 1/48 will have to do.
  2. Thanks VF-19 for the info! to177
  3. Very nice kit! Please add me down for one! to177
  4. I don't know if this have been discussed here already, but I'm gonna give it a shot. My vf-11b hip and leg part are broken off. Is there any solutions which I can do to fix it? It would be nice if we can still order parts from Yamato, but that doesn't seem like the case. Anyways, I've provided a pic of what I'm referring to. to177
  5. thanks Anubis..I'll do that. to177
  6. *MOD - If i'm in the wrong area, please remove* Don't know if anyone can help me, but I'm gonna give it a shot. I have a problem with my Vf-11 toy. The part where the hip and leg are connect, are broken off. What should I do...anyone? I've provided a pic for you to see what I'm referring to. Thanks in advance. to177
  7. wow, that's a huge Evangelion gun in the background!
  8. Lots of props goes out to Anasazi37, Jung, Kurt & all custom builders in here! You guys do great job! Keep them coming please! to177
  9. Neova, Thx for looking bro! to177
  10. Any chance you guys have 1/72 YF-21 decals sheet laying around you can hook a brother up? Mine was MIA when I received it from Ebay. Please PM me, Thx!
  11. Hi Rob, Please put me down for 2! Thank you! to177
  12. to177

    yamato sdf-1?

    1/4000 scale would be nice too. Similar to the Yellow Sub resin kit. And definetly yes if it transfrom and come as die-cast.
  13. to177


    LOL...it's just like a strip tease w/ the viewer's wondering what's underneath. Must be the Low-Vis though.
  14. Can you give us close up of the face. I gotta see that face in details and please tell us how you went about it. thanks!
  15. I painted Rohby's recast hands for my Low -Vis using Orchard Supplies primer grey. Then i spayed a gloss clear coat on it. I tried gun metal grey, too dark..this is kinda of light though but close. to177
  16. Thanks Anthony. I'll look for their info and give it to you on Monday. That would be sweet if you drop by and lay the smack down on them.
  17. San Jose, CA... Bay Area!
  18. Excellent custom bro! Should submit this to Yamato so they can get a clue
  19. Hey Jesse, please put me down for 2 of the 1/72 Valk Booster and 1 Destroid. Thanks!
  20. I agreed with ya Neova...D'stance YF-21 is awesome. Blows away the SHE kit. FYI, animebox sent me a pic sample of one of their recast for quality and details purposes. Unfortunately, it's not the pic of the 1/48 YF-21. You guys make the call on it.
  21. Thanks for all your input guys. let me start by apologizing to anyone who I may offend with this thread. My intentions was just to help MWer who had the same interest. I did not want to start a recasting frenzy in this community. Guess i should of change my description to be less agressive or more of a survey first? Anyways...that was my only concerns with animebox was how well they gonna reproduce this kit. VF-1s Alpha is gonna send a few pic of his 1/48 YF-21 for comparison next week. I would love to have Carl or one of MWer take on the project...just dont' want to be a burden to anyone though. But if animebox does not come through, then hopefully after the VB6 project, the YF-21 would be next. "D'Stance Perfect Variable"!? AHH..think I've cummed in my pants
  22. Una Mas!
  23. I was able to find this on Super Plastic Model Manual vol 2. Hope this helps. to177
  24. Hi Shawn, It was I who created that thread. Your point is clear and my apologies if I have caused any havoc in this community My intention was of no mean to be rude or disrespectful to anyone in any way for my selfish purposes. I figured there was so many of us who had the same interests, that we can help each other out. Unfortunately, sometimes it leads to the issue of "recast" with a kit that rare. If you feel I'm out of line, plz just tell me...and I'll chill out Thanks for the awesome site and community I cherish so much. to177
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