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Everything posted by Your_number1_fan

  1. yuppers, i've given it alot of thought and am going to go with the bandai 1/55. after reading some of the "holy grail" posts, and the replys to this thread, i just feel that this is going to give me what i desire. once i find a job, hopefully soon, i'll look into increasing the collection some more. i really like the design of the yamato Elin... the jet with a radar dish on it anyways thanks for all the replies and help guys. i've bookmarked all the sites listed and am gathering funds together as i type (multi-tasking!) Your_Number1_Fan-- will try to help return the favor to any of you guys in the future
  2. well, it doesn't have anything to do with macross or robotech, but this holds a large chunk of money err heart. Dancouga! lets just say that its the most expensive model/toy that i own. cost more then my PG gundam zaku 2(char's color). if you want something macross related... hmmm. i only have 4 model/toys. probably my fire-valk re-issue from bandai. just looks really cool in all modes, even though its really brick-ish. soon it will be the 1/55 Brown cannon fodder valk. i can't wait!! Your_Number1_Fan
  3. wow guys thanks for the help! i really like the bandai being able to attach the gun to his arm...but he can't have the gun under his jetmode? so, okay the Toynami Masterpiece looks really nice and is the same price as the bandai, however instead of cannon fodder i can get a Max, or Mira version (in the robotech video game, the mech i'm flying is red, so that might be pretty cool) so... how well do they hold up compared to bandai? are these more on the "model" side or the "toy" side? how stable are they? the bandai with ratchet joints sounds like it shouldn't have any stability issues, so thats a major plus. question about bandai and the toynami, while in jet modes, can you turn it upside down and not have the backpack thing fall towards the ground? the toynami also has the super parts as an add-on down the road, are they good? ie- they stay on in all modes while flying across the room/desk? thanks again guys Your_Number1_Fan
  4. hey thanks guys for the replies! you've both really helped me out in this choice. I'm leaning more on the Bandai right now. i've got all kinds of toys/models etc around my computer and while watching tv, movies, etc find myself transforming them or putting them into different poses. it sounds like the bandai will stand up to that better then the yamato (plus i won't have to worry about the extra parts that need to be removed/added ie- the leg plugs, parts for super mode). and the fact that the bandai is $10 cheeper helps too lol (can't wait until i'm outa school with a good job. 1/48s will still be around then, hopefully, and will have probably dropped in price too!) thanks again guys Your_Number1_Fan
  5. Hello I figured the best place to get questions about macross toys would be at the website macrossworld, so here i am. I just bought the video game "robotech battle cry" for the PS2, and it has thrown me back into the robotech saga all the while implanting the need/desire of a transfroming jet fighter! So, i've gone around looking and found out that bigbadtoystore has a sale going on right now, which is really good as i'm in school with very very limited funds at the momment. A couple of years ago I got the yamato VF1S Hikaru Ichijo... i think... well its red and it was the very first one they released if that helps. anyways while its a really cool toy it has alot of issues that drive me up the walls. here are the major issues i've got with it. 1. the backpack-- while in jet mode it is very very floppy. 2. the legs- they come off to make the robot mode with is fine, but it makes the middle... gerwalk?... mode unstable. the clasps are really loose so they don't say on very well at all. so.. back on track, i'm cought between two different toys and not sure which one is going to bring in the most enjoyment for the money. the Yamato Super VF-1J Max, would be really cool if the issues above have been fixed, plus it'll be my first macross jet with the "super" parts... or the Bandai VF-1A Brown Production , which i've heard is built like a brick. strong, yet not very poseable plus no super parts. (or, i just saw this link on bbts.com -->Masterpiece Vol. 4 VF-1J Max) can anyone give me some help with this choice or point me in the right direction of some reviews for both? thanks a ton for the time Your_Number1_Fan ps- while in the gerwalk? mode, can either of them have the gunpod attached ot their arm, instead of holding it in the hand?
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