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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. ditto
  2. This can be balmed on a little temprature rising in the water, whoch can be traced to global warming, which can be traced to past generations of humans polluting. Therefore by the transitive property (remember proofs in geometry?) The hurricaned can be blamed on Human kind, blame ur parents guys. WOOT WOOT P.S. what does Woot stand for and mean?
  3. I think cars should be left alone, they have inner-beauty too. Plus would you seriously go into public with that car? I mean go into new york with that crap and... Instead you should build a modle starwars car. I think the only cool one was the Darthmaul truck anaway.
  4. Allright this is the best combo. Cut up some potatoes ito small squares, then fry them in oil andleave it on high for like 10 minutes. Afer that turn off the stove and sprincle salt and your favorite spice on it. Try it, it only take like 15 mintues to make and it takes great! Also toast some bread, add some butter and WOW! I called it Bread and butter. But seriously try the potato fry.
  5. Man your avatar is awsome! Is the suit metal or cheap-ass plastic and it should come with a replica of the assualt rifle.
  6. I dont want to be a pessimist but think of all the money, It would take loads of money to build models and cities. They probably wont spen that much money on the EVA movie. People dont really like anime as much as they should so turning it into a movie would probably not happen,(I know there are execptions). I would love to see it as a movie but I wouldnt bet on it.
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