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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Just watched Break Blade 4. FUGGEN EPIC........where's 5?!?! ROARRR!!
  2. Hoshi o ou Kodomo, new work by makoto shinkai
  3. Slow to the party. Finished the game campaign mode. Overall its a good game but I feel that DS 1 was a way better game. DS 2 had potential to supercede DS 1 leaps and bounds but unfortunately it was the "same old" stuff. My qualms: 1.) the new and more unique necromorphs were not really used in the game. You only see them once/twice in the whole game. 2.) Story was not as epic as the 1s one, especially the "final boss". DS 1 had u battle a giant necromorph ending with u destroying the whole planet. This? Kinda meh. 3.) Transition between chapters felt abit cheap/tacked on. You get some cinematics on how you get from one part of Titan station to another but you don't really get a feel on where you're going or what you're doing. And frankly i don't feel like i'm in a giant space station. I feel like i'm on a planet cracker again. 4.) The Ishimura. While its cool that they put one chapter in it....I feel its pretty cheap since its reusing the same level design from the 1s game and you have to do that whole gravity centrifuge puzzle all over again. =.=;; 5.) There has always been a tentacle monster or something that chases u and pulls you in some cut scenes but in the end you never really encounter it or kill it. It just keeps pulling you out into space, where you have an interactive cut scene and u get shoved into another part of the station. In DS1 you eventually meet it and kill it, even shooting it in minigame with the ship's turrets. I know i got alot of complaints but generally i like the game. I'm just abit disappointed that it didn't improve on DS1.
  4. I'm loving the miku append and PO'ed. I'll get the PVC too!
  5. Ghost buster girl is out for preorder. A new movie-themed line from max factory. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/shop?vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=FIG-KAI-2550&template=e_review.html&set=english I'm not sure why the torn pants but meh....i'm not a real fan of shunya stuff.
  6. Well...it is one of the wordier anime but the dialogue in itself is its strongpoint. If its not your kinda thing well.... :/ And to second oihan, Madoka is getting darker by the minute. So awesomez.
  7. Cause its an OVA/theathrical release....the release dates are far between....i did mention how awesome it was. Haven't watched 4 yet...but 3 was awesome with that new armour stuff. I hope they reveal why rygart is able to pilot the delphine and how it got to where it was.
  8. Katanagatari (drat oihan beat me to it)
  9. Trademarks of Gen urobochi. Very dark stuff. Good lord latest ep came sorta out of nowhere....that death felt kinda rushed.
  10. Looks pretty awwesome to me
  11. Or rather will the absence of one be a spoiler for the 2nd movie?
  12. I hope there will be an Ozma version of the YF-29.
  13. I am confused. As far as the OVA is concerned, the mecha we know from EW have ALWAYS looked like that, WGZ with the wings and feathers, Heavy Arms with the quad gattling gun, etc. In other words there was no "upgrade" in the EW universe. So what you're saying is Katoki is trying to "patch" that up with his designs and say that "In EW, the mecha before the upgrades look like this...." and voila more new model kits from Gundam Wing. Did I get that right?
  14. Why do the arrows point from the VF-29 towards the VF-25? Is the VF-25 supposed to be a dumbed down VF-29 or something?
  15. I don't understand what all these new kits that says "EW VERSION" mean and where they come from since the Wing Gundam and Deathscythe H version never appeared in the EW OVA.
  16. Guy on left looks like old Apollo.
  17. Cuz Igloo is a story of men crying manly tears on the battlefield before they die?
  18. nice....not bad at all.
  19. Someone clearly needs some re-education *gets ready lynch*
  20. The final scene after the final ep of season 2 already told me there will be aliens. It showed some reaction on Jupiter (which i at the time assumed was a GN Drive) and then a caption that said "The end of the childhood of humanity is here" or something. We started discussing it in forums that aliens will be in the movie. Sure enough it was. I sorta thoguht everyone had the same idea.
  21. I thought it was established that the 00 movie will be about aliens right after season 2 ended? But in any case i did feel the whole movie felt tacked on, and the new suits utterly pointless and uninspired. Same old stuff, more pew pew.
  22. Just started Puella Magi Madoka. Forget Card Captor Sakura Forget Nanoha I thought this was gonna be some standard magical girl show. I was wrong. Shinbo reinvents mahou shoujo YET AGAIN. Make no mistake that this show is dark despite how cute everyone looks.
  23. What's a riobot? :/
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