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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Dammit. Did NY crash because of this particular release? LOL
  2. But overall a pretty good adaptation of the book. I liked it and i'm not sure if its a good thing but I know some twi-hards and hungry gamers swayed to the Ender universe. *shudders*
  3. Just realised the markings are very similar to the VF-171EX Alto custom. Anyway not a fan of the Regult-like missile pod. Doesn't look aerodynamic at all.
  4. Uh oh..... bad premonitions from wm.
  5. Was watching the trailer again this morning, and i think the fight against between Murphy's programming and his humanity is more subtle compared to the previous movies. Somewhere in the trailer someone says something like "the illusion of free will". I guess this time instead of the 5 OCP directives being constantly shown to Robo that he must adhere to, those are now subtly implanted as part of Murphy's psyche and he feels like he is upholding them willingly, hence why he ends up feeling angry, angsty and stuff because he isn't himself due to the programming. We're going into some existentialism themes here.
  6. Wait...who is Frank? Isn't he Alex Murphy?
  7. I like how there is the classic suit blueprints on the dude's console.
  8. So over the top, retro, and awesome. Definately worth it!
  9. Now....that was a disappointing ending. Until i read there's going to be 2 more special episodes.....but that won't save this series either IMHO. And i actually like the ears explanation. LOL.
  10. About the weapons, i'm not sure if i missed something but....
  11. Movie was horrible.....nothing makes sense. Jill's acting was mechanical and odd. Ada was pretty cool, but she lacked the coolness of the actual character.
  12. And that prison camp is where Paz is. The US/CIA has them as shown by the flag in the prison camp. The conversation between the 2 people talking about Paz and Chico were Snake and Miller (I presume) after the tape was played. It wasn't Hot Coldman/Volgin or whoever was on the jeeps. The mission starts when Coldman flies off in the helis and Snake comes to the rescue.
  13. Wth is with the XOF? And why is Big Boss back in FOX? From the monologue it sounds like he is still in MSF. I know somewhere along the way he will go back to being the head of FOXHOUND, but I don't get the chronology. Boy in camp is Chico. Seems like Amanda is dead.....
  14. Chuck Norris made it for me
  15. Not surprising considering both songs are very similar in terms of melody. They both even have that solo instrumental part. Btw why isn't there a new episode yet? Are they taking a break or something?
  16. Just saw it yesterday. I kinda like it. Plot twist was paper thin..... but SFX and acting was pretty good. A good remake to the original. Kate was badass but her motivations were lame. Jealousy or something.
  17. Looks better than the Sulaco. XD
  18. Horrible. Too bad though since it had promise. I actually was thinking of watching BRS and RnL. Guess I won't now. Nothing is good lately. I'm only watching Shakugan No Shana Final for closure. Last Exile is quite disappointing as well. Gonna start Another soon. Guilty Crown crystal thing....just another Evangelion human instrumentality project-ish plot. Next step in human evolution, human hive mind via crystals which last forever.....blablabla....but most of the story was a convoluted mess to begin with.
  19. Guilty Crown ended. Crap ending. Give me my time back.
  20. This thing is huge....i'm tempted to get it but i have no shelf space for it. Its the size of a small child! Not to mention the price.
  21. Moeru Pirates, or Bodacious Space Pirates, despite its name is a pretty enjoyable series. Its sort of like a lighter version of Starship Operators.
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