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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. LOL! A half "fat sang mou ying keok". (No shadow kick) Eggcelent!
  2. Cool! Is that 1/1 scale or an accesory for an existing figure? PS: Sorry for off topic.
  3. Since I don't understand Jap, that article means nothing to me but...that Appleseed-like headset is cool....
  4. Urmmm.....I believe MW is US-based, and so is TMPanime.
  5. Those Yammie !@&!(*@&. They just had to make a crappy assless Milia with the Q-rau so they can release a BETTER figure for it. Bah! Well...at least this time people who were complaining about the great injustice done to Milia's bum will shout Hallelujah.
  6. AGREED Vostok 7 I'm surprised that she could fit into the Q-rau in that pose....maybe paint her hair green and she'll look like Milia with an ass? (and rack even...)
  7. i belive the minimum requirement to be a "real collector" is selling your car and 2 mortgages on your house to finish grabbing up 3 or 4 of every item. 3 for each mode in the glass box and 1 mint in box locked up in a bank deposit box (if they are that big). While you're at it, I believe you'll have to pimp your wife and *unmentionable stuff that can get me crucified* your children as well.
  8. Heh....you made it sound like collecting Macross toys is an elitist's hobby. Well...not all of us have jobs or are working adults to come up with "pretty pennies". I guess I can't be considered a "real collector" since I only collect stuff that are VALUE FOR MONEY, considering I have limited cash and must think umpteenth times before I get a toy that people like you won't even blink to snap it up. Why do people cry expensive? Because we're not "real collectors" and lack money to collect every single macross merchandise?
  9. Indeed. Are you even sure that's his house, and not his 2nd home? There's probably enough in there to feed Africa for a day....
  10. The color scheme sounds interesting and all...but would Hikaru pilot a PINK valk?!? LOL! Besides, he probably has better things to do...like save the world or something then become a chaffeur. Can't wait! Any possibility of recasts when its done?
  11. Yeah! Pose a missle volley body hugging pose.
  12. From people's customs, i realise that they customise their pilot's hands. How do you move them hands? I manage to pluck one of them out...but I can't imagine how i'm gonna glue them back, repositioned.
  13. wolfx

    Scale photo gallery

    Actually...how accurate are the scales pertaining to each model/figure line in relation to each other? Does a 1/48 Valk scale perfectly to a 1/48 Cobra helicopter or a 1/48 tank? Just wondering since the scales are decided by the manufacturer of the model/toy....its bound to be wrong and strange in some instances.
  14. To be fair, any hand held rifle on full auto won't hit the van either.
  15. wolfx

    Scale photo gallery

    Macross 3rd Person shooter ala Splinter Cell, anyone? yeah...lame photoshop. Sue me.
  16. 10 seconds worth of ammo, and they use it to shoot down missles.....10 seconds doesn't feel very realistic. As a matter of fact, 200 rounds seems abit little. How much does a modern fighter jet's Vulcan cannon have anyway? I'm not a military freak, so I wouldn't know. The 3 barrels on the GU-11's muzzle are pretty small relatively to the whole gunpod, just as a relative size of the bullet to the Gunpod. Not sure how the rounds are fed into the chambers to roughly estimate how much the gunpod can hold though. Most probably its fed through chains like a gattling gun.
  17. wolfx

    Scale photo gallery

    Somehow I don't think a car is THAT small compared to a VF-1......
  18. Fokker getting foked.....
  19. I need to see more combat poses instead of the generic standing poses ppl have posted.
  20. These toys actually look good for old toys. In fact, probably one of them better toys released in the 80s.
  21. Too big. Not enough playability and they take up too much space. I thought they could be deflated when not used?
  22. Thanks for the tips Jung.
  23. Holy crap, Spiff...that's awesome. Damn how do people scratchbuild stuff..... Your sculpt looks abit more bulky than I've envisioned though but otherwise its still kick ass. Is this your completed work? Or a picture for reference? UXI: can you point me to Graham's review about VF-22S sculpt? I don't see it.
  24. Forget GBP. Now that they have released the VF-11B fastpacks, i wish they'd release the VF-11C, otherwise known as the Full armor VF-11 which appeared 2 times in Macross 7. I personally think that the armor looks slick and kick ass! But the future for this release looks dim, considering that they're still releasing stuff from DYRL and more recently, Macross Zero. I really want to see VF-22s released as well, with a modified sculpt of the YF-21. (considering all the problems it has)
  25. n00b modeller here wanting some advice. I want to clean my 1/48 valk from some residual gundam marker black marks which I can't reach with an eraser. What solution would you recommend? I've heard people used "thinner". Now, its to my understanding that thinner corrodes plastic....or am I wrong here? I also want to remove the VF-1S head so I can panel line it easily. Is it easily removable by just unscrewing the head from the bottom of the black flip panel that the head rests on? Lastly, I was thinking of weathering the valk. An interesting and seemingly easy method I came across was, use a Q-tip and some thinner+water solution (again I ask is it safe to use thinner...) , and use a Q-tip dip it in the solution and swab it on the panel lines and let the black ink bleed to the sides. Are there any other recommended ways of weathering?
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