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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. wolfx

    VF plush dolls?

    What...like those DOAX ones they are selling? *edges away from dna slowly* this forum is turning creepy.
  2. wasd
  3. I don't see why Mac Zero is overstepping this though. Althought it remains to be revealed why the russians were the ones who originated the transformation technology and the UN aquiring if for themselves. It probably just so happens the new valks which are coincidentally designed to be variable (with the real intention of fighting giants) are also coincidentally more uber fast, powerful and agile than normal fighters, as demonstrated on how a single SV-51 pwned a whole squadron of F-14s. So its not really a Robot VS Robot issue. They just happen to be variable for the original purpose of fighting giants but have many other tactical advantages as well, like what Ewilen said. Well...that's how I see it anyway.
  4. Who's "Insane" Itano???
  5. So is the Monster the only random figure in this set, or is it like CF18's 1st guess, that its shipped in parts with the other figs?
  6. Cool. Can you point me to the birthdates? I just wanna know the seniority at least.
  7. Yes....I must have it if just for the monster.... What are these anyway? Trading figures? Who produces them? Graham mentioned Tomy?
  8. More questions on Moaramia Jifon from M3..... why do I see her in officer's uniform in a flash at the end of the intro, and slightly taller. She grows up to be an officer with the UNSpacy? And the compendium doesn't have much info on the other Jenius daughters. Anyone know where else I can find out about them, especially on the one that appears in Dynamite, Emirria/Emillia.
  9. Max and Millia especially need them restraints. I see the immense amount of inertia they go through in the M3 op. They were literally standing in their cockpits, fighting intertia......
  10. With "sempais" like Roy Fokker...its no wonder.....
  11. Good, because it will be 1 to 2 years before I can afford to get the Max and Millia 1/48s! Same....hoping that they don't become rare like them 1/48s. Problem with Yammies is that, they can get hard to find, depending on where you are. I'm sure Hong Kong won't be a problem though....
  12. that kinda cash can feed me for a month.
  13. wolfx

    Red VF-21

    Shouldn't be too hard since its almost quite similar to the YF-21, but of course we'd prefer if they redesigned it abit to fix some of the problems with the YF-21. Colors for VF-22s include M&M red and blue, and dark blue for Gamlin's in Dynamite.
  14. Has anyone seen the anime Otaku No Video? Its a tongue in cheek anime about otakudom and its sad truths. Negative social stigmas for one, crazy buying of anime merchandise and doing otaku-ish things like customising Macross toys. It has quite alot of Macross references like the Super VF-1S in one of the main character's mecha collections, traded some cels for the "yet to be released" DYRL? movie design sketches and then the discussion that follows suit were absolutely hilarious because its just like how the members here in MW talk. "Wow! They are all going to be super valkyries this time round! And it seems there will be a new beam weapon called Strike Cannon.....doesn't Min May now look cool? Anno's Elintseeker is awesome (who is anno btw? can't be hideaki anno can it?)" etc. There was no shame in revealing the proud joy of being an otaku, despite what everyone thinks.
  15. It does bear more resemblance to the mac2 destroid than the original tomahawk though.
  16. Probe hasn't been updating lately has he? Was waiting for a update for almost a year that time and I gave up visiting after that.
  17. I was abit worried about getting a girlfriend when I heard that toys and anime is a turn off to girls. Then when I discovered that people here have LIVES (not complete nerdo geeko ppl) and have gfs and wives who accept their hobby, I'm feeling more secure now.
  18. Her name is Moaramia Jiffon (later Jenius), an adoptive daughter of Max and Millia. And her mecha is an Variable Glaug, but I don't know much, I never played M3. Macross Compendium Mecha: Variable Glaug Macross RPG - UN Spacy Data Terminal - Variable Glaug Thank you, Zero Ena.
  19. wolfx

    VF plush dolls?

    Re-fluff maybe?
  20. I was wondering if this was the toy. Guess it wasn't. But a transformable model? That's cool. But like I said, I can't model (actually i just can't paint and make it look nice) for nuts. Sigh!
  21. Glad you guys liked it.
  22. Who's the girl in Macross M3? Is it Komillia? And why is her mecha weird lookin. (Saw the intro that's all)
  23. Thanks....but I want the Emerald Force ones....the blue ones that is. Looks like HLJ doesn't have em. Bah. But I saw some Kaiyodo resin kits. Too bad i'm not a modeller.
  24. I'd wait, since IMO the current 19 offerings look like crap. If you haven't already bought one, I'd recommend the Bandai VF-19; I like the sculpt, and the transformation is flawless (I like to pretend that it doesn't say Macross 7 on the box!). Are the Bandai VF-19's still easily available??
  25. In a battlefield, a commander is not supposed to stand out. That's why everyone wears the same uniform as grunts even in the battlefield. At least that's what I understand, and the practice of never saluting to your commanding officer because a sniper can shoot him.
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