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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. He even has a RX-78 Gundam casing. http://sae.cside.com/sae/kat/pc/rx-78pc/erx78.htm One of the better works since its blocky. What's impressive is the dude's a purebred Japanese but he either has fluent english, or someone is translating his site for him.
  2. WHR has the potential to be a succesful americanised series. Its quite a cliche in the comics, novels and gaming world about a secret organisation which handles supernatural occurences behind the shadows, but never was there one in the movies and tv. Buffy had one and the closest movie to it was MIB which was aliens. I say, throw in some chicks and some hunks, write some X-File-ly scripts for the episodes, and you'd probably get the next hit series. Nobody has to know it was an anime. Besides, the anime series was meh.....didn't like it.
  3. Heh.... http://sae.cside.com/sae/kat/pc/ern005/ekana.htm http://sae.cside.com/sae/kat/pc/ern002/emaya.htm Girl shaped computers....who wouldn't want one in the future?
  4. Yay more seed toys.
  5. I had one....but it was KFC's one which came with one of their happy meal things.....
  6. I'm sure you've seen the UC Gundams and referring to super samurai robots through Wing , Seed and X neh? The UC Line gundams were more grunt and more believable than the AU s' (alternate universe) super robots. You mentioned that you probably only liked 8th MS Team, and I can see why. Try out Stardust Memories (kawamori designed the mecha) and War in the pocket as well. Pretty good gundam stories in my books. Yes...I hate Wing and Seed with a passion. And EVAs pwnz j00 a||. Just coz they're not blocky, non-transformable , and don't carry huge ass guns that you possibly can't lift off the ground doesn't make them un-cool.
  7. If anyone who could do that, its Gonzo. They suck. Its like all the world's best animators and the worst screenplay writers are there.
  8. The "backpack" thrusters were on. Animation error. Well....maybe they had limited hydrogen based fuel (the ones we use on space shuttles) to be used in an airless environment.
  9. He, Max and Kakizaki form the Vermillion squadron....although I'm not sure if its a sub squad of Skull Squadron since he's just piloting a VF-1J. (non-official squadron hierachy implies that a squadron consists of 1 VF-1S squadron leader, 2 VF-1S sub-commanders, 4 VF-1Js and numerous VF-1As...correct me if i'm wrong.) Skull Squadron might as well be an entire battalion if that's the case. But anyway, Vermillion Squadron was definately dissolved when Kakikazi died and Max and Milia formed their own squadron. Hikaru then became Skull Leader.....or did he become Skull Leader right after Roy died, immediately dissolving Vermillion squadron.
  10. Regardless...I love the dogfights in this show, probably even more so than Macross Zero.
  11. Well....one of the movies is way beyond the 4 manga novels already out. In terms of stoyline progression. And finally we get to know what IS the APPLESEED. Appleseed seems to be Shirow's pet project and he's taking his sweet time with it, to try and not mess up with it.
  12. Its dodgy that Hasbro showed the Takara versions on the boxart instead of their own. The Prime, Sideswipe and Smokescreen were all the Takara versions shown on the box.
  13. Another one....made of apparently metal. Transformable too. http://www.marksprojects.com/trailer.htm
  14. People can custom sculpt metal parts now? OMG....which hole did I crawl out from.....
  15. Yeah....gungrave...its cool. Thank God they didn't do the story like the game did. Bear Walken eh...hehe.
  16. Well, Edgar mentioned in Episode 3 that the VF-0 can in fact work in space, that's why the intake shutters were closed and they went diving. Well I didn't see the third episode until just last night and so couldn't take that into account. I'd say, even if the VF-0 *could* fly in space, it probably wouldn't be very good at it, certainly much more limited than the VF-1, and probably incapable of getting orbital under it's own power (could the VF-1 get orbital on it's own? I'm not sure)... The VF-1 needed boosters to get into orbital flight. (And no these weren't the fastpacks, at least not in the TV series). They are still jet engines but I think there was no propulsion in the water. The VF-0 simply dived into the water, using its remaining momentum to fly forward abit before encountering the variable sub.....and then it became into battroid and swam. The "built for space" bit was just to explain that the VF is airtight thus waterproof.
  17. Too much angst with this pilot that he could almost **** the jet..... The story is a wee bit !*&@*(! up.
  18. You have Guu Final as well?
  19. Yeap I second that. A 4th installment is in the works....from rumours. I second Saikano and N&T,H&T as well. Gunslinger Girl is very nice, if you don't mind the cute lil girls with guns. And for some F***ed up crap....you can watch Narutaru, FLCL, and Lain
  20. You mean Chiaki Kuriyama... hmmm...yes...she would be nice, looks the part too. IMHO, Rei with black hair would work. Better yet, have black hair with that dark blue shimmer effect when struck by light. Know what I mean? BTW, here are more pics of Chiaki. Note, I suggest you do not open up the link at work, as some of the pics are quite risque. ROFLMAO at the site's anti-leeching pic. But damn I'm at work and so bloody tempted to open that link right now....oh well. It can wait. Battle Royale btw is cool and eveyrone should watch it. Asuka....forget Asuka...her name's ....Kim Rose? And Rei's Ray.
  21. wolfx

    rumor or True Q-Rau 1/48

    Macrossworld is the #1 place to go for Macross related information. You can tell that little comic book (or sci fi) guy to stop toking up at work. I agree wholeheartedly! If its not Macrossworld, then it would have to be a Japanese magazine that has new info on anything. Not some crummy sci-fi store dude.
  22. Stupid question : How to get rid of it? Putty and then paint?
  23. omg............i didn't know how good basic colors could look with those cool weathering.....now I feel like my minty valk is crap lookin. Thanks alot guys.
  24. Rich?
  25. Rei is cool. Don't make ME whoop yo ass. *defends Rei with ultimate fanboyism* Yes...albino look but minus the blue hair. But from the concept art, she doesn't look like she's albino. And she has brown hair as well. Probably white hair to further accentuate her albino look.
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