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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Love it. Been awhile since I've seen a GOOD light hearted anime. I need some laughs after all the depressing crap coming out lately.
  2. In MGS1, Big Boss' clones were used to create Solid Snake and Liquid Snake. But according to Liquid, all of the perfect genes were given to Solid Snake, while he was given the leftovers. SPOILER ALERT! Don't really know why I put that in there, but I guess it could be needed. At the end of MGS1, Ocelot is talking with Solidus and it's discussed that Liquid and Solid were perfect clones of each other, no difference at all between them. All of that garbage about how Solid was getting the dominant genes was just lies told to Liquid, probably to make him hate more. SPOILER!!! Not really....at the end of MGS 1, Ocelot reported to Solidus that the INFERIOR one won. That means Solid Snake was the inferior one, despite what Liquid Snake thought. And personally....MGS is turning dumber and dumber. I tried to like MGS 2, I really did....but really...there was nothing good about it. Too much effort was put into the graphics and details that gameplay was crap, story was weird beyond hell. Is it just me who thinks that MGS 2 ends as if it was an elaborate moral story about individuality or something? The whole thing seemed as if it was a dream, and Snake, from badass Spec Ops dude becomes into wise-guru of wisdom about the purpose of existence. WTF?! And there were moments left unanswered, like when Raiden 1st encountered Vamp and Snake, Snake gets an injury from Vamp. He talks with Raiden after scaring Vamp off, and when Raiden walks away, Snake's eyes glow evilly. And.... wth is the lalelalelooo or whatever that is......and why did the president grab Raiden's crotch? (he thought raiden was some chick from the lalelalelooo) MGS 2 is like one huge joke to me. The kinda feeling I got when I watched End Of Evangelion.
  3. Mind my ignorance, but what is LLA? Sequel to Mospeada? movie?
  4. BUY IT ~! BUY IT ~! DON'T GET TOO LATE~!! Sigh.....I guess I'll go geddit later this weekend (if its still there). But I'll probably feel bad about it. This is like when I thought about if I bought the Q-rau over the MPC Optimus....and then one day I stumbled on a Qrau which was about 30 bux cheaper than the Optimus (divine intervention). Btw, the store owner wouldn't give them to me for any cheaper. Stingy bugger. Not even a dollar. And he doesn't know if this set was the reissue or not. Has the reissue even been released yet? I was thinking of getting the reissues since they will be cheaper, instead from these shopkeepers who jack-up the price of rare goods. (not that i blame them)
  5. Is the red band around the legs painted?
  6. Hehe....you know i'm from malaysia? Well yea....when these figures 1st came out, it was RM90 at xl-shop.com. But there's this hobby shop in Atria and its selling for RM185.....now i'm wondwering if I should get it or save up for a B-T Subaru. hehe.
  7. All hail the mighty mircx. http://anime.mircx.com/search?query=yukikaze there u go.
  8. I saw a set in a local store which was about USD49 with the Minmay doll secret figure. Is it worth it?
  9. It would seem so.
  10. Are you sure you saw ep 4 because the official site said ep 4 wont be releaed until april 23. I saw the preview on their official site and it seems like ep 4 takes place on earth. Rei even talks to Lynn Jackson and we also get to see the Jam attack a carrier battle group. Pat are you absolutely sure you saw this? The raw is out on bit torrent.
  11. Most probably yes, though we won't know what it is until its released.
  12. No where else can you see a robot being possesed by a ghost. For those who have just joined the bandwagon, welcome to RvB. Its been out for a year or so now. Get the 1st season on DVD and continue watching them 2nd season episodes.
  13. Notice all the parodies from Macross to fist of the north star and dragonball and gundam. Its hilarious! Definately only for Excel Saga fans. Its like the extended version of Excel Saga's 26th episode which was full of vulgar humour.
  14. I think its brown and is a cannon fodder 1S. lol!
  15. w00ts! Custom fodder! I want one!
  16. wolfx

    yamato sdf-1?

    1/48 SDF-1? Hmmm, mebbe your garage can fit just the Daedelus. Use the GI JOE USS whatitsname as reference.
  17. I personally am very freaked out by Blythe dolls. They look pretty much like them Living Dead dollls....i'm gonna get nightmares tonight. Thanks alot, Kakizaki... ..
  18. i think this can be cut and pasted into practiacally every thread!!! Saw that from a mile away didn't you?
  19. The image of Min May throwing her right hands in the midst of battle on the bridge as she shings Ai Obete Imasuka and sways from side to side shall forever be etched in my memory of Macross. Shao pai long as well....(little white dragon)
  20. Drat...if he didn't wear that brown jacket, he'd indeed be a holy froating head. We should all autograph an online card and send it to him or something.
  21. Well 1stly, they're from Mospeada/Robotech, not Macross. And, I don't know if Big West holds the copyrights to Mospeada,but HG would definately bitch about it, though this company seems to be pretty small and looks fan-made.
  22. Could someone from the states get the .mov files from the site, and put them up on FTP or something? I have the 1st season.
  23. wolfx

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    Just to be different, Jung. Your custom SUCKS!! IT SUCKS SO BAD THAT IT SUCKED MY BRAINS OUT............. How could you have done something so sucky? Its like the suckiest thing i've seen on this site. Ok now change "suck" into "rock". OMG....this paintjob...I'm guessing it probably costs the same or more than the valk itself? Sigh! I wish I had money to get a BR squadron. Sigh!
  24. You don't need to understand Japanese to be able to play the Japanese Macross PS2 game. Graham Yeah....but sometimes you need to know your mission objectives. I kept failing in one of the missions cause I don't know what happened or what went wrong.
  25. I played the Jap Macross game a few levels. Its slower paced than Battlecry IMHO. Battlecry did better in the quick action department. Most of the game mechanics were simlar to Battlecry, so its quite easy to pickup. Of the few levels I played, its levels were limited to Fighter only, Gerwalk only, or Battroid only. I mean, you can change into all modes in all levels, but you'd rather want to stay in one mode in those levels. THe other modes are practically useless. Besides, out of abou 6 missions I've played (DYRL mode i think), I only played 2 ground (Battroid) missions. Missles travelled slower and each time you launch a full salvo of 6, it annoyingly cuts into a cinematic of you doing a barrel role while firing them missles. Oh..and your head laser is puny. Transforming into modes is also switching through a list in ascending or descending order. ie: F, G, B, B, G, F. You can't change from one mode to another like BC. SDF Macross has better graphics than BC, but probably not as good gameplay. I probably should play it more since I played it at a friend's place. But as of yet, BAttlecry had better gameplay and faster paced. BC btw is crap hard with crap story and ending. I don't know anybody that finished it.
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