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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Yes they are. They basically are heads from the sadamoto gashapon sets...and then repainted Rei bodies. And to think we have worldwide shortage of this figure...this dude has an army....
  2. wasd
  3. wasd
  4. wasd
  5. Looks like some people already got their Rei manga figure and having fun with them. Even doing cool customs. Check it out.
  6. http://theprodukkt.com/ This is a 3D First person shooter that is only 96kb in size. Check it out. I know it loads stuff from your PC, but that's as far as I know. Someone care to elaborate?
  7. Not quite. You also see one on the Mars episode. Same colors and everything, on guard duty with a gunpod.
  8. Excellent work!! Hikaru didn't get enough kills eh? I wonder how much Max has. And Roy clearly has more than that. Maybe enough to cover the whole VF.
  9. I'm tight on cash...but hell yeah!
  10. Its supposed to come with volume 9. Not sure about the US version though. Has the US versions ever came out with figures? Cause the Japanese version have about 3-4 figures out already.
  11. Pictures anyone? Or...which of these are they? http://members9.tsukaeru.net/ty1_toys/toys/SL.htm
  12. Give me a Dendrobium
  13. Who the heck is that Kicker dude? Agentone, don't diss Metroplex. He pwnz j00! And in transformers, scale is the last thing you should complain about....they are ALL out of scale.
  14. I kinda loved Landcross! It has 6 mini robots which can be interchanged with each other to form 3 medium robots. (probably what spawned Superlink....) And then it formed into a big Gestalt. What's there not to like about it? It looks decent even. Another ok gestalt would be....Leo something...the one with 3 jets and 3 land vehicles with chests that transform into an animal or a gun. Note: I think I regretted not getting the giant Cheetor when it was around. It looks pretty good now thatI think about it.
  15. How does that work? They reanimated it? Yeah...as a kid I always thought Fireball was the main character....but as I grew up, I kinda accepted Saber Rider as the main character. Hell...the show was named after him after all...... Wah Voltron an anime as well? What was its Japanese name?
  16. I was surfing robot-japan.com and i came across, Bismark. WTH? Haha...this is Ramrod from Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs. I always knew it was an anime, given the power of americanisation but never bothered to find out more. Saber Riders was a good cartoon. I think I liked it better than Robotech at that time.
  17. Graham, add this Jetfire Custom. http://forums.tfarchive.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/003904.html I was about to post a new topic when i realise the date of the post and the source of that picture.....
  18. Wow.....that's a clear ripoff.....so who ripped who off?
  19. Really? Hmmm....same artist or something?
  20. it is a hour long or so (i haven't even watched it, just went straight to iMacross) music video of Yellow's concert. It is made up mostly of Yellow singing with clips from the series. There is also some new footage, but I have yet to see it. I will check it out later. Thanks....sounds like Mospeada's version of Flashback 2012.
  21. I'm sure to get the B-T for it. If its that poseable....I WANT IT!!
  22. The manga came out before ikkitousen, but I can't help but feel that its similar. School kids fight it out wanting to become the strongest kinda thing....u know. And then throw in some fanservice (not as much as Ikkitousen...at least not yet) and some boobalicious babes that have the power to chibify themselves.....this series is quite cool. Love them fight scenes. I'm also reading the manga which has scenes which are quite pr0nny. Anime has obviously removed these scenes (to your amusement) and replaced with more normal scenes. E.g: In the anime when Bob is talking to his girlfriend during dinner, he was actually talking to her during sex. Manga can be gotten here. Tenjou Tenge
  23. I think this one (like previous MW'ers stated) is supposed to take place before the very first Metal Gear Solid (for the NES). I thought the guards were supposed to get smarter with every new MGS installment. I don't care if you're a rent a cop patroling the local parking lot. How hard can it be to spot somebody wearing ALL CAMO (when you're that close)? ...and the guard running away from the faux alligator head. Yikes. But I'm still gonna pick this one up...... My theory is his sneak suit camouflages him somewhat reducing the visual range of those Next Generation soldiers whatever they are called. Supposedly have heightened senses and strength, its kinda dodgy that they cannot see snake who is more than 3 feet away.
  24. I'd die for some AG armor. One can hope....... Now, if they made GBP for the 1/48....the sooner I can realise my dreams of an AG for my 1/48.
  25. Cool. Now with the discontinued comanche project, clearly make Valks now.
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