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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Unlike everyone else, i'm not too fond of the sculpt of the 1/60 GBP. It looks too blocky-plastic-toy to me..... What I will be dreaming of, which is less likely to happen than a 1/48 GBP is a 1/48 Armored Gerwalk armor....omg....if so, I can die happy....that is assuming the YF-19FP comes out as well....
  2. Don't worry too much about it. In figure collecting, patience is a double edged sword and very much based on luck. If you're lucky , you'll find it in the most obscure places for cheap. If you're not, it'll all be gone and you'll have to rely on ebay....or worse....you can't even find it on international ebay.... like now , my tsukihime palm scenery figures can only be gotten from Yahoo Japan Auctions....and we all know that YJA sellers doesn't ship overseas....drat! I'm still trying to find it......
  3. I thought I was looking at an overturned Glauug strapped to the back of a VF-1.....
  4. WHat??? No Seburos in the movie? Sacrilege!!
  5. Can't tell if its clones or stormtroopers....but I agree. It looks cool when all of them are lined up like that. PS: And excuse my ignorance... but what are air ionisers supposed to do? I have one and all I know is its supposed to "purify the air".
  6. wolfx

    Dry Decals

    That worked pretty well. Thanks! But I had a few accidents with some of them. Like some sticking to my fingers and some came out before i pressed it in, and they got stuck in the selotape....URGH......oh well.... It turned out prettty well despite missing some decals.
  7. Totally agree....and I have lack of space to put glass cabinets on.....drat! And the gold-framed pictures of gundams are a tad freaky if you ask me.....
  8. wolfx

    Dry Decals

    Ok....i really really hate dry decals. Some sites say a good way is to use a blunted toothpick, so i spent ages rubbing the damned thing with a toothpick and 15 minutes later, it decided to stay on. But not everything came off the sheet....and some of it got torn off. (this was practicing on a plastic surface) Now I want to apply them decals on my 1/100 MG Aile strike....and I am abit afraid of applying them, especially the ones around the Strike Pack which is on a curved surface. Please dispense advice. Thanks.
  9. From the trailer, I expect it to be a movie packed with action. Gimme mecha action!! And from the trailer it seems they at least left them spider tank bots, flying landmates etc in it. That's all I could ask for. EXO: Those are the new Appleseed figures coming out. Better than those DVD+ figures I reckon.
  10. MSG reanimated? Gundam Seed is probably just that, added more teenage boy angst. Macross reanimated? DYRL. But if a reanimated TV series....why not? I'm all for it. It might turn out better. Or it might just become a reanimated corpse.......like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  11. w00T! You have the Rei with swimsuit and transparent white-wet-tee kit. Let's see it when its done.
  12. Urmmm didn't they met 1st at the base testing the VF-X which I assume happened before Macross Zero?
  13. The explosion...mebbe they nuked the island...or the actual blast when the SDF-1 crashed. That's Roy kissing Aries. The 2-timing bugger....he would've already had a relationship with Claudia by now eh? 1st.- The ASS-1 crash landing on earth was already shown in Ep1 , and it would´ve passed at least 9 years since that event by the time of M0 so I don´t know why should they show it once again. And it´s clear from the trailer that that explosion happens on Mayan , I actually think the epicentre is on the cross marked stone that´s shown on earlier Eps. 2nd.- Roy already met Claudia before M0 but they didn´t stablish any kind of relationship , it wasn´t until they met again on SW1 that they fell in love with each other. That´s already explained on the TV series. I won't say anything about the explosion bit.....it could be just a nostalgic explosion thingy of the ASS-1 crash.....it could be Mayan...we'll see. In the TV series, after Roy's death, she has a chat with Misa in a coffee shop and explained to Misa her relationship with Roy. Roy and Claudia have pretty much been goin out alot on dates and stuff before being even being stationed together on the SDF-1. Roy later left to be stationed there, but Claudia was incidentally stationed on the SDF-1 shortly after and she starts saying "maybe that is fate" and blablabla. The way I understand it, they had a relationship long before SW1. Remember all those dates in the snowy streets? What I don't rememeber is, when does Roy run off to be part of Hikaru's air acrobatic squad. Was it before or after the unification wars/ASS-1 crash?
  14. I heard the 4 episode DVD-only releases of Wolf's Rain closes it off pretty well.
  15. Pretty much like Ikkitousen. Even the main character is alike..... Already discussed here.
  16. The explosion...mebbe they nuked the island...or the actual blast when the SDF-1 crashed. That's Roy kissing Aries. The 2-timing bugger....he would've already had a relationship with Claudia by now eh?
  17. Probably the same one that dr. hashford whathisname gave to her before he stabbed her for a blood sample.
  18. Dude...don't insult a cosplayer just cause he's/she's horizontally challenged. You can cosplay even if you're fat or missing a leg or arm. Its all about the spirit. And every one can have a laugh or 2. I wouldn't go into extremes of "give cosplayers a bad name". If anyone who's giving cosplayers a bad name, it would be you and your elitism.
  19. There are US releases?
  20. Ahh...from the better pictures , it would seem Asuka has a progg knife skwewered onto an EVA05 head. Hardly cute.....
  21. wolfx


    I've said it for Sithlord, i'll say it for you as well... "That's probably worth the GDP of some 3rd world countries"
  22. HLJ is eating my cash...... Rei Asuka Grimrock customs Edit: My wrong...sorry
  23. Make a YF-19 one...make the boards go crazy....leave it on for a month before revealing the Fan Works thread. Hehehhe.
  24. Quick...import the Konig Monster MKII now!!
  25. OMg...awesome! Does it hover?
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