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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Nice censors......
  2. Despite weirdness of it all....i really like the art on this one.
  3. wolfx

    Better hurry

    I agree. But believe me MW is not that specific compared to some of the forums I visit. Some have more than 30 catagories.
  4. wolfx

    Miria 1J out~!

    Yes, it is my understanding that all the TV version FAST Packs (Hikaru VF-1J, Max VF-1J, Milia VF-1J) are the same mold and therefore have the same problem. It is also, of course, my contention that the problem has persisted throughout all three releases because the arm armor pieces were all manufactured at the same time and stockpiled. Ahh...ok. Thanks for pointing that out. Strange that I didn't hear those complaints about the arm armour until the Miria 1J. Maybe I wasn't paying attention.
  5. Well....i don't wanna know stuff from discovery channel since its not related to M7 directly. Its totally out of scope i'd say. I'd rather know stuff from the show. Unless of course you can't think of any parts in the anime to support your claim. Then at least you could refute my claims that Anima Spiritia is not specific to Basara with the points I pointed out as not valid. Your post sounds so strangely religious and mystical.....but its not answering my question pertaining to Macross 7, unfortunately.
  6. Azrael: Shrug...to each their own. Bob: But it was kinda annoying that I pulled scenes out to prove my points again and again, and you didn't. At least grab some scenes to prove your "everyone has anima spiritia" theory. I mean...I can be wrong and if I was I'd like to see where I went wrong. I'm more than open to change my mind. I mean, I said why I think Anima Spiritia was unique to Basara and took scenes out from M7 why I thought it was so. You said Anima Spiritia, everyone has it, so you should at least tell me what gave you that impression. Bah...but that's just me. I'm always up for a decent discussion. And yes we are talking about Macross 7. I proved Macross 7 with scenes from Macross 7, not from Dragonball Z or Akira. Its not a very hard concept to grasp that Basara was somehow "special", just like how Sarah and Minmay is special. (though the Minmay Culture Shock can be debated)
  7. wolfx

    Miria 1J out~!

    Hurin: Excuse my ignorance, but did you mean to say that ALL the TV fastpacks have the same molds and thus they ALL don't fit the Gunpod on their armour? And , yes....my DYRL fastpacks fit the gunpod perfectly for my Roy VF-1S. No problems with it....pretty happy with them.
  8. I do understand the difference of Anima Spiritia and conventional spiritia. I already proven it with the different types of spiritia that the vampires harvest. Basara IS god-like. They portrayed him as such in M7 since he was the bane of all the protodeviln and he was the only one who could stand up to them. So he sorta fills in the "prophecy" (not really prophecy, but history) of the Anima Spiritia's role in the temple ruins. I highly doubt that. Jamming birds being able to be trained to become as good as Mylene , Veffidas and Ray is very possible, yes. But they can't be trained into Basara. Like you said. He is an abnormaly. He is Anima Spiritia. Does this mean that you think that the Protoculture created humans as Anima Spiritia to counter the protodeviln uprising? Remember that the Anima Spiritia were created to fight the protodeviln. If timeline serves correct, the protodeviln wars happened long before humans were discovered and then their evolution accelerated by the Protoculture. This proves humans were not the special race, Anima Spiritia that the protoculture created. Yes, sure. ANY other group of special people (and an individual), who had Anima Spiritia can take them on if Basara had chosen not to sing. But you see, the problem here is ONLY BASARA has Anima Spiritia.....at least known to have Anima Spiritia. So as far as we are concerned, only HE can fight the protodeviln. Remember when Basara went off on his own because he didn't know what he was singing for? Mylene, Ray and Veffidas can hardly hold off on their own against the protodeviln. They had strong spiritia....but that alone can't defeat them.....until Basara comes in to save the day.
  9. Movie was pretty meh. Storyline was meh (plotholled). But it had vampire chicks. And it had crap comic relief.
  10. wolfx

    Miria 1J out~!

    What?! You mean the max's gunpod doesn't attach to the armor in fighter mode either? Ok...i am SOOooooOO not buying these 2 1/48s. I mean....I consider them to be quite critical flaws if you can't do something its advertised to do. IE: The pictures show the gunpods and arm armours working fine, no reason why your toy shouldn't do the same. THe paints stuff and the others, i don't really mind though. Maybe Graham should post a review when he's free, outlying these flaws. I don't really get Hurin's post though. Did you mean to say that from the Hikaru VF-1J onwards, that the arm armours were already wrong since the Hikaru and that its not plausible for them to rectify it for the M&Ms?
  11. It's not only unique to Basara. His band mates have it as well. So do other people. The translation points to Anima Spiritia but didn't say it was Basara's. But because he was simply the most powerful with it in City 7, we were led to believe it's him. It's also that because of his ability to make positive and inspiring music, that he and SoundForce became the right counter offensive to the Macross 7 crisis. Many factors confirm that only Basara has Anima Spiritia.....the others have strong spiritia but not particularly ANIMA spiritia. But most definitive way to find out: Go watch that episode where they found the protoculture temple. I am repeating this again, the temple ruins say that the protodevlin uprising was quelled by a group of special people (and an individual), who had Anima Spiritia. If everyone had anima spiritia like what you said, everyone could beat a protodevlin even if they aren't as strong as Basara. You fail to understand that everyone has different spiritia types like different blood group types. The Vaurautan vampires scan their targets and classify them Spiritia A (which i guess stands for Anima), B , C, D or some sort of grade. When they scanned mylene, it was pretty normal level of a common type (she wasn't singing). But when they scanned Basara, they were like "ANIMA SPIRITIAAAA" and their gauges go over the roof. Even more so when he starts to sing. I have proven my assumption. Can you prove yours that everyone has anima spiritia?
  12. Max: *fap fap fap fap fap * No...its already proven that only Basara has Anima Spiritia in M7. Anima Spiritia is unique to certain individuals, as Exedol translated from the temple ruins and further explains that its probably what Sivil and the other white hairy dude was making a big deal of when they meet Basara and kept saying "ANIMA SPIRITIAAAAAA!!!" And it is only Basara's spiritia readings that make their scales go haywire. No one else in M7 generated Anima Spiritia.
  13. Comparison photos would be good. So the china dress sets are big as well eh?
  14. I don't get it....how does the show work? he doesn't know he is being filmed...ok.... But does he know what he got himself into? Does he know he's taking part in some sort of "challenge and was promised a reward at the end of it? Or does he just think its some sort of kidnapping..... But regardless, leave it to Japan to think of these things.
  15. It DOES look like Stellvia but not quite. Stellvia has skirts in space....(how practical )
  16. Its not? Anyway, I agree with most of what Keith said except the "everyone can generate Anima Spiritia" bit. When the Varautan "vampires" scan their targets for spiritia, all of them have different classifications of spiritia, very much like Blood types. IE: Basara always has Anima Spiritia but its just the intencity of it that differs when he is singing or not singing.
  17. Ever wondered if William Hung has Anima Spiritia? He'd probabaly cause more than culture shock to the Zentraedi.
  18. isn't there a set of winter figures that came with the mangas that were about that height? THe winter figures were only no more than 10 cm in height. Its probbaly less. Around slightly taller than the current Rei figure. Heck, they were even smaller than your Sega Prize stuff. These are 23 cm.
  19. The OVA "Interlude" came with the Rahxephon PS2 game. It's still downloadable online since it isn't licensed - http://a.scarywater.net/solar/RahXephon%20...%5D.avi.torrent Its basically a monologue between Quon...and....herself....or...whatever she is trying to convey.... Very Eva-ish. QUestions her existence. Decides she is who she is. She is Quon. SHe wants to be herself...blablabla......3rd impact happens.
  20. I bought the winter figures which are supposed to be 20cm in height...
  21. Urmmm...are there any reprisal of roles and/or characters here? Personally, I thought Gunbuster ended nicely and shouldn't be touched.....but i have a dreaded feeling now that this sequel will suck. The boxed mecha...it reminded me of the cyborg that chose a weird cyborg body which is shaped like a small box with funky legs and hands from Ghost in the Shell. Anyway, any word if Hideaki Anno has his hands in this?
  22. Well....I won't flame you....but I will respond. I really doubt price discussion on this forum affects prices set by the market. E-tailers try their best to make a marginally fair profit from their toys and by the way I see it, almost everybody has ABOUT the same price, plus minus a few dollars. Yamato spies this board to check out how much they should sell their wares? Urmmm....highly doubtful. Your GBP armor example....is flawed. Did you expect to get similar prices as Japan's retail price? I'm not surprised that it becomes $40 after shipping, import taxes etc. Well...i don't know how much are dealer's prices, but i doubt the extra $20 added on top of Japan's retail price is made by the e-tailers and retailers. Those probably go to costs of bringing the thing in in the 1st place. My 2 cents.
  23. Obiwan is beginning to look like old Colonel Blair, no?
  24. That is !(*@&!(@*! freaky crap.......
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