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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Its strange that the person took photos of Q-raus instead of the anticipated GBP and Konig Monster. Or maybe he's just not a macross fan and don't find a big hunk of space ship interesting.
  2. Apparently an Invid (bit) outside its armour?
  3. w00t sam! In case you didn't have this picture as reference. Can't wait till it will look like this,.
  4. No pornos? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Haha....kidding man....that's very good recovery I'd say. Good on ya!
  5. By golly....I was right....ph34r....
  6. I like it!! But not kid safe though. The sharp edges look like they can poke a kid's eye out. Heck...gimme the gloves when I handle this baby. It looks like it can bite you back.
  7. Excellent! I want to see how u tackle the transparent t-shirt.
  8. wolfx

    Part 2

    What's there to disagree? I already said that most of them have pantsus underneath them skirts.... Some even have removable skirts which you can make them stand without their skirts....no idea why anyone would do that though unless they are pervs..... And if you have alot of "flashy" gashapon....I don't even want to know what they figures they are off. Mine are all decent ....none flashy, non fanservicey....but they still have pantsus. Not that I look....when fixing the legs to the torso, you'll see it. Your friends sculpted the CM 2's? Now...that explains alot.....
  9. I think Gigart (Hachimaki's sensei) has the same seiyuu as Roy Fokker.
  10. The poseability on this is awesome. I don't watch the Gao Gai Gar anime....but I really wish I had this. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?MAX07001 Too bad it doesn't transform, like this kit: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?KBYGA-25 Does the "hair" light up? hehe.
  11. 2nd and 3rd pages. That's all. This is what you guys are missing if you haven't already got it.
  12. 1st page.
  13. The cover
  14. Oops! They fell down. Isn't this awkward?
  15. Don't they just look so sweet?
  16. MmmM.... Rei II and Rei III get together for some yuri shots together.
  17. Sephiroth: Check out my sword. Rei: PFfftt!! You got a bone to pick with me? Punk.
  18. At this angle....she just look EVVVILLLLL!!! I LIKE!!
  19. Together with cloud and Sephiroth. (Cloud looks dorky.)
  20. Sexy pose on chair...trying to follow manga art cover.
  21. I thought the holy grail would be the ones in the bath scene, which was edited out badly.
  22. The only problem I have with mine is, which can be nitpicky: Her face. She doesn't look as bad-ass as the one on the packaging. Here she just looks....sad. Her hair that touches her cheeks are slightlyyyyyyy bleedy. But that's just me being anal.
  23. Touche. Although if they were to release a battle suit PVC, I would gladly buy that as well. I have one, made by SEGA Prize. It only looks good at certain angles though cause her face is a little flat.
  24. Heh...I went downstairs and there it was on my doorstep. It was sent on 13th May which was 2 days ago. pffft.....so much for shipping notices. Stampeed: Sweet xmas figs from volume 8. I missed out on these completely when I hesitated against the price and size of the fig+manga. Now I come to regret. Bah!
  25. Sweet. Can't wait for it to be finished! Swimsuit should be dark blue though...but i don't care. Hehe.
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