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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. The series is better known as Legend of Galactic Heros. THanks! It sounds kinda epic. But I've not heard a thing about it until today. Pretty interesting.
  2. I like those little space ships. I have no idea what is Heldensagen von Kosmosinisef . Those look abit like Crest Of The Stars ships though.
  3. wolfx

    Part 2

    Actually the dark haired version is the special/transparent version and the one with pastel colors is the normal version. I say this simply cuz the box advertises the pastel colored version.
  4. I already started collecting the Pinky:st and Pinky:Cos lines and then it dawned upon me....this line will be crazily overwhelming and might probably surpass medicom's Kubricks line in no time. OMG.....i can imagine my room filled with an army of Pinkies. I am doomed! Doomed I tell you!! I think I have to specialise... but they are all soooo cute and you just have to have one of each figure just so you can have the costume/hands/head/hair that comes with it. ARGH!!!! And on the Monster....i'm saving up on it right now.
  5. If you wanna go deeper into that, then its more like "Konnai de, sukebe!" (don't come near me, you pervert!)
  6. HLJ has their report up. No monster. though Phooey. HLJ Shizuoka Report
  7. Yeah its the angle. Looks better up close now. The eyes appear to look up in the sky abit though....as if giving a look. But otherwise it looks uber.
  8. I don't know. Maybe cause the picture's not focused enuff but....the eyes look droopy towards a weird angle thus making the eyes abit too big causing Rei to look....very sad.
  9. A custom. I don't know about guides etc though. Sorry.
  10. That's the dude??? Haha!! cool!! Oh....after following some links from there, found his website. Prime, Optimus Prime.
  11. These are out in Japan and selling faster than hotcakes. Booked 4 of them from my friendly book store, Kinokuniya. Wheeeee!
  12. What's with the fireman with guns?
  13. More: source: http://www.toyboxdx.com/r-9906.html
  14. Akilae: Sounds like Cyber Cops (don't know the Jap name). I have the green one which has a machine gun which clips onto the arms. The Blue one has a knife, the Red one has a punching gauntlet thing, and I think there was one more in the theam. The silver one has a chain saw thing and has radar domes or something from its shoulders. Hope this is the one you were looking for.
  15. The hair looks perfect, you got just the right shade there. Yeap. I agree. Now the eyes....another hard one. Make sure ya take progress shots yeah?
  16. Hey....that's pretty neat!! Doesn't seem so hard anymore actually....hmmm....unfortunately resins are expensive stuff to practice on. Sigh.
  17. I think I prefer CG Jill Valentine but....hehhe...she works as well. Who is the Umbrella soldier guy. Hunk?
  18. Zeo-Mare: Is this thing part of the Soul Of Chogokin series? If it is, why isn't it Bandai, not MaxFactory? Cuz I think I saw SOC logo on the box.
  19. I saw it the other day. He is pretty talented.
  20. http://www.animetoshokan.org/ They had it....not sure if its there now. They released other doujin games as well. Now awaiting Melty Blood:RE Act
  21. Actually, there are 2 manga lines. One featured in weekly Shounen Jump which was Fummofu and the other one which was what the original TV series was based on. I absolutely hated the 1st season undertaken by GONZO. GONZO being GONZO takes a relatively good storyline and background, adds in 3d effects and stuff and cheeses the whole story off and ends it all with more cheese. Crap bad ending for FMP. FMP:F was out of GONZO's hands....and I absolutely loved it, despite no mecha and being silly.
  22. LMAO! But dude...that's looking real good!! I can't really imagine how you did that transparent effect, but damn its good! I'm amazed.... Keep it up.
  23. wolfx

    My collection

    Very nice! I bet those are custom stands. Hmmm...how do they work?
  24. When you guys say Appleseed sux, is it the one that just came out in Japan or the old OVAs ?
  25. That's really sweet! Good job!
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