Well...anybody has a 80's 90's toys website? I'm still looking for that toyline which has the plastic statues and has transforming tanks/gunboats etc. Still can't find it for the life of me. The toy soldiers....one side was white/off-white and brown details while the other side was back with red details.
I thought the release date was May 28th?
Well we only have to wait a few hours to get the answer to this question.
oooh....err....sorry to blow the trumpet too early then.
Not sure but i'll stick with Graham.
Urmm...they are. I watched it long ago but I remember that something hinted they were alive.
Probably bonking and having witch babies somewhere in the countryside.
Fansubs dubbed it as Lux before the official spellings came out , which was Lacus. Gundam Seed has very weird romanised names like, Ssigh, Athrun (Asuran/Asulan) , Cagali (Kagari) etc.
Wow....it seems evrybody has a deep striker.
I have the ALEX/GT-4 (x2), GP04 Gerberra Tetra, GP02 Physallis, Zeta Plus (Red), Wing Gundam ver. Ka. , and Johnny Ridden's custom Zaku II.
Late 80's. IIRC, 1988. It was released under the title Uchu no Senshi.
Which literally translates to Space's Warriors. Interesting though that there were western novels converted to anime way back then.
as long as you have the figure for it. But I really wouldn't support dressing up while playing with your valks... that's where it gets a little extreme.
HAHA. Smart alec. Ok, let me restate that: I would buy a miny in a sailor outfit.
I'd buy the Min Mays featured on Min May guard shemes.
did they make an anmie of for this toy???
Honestly, I'm not sure. I know there was a CG tv show based on Starship Troopers that had a version of the power suits in it.
I don't know about the design of the power suit. I've always pictured it differently ever since I read the novel. Somehow, more ape like...
Yes, there was a SST anime. It was never released here in the states though.
Here is some line art
Let me get this straight.
There's a Starship Troopers novel.....there's a Starship Troopers movie which was based VERY loosely on the novel....then there is the game based on the movie....
and now there's an anime based on.....???? Uhhh.... The novel?
Actually I saw these toys made by not sure who in a comic shopw in Australia about a year back....and they were labeled ARMORED SUITS or something....and I ever seen or heard of anything like that. It looked to me like an Elemental rip-off (or most probably what the ELemental was ripped off from)
Or most of the time...."screeners". That's why you see the "Not for Sale and Rent. If you bought this video, you're fraked...please contact 1800-I-AM-A-PIRATE to report this incident".
Hakim gets the sudden realization of how small he and his cause are compared to the rest of the cosmos, a shattering revelation for all who have had it. It's kind of left up in the air if this had any effect on his future goals. Nono (the lunarian right?) I suppose just lives out her life loving the moon. Such a life goes on kinda ending... I loved that part about the final episode, how it showed both the good and bad elements of the universe persisting.
I mean they nver showed what happened to them at the ending credits like how they showed everybody else. The last we see of them were on the moon's surface...and Hakim walks away muttering "But I still...." as if he wants to continue whatever it was he was gonna do. (Bomb the moon city or something)
Finished the show. LOVED IT!! The beginning 1-6 was kinda boring though but after that, it was too cool ! I loved it so much. The drama. The characters. The plot progression. The human emotion. And most of all....uchuu (space).
At the ending scenes, they practically showed what happened to all the side characters but left out Nono. What happened to Nono and Hakim? Did Hakim get captured or did I miss something here?
Its hard getting a movie which isn't released in DVD i reckon. Even if we had raws at this point, it will be a video of someone bringing a handy cam into a cinema and filming the screen. Then we can here people laughing and see them walking to the toilet....