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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. The transformation looks very, very similar, but otherwise the parts all look different. He looks like his own toy, not just a repaint with a new head. I don't mind at all, a lot of the early G1 Transformers had similar transformations, and it's easier to make them keep that G1 feel if they stick to that with those particular characters. If you've seen the CG model designs, it looks like it is more poseable as well. Hopefully this is the case.
  2. My local toy shop has started offering preorders for the MPC Alpha fighter which they said would arrive later in June. Currently about USD100. Anybody planning on getting this? I still haven't seen the final mold pics (which promises to have a clear cockpit canopy). http://www.ultimatetoys.com.my/New/Robotec...rpieceAlpha.htm
  3. LMAO!! How could that happen...i do not know....
  4. Thanks Keith. You made me sound like an Eva n00b there. I dunno, i always considered EVA to be mystical, not "Aliens are God" kinda show. Now, what would be the purpose for Human Instrumentality Project in the "Alien God" perspective? Cause its widely accepted that instrumentality to reach a "higher plain of existence" which is all well and good in a mystical view....but sci-fi...i dunno. And how would you explain the fate of the human race , since Shinji rejected instrumentality? And what's wrong with the manga? Isn't it better than the anime?
  5. wolfx

    1/48 lineup

    THere's that picture by "I Forgot Who and thus i should be shot" which showed the whole lineup (before M&M) and he had 3 of each with fastpacks to display them in all modes for each figure released. He probably should update that cabinet pic with the M&Ms.
  6. I think i preferred it mystical instead of sci-fi. Now they have every reason to make a sequel based on ANOTHER planet WITH weird funky alien designs ala Gunbuster 2. I don't get this part. Why did Gendo wanted to be in SEELE? Because he wanted to know how to initiate human instrumentality. How did he do this? He used Yui to bring him into the society. Yui faced an accident that got her intergrated into EVA-01. Intentional? Debatable. But if Gendou wanted to initiate instrumentality because he wanted to meet Yui....why get into SEELE in the 1s place? This doesn't make any sense. PS: Did they confirm that Kaji was killed by Seele agents and not Misato as depicted by the manga?
  7. This one's for the yaoi fangirls. 4 bishounen half-demons, Goku, Hakkai, Gyojou and the questionable monk, Genjo Sanzo, make a journey to the west to stop gyumao (bull demon) from being awakened...but....that plot is lost and forgotten for most of the series. They stop in random towns, kill a monster of the week and have some random flashbacks here and there. The action scenes are just scrolling screens with guitar in the background, full of angst, and almost totally boring. But it has its "touching" moments.
  8. Sweet ass! I loved the Red Frame kit and I think i'm bound to get the blue and gold frames now. 1/100 Blue Frame 2nd. W00ts!!!
  9. Despite original colors, i think i still prefer red....and the gun is the exaust pipe?
  10. *fap fap fap fap*
  11. And I thought I was the only one that felt it looked like crap. Actually I'm not a great fan of the Freedom either. But with the MG, I might make an exception.
  12. w00ts! Can we expect good movie -> game conversions soon?
  13. *LMAO @ Picture* Great work!
  14. And i believe its from km#2 not 1.
  15. Maybe we got racists? But to quote a friend, "cool black guys NEVER die in the movies". I doubt Edgar will either.
  16. I believe so. Episode 44 of M7 was was filled with some mistakes. Namely the VF-11 leg hardpoints. http://www.anime.net/macross/feedback/index.html It is possible that they were also using a earlier draft of the VF-19's hardpoints. However, the hardpoints of the VF-19 are interchangable with other launcher systems so a VF-19 can carry a wide range of ordanance dependent on the mission specifics. So VF-11 has no missles without fastpacks? Pffffttt......weird designs.
  17. wolfx

    My Q-rau exploded

    I went "WTF?!?!?" when i saw that picture. OMG....my condolences to you. So, did you manage to get a refund from chrnoplast? PS: Topic should be "My Q-Rau was flattened"
  18. There was once a car that ran on french fry grease. It would go to mcdonalds or any fastfood outlet, and get free french fry grease (which is usually thrown away) and it ran on that.
  19. Well, It's great that they are getting Kohei Tanaka back to do the new soundtrack. I loved his background music for the original Gunbuster. However, I'm kind of surprised that Hideaki Anno would give his blessing to this travesty after seeing what these new designs are like. Maybe it'll turn out okay after all. We'll see... Well...Anno's doing the live action cutie honey...so....I think Gunbuster 2 designs are pretty much nothing. I mean come on, he even did Ebichu, that horny hamster show. Character designs mean noting to Anno. He can Anno-fy anything.
  20. Concerning the VF-19S from the compendium http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...vf19/index.html Does this mean that the VF-19 doesn't have missle hardpoints on its wings and only have launchers only on the legs? Same goes for the VF-11?
  21. Complimentary harakiri pose. That's all folks. For more pictures, go to http://www.wolf-x.com/gallery/astrayred?page=1
  22. The sword. It came out of the box pure white except the blade which was painted silver.
  23. Standard beam rifle and shield....zzzzzz
  24. I like this pose
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