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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Perhaps....but the fact is he WAS shot down....for lack of better terminology. nope. His valk was damaged beyond repair and he did a landing of somesort while taking 2 occtos with him. A plane damaged that lands is not shot down. For example. If a SAM hits a phantom jet,m and the jet makes it back to the carrier damaged, would you call that shot down? I wouldn't. ANd yes i do believe he may have initated self destruct this is possible to do witha flick of the switch and since his valk was screwed up anyways mineswell blow something up. So from this reasoning.... He is considered shot down if : 1.) if a pilot lands the plane (despite very bad condition getting shot up), he's not shot down. 2.) if a pilot gets shot up badly, but doesn't think he can make a landing, he ejects and is considered shot down. 3.) if a pilot gets shot in his plane (obviously he dies), he is shot down is this right? Of course returning to a carrier or base wouldn't be considered shot down...but what if the pilot lands in enemy territory? I'm quite sure he's considered shot down and consequently, MIA until he gets rescued.
  2. I'm no aviation expert, but I think I saw real fighters that have that part up there which I dubbed "air-brakes" though I'm not sure if they really are air brakes.
  3. Of course I remember!! Who doesn't?! (How old do you think I am..??) Pffft....u know what i mean.
  4. Perhaps....but the fact is he WAS shot down....for lack of better terminology.
  5. Makes me feel like screaming..... "PROTOCULTUREEEEEE!!!!" *gunpod hums* *VrrRrrRRRrrrRRrmmmmmmmmm* *gurgles and dies happy*
  6. Are those transformable mospeadas?? GIMME!!!
  7. Dude, don't give me credit for an anime I haven't seen yet. Sorry about that anyway, maybe I enjoyed it since I didn't play the videogame (I never even knew of it's existence) There are a few games out for Tsukihime. Most of them are interactice visual novels also known as dating sims or bishoujo games. The 1st one was Tsukihime, made by an online community of fans who love hentai dating sims (example: MW is online community of macross fans) and decided to make their own hentai dating sim. Thus Tsukihime and the company known as Type-moon was born. They made some 2 or 3 other Tsukihime games and then there was Melty Blood, a fighting game using Tsukihime characters and an update to it which came out this month, Melty Blood ReAct. After Tsukihime, there was Fate/Stay Night, with art improving very much since Tsukihime. (Tsukihime had quite ugly CG art since it was fan made but it progressed to commendable levels with each new game release) So there you have it. You would only buy the game if: 1.) you understand Jap 2.) You're a pervert and just wanna look at the ero pictures and don't care about the jap. Go google and search for tsukihime. There's a site hosted on geocities which is pretty definitive of all things tsukihime and type-moon. I'd do it for you but i'm off to work.
  8. WHy....cause u were turned on? Who's Ran Asakawa? pr0n actress i presume? And those Scryed cosplay looks good. And what are Starwars nerds doing at an anime convention?
  9. wolfx

    My Q-rau exploded

    That's stupid. Are they trying to say that they don't care for any foreign packages that comes into their hands? They are a courier service for chrissakes. Of course they will be handling foreign packages, and now they're telling u "its none of our business" ? Its your freaking business to ship these things!!! It sounds like you're being given the shaft here....making you go through tideous procedures until you finally give up. Like someone else suggested, write it to the local consumer's association or local newspaper and tell them how crap chronopost is and how they claim that "Its not our business". PS: What I don't understand here is, why would Japan EMS pay something that Chronopost damaged?
  10. The simplest way to look at it is this. The Protoculture mastered mechanical science, what's so hard to believe about them also mastering boilogical science? Macross has always been about this. While humans can create giant robots, the Protoculture created giant humans Besides which, and I can't stress this enough, with Kawamori being a huge gundam fan (Newtypes),none of this should be a surprise to anyoen. I can't see why some people are having problems with this either. Remember the medieval days when technology was considered "magic" or supernatural. Gunpowder, before its discovery was "magic powder" or something like that. (dude...watch me throw fire from my hands) This is the same case in Mac 0. Things we see as supernatural might very well be a technology so advanced that we can't comprehend yet. Remember, human evolution was sped up by the protoculture so if it weren't for them, humans would still be cavemen or something. (shows the protoculture's technological edge) And probably another reason why i don't see any problem with flying rocks was, I watched the Disney cartoon, Atlantis, which had somewhat similar themes with Mac 0. (and was a cool cartoon btw..very un-disneyish) I thought being shot down involves anything as long as you have to bail from the fighter. Roy already lost an engine and it seemed like he couldn't fly the VF-0 anymore....so he made an emergency landing which HAPPENED to be where aries, shin and sara were.Of course, Roy wouldn't be Roy without making a grand appearance.
  11. Yes it is. Isn't Rico cool? Hurry up and make the sequel already!
  12. A friend pointed out an interesting thing. Roy apparently was never shot down once and he prided in it in SDF-1. Even after he died (in Pineapple Salad i think), Claudia mentioned how he always bragged never being shot down and shot down how many planes during the unification war...... And here he was shot down by Ivanov. Roy's ego playing out here?
  13. show me~ What, his twig and berries? But yeah max...i highly doubt that.
  14. And THAT is all that matters, no?
  15. Makes me want those cheap Gakken legioss' more. GET ME ONE FROM AX DAMMIT!
  16. Or you could just download them from www.hongfire.com. (or was it org?)
  17. Damn....that's !(*@&!( small isn't it? Now I know not to trust that toy dealer who talks like he knows everything. I was having an "intelligent conversation" with him about how the MPC Alpha would be rather small and around the same size as the super poseables (and i pointed at the super poseables he had) and he shook his head saying "No....its much bigger than that" while giving me a "what...are you stupid?" look. This was the same dealer who was gonna charge me USD100. Not sure if that price is justifiable, after shipping etc is accounted for.
  18. Aren't most dragons/reptile like things like that?
  19. Is that about the same height as the Toynami Superposeable Alphas? It sounds like around there.
  20. wolfx


    Jsarc: LOL! Do those tips still apply after you're married or does all the skeletons (in this case, valks) come out of the closet?
  21. wolfx


    Yeap. There's one known antidote. Give them all TO ME.
  22. You get cheap thrills don't you? Most gashapon/trading figures have panties beneath them skirts. Call it detail.
  23. Maybe knowledge of the game spoiled it for me...but the anime was crap IMHO. Lots were left out, and almost no characters got their character development. Everything was centered around Arc and Shiki, and everything was about their little dates which was bleh. Kinda disappointed. It had so much more potential since it had so much material from a game with an uber storyline. PS: Notice that Satsuki was reported missing in the TV report during the hotel incident...but then she turns up in school saying she was sick and did not go for her b'day dinner. Oops? And in the game, she turns into a vamp and dies in the hands of Shiki.
  24. The mecha in Macross has always been secondary. That's the beauty of it. Macross always centers around "Love". The mecha are all backseat props.
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