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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. If you kept updated while there were special featurettes with the director of AVP, the expedition (like all expeditions into dangerous unknown territory) has a bunch of security guard/mercenary type people. It was hinted that these soldiers were "special" but we don't know how special yet. Probably early prototypes of the Weyland Yutani cyborgs? And about what guns we get to see, I see H&K G36 rifles with green laser sights being carried by the soldiers. I'd expecting this to be an interesting watch. Not too bothered about the souped up designs. It seems the humans are not being hunted, but just in the middle of the AVP "war" so it'll prove quite interesting.
  2. THanks for the link and spoiler, Jolly Rogers. But is that "Vatiel" a fan speculation or official explanation? Vatiel can also be seen covering the body of that crazy woman before you face off with her in a final boss battle. Spoiler for SH3: And I didn't know that Heather was carrying a "fetus of God" but more like she is the incarnation of Samael.
  3. Don't remmember what was room 312. Sunderland was the doc rite? I can't remmeber the details of what happened in most of Silent Hill, but I did understand the storylines, reinforced by that long ass plot analysis by President Evil on gamefaqs. What I wanna know are the manifestations of evil which were in silent hill 2,3 and now 4. I'm talking about those big ass /freaky things which you can't kill. Like in 2, Pyramid Head, 3 would be the monster which you randomly see around turning valves (you nver fight it) and it seems now for SH4, its one of those "long-haired" female ghosts/monsters.
  4. naturally something i have no skill in sounds like a great job you have there, do you have any pics of you collection? sorry if this is getting a little off topic. I am just curious i do not think I have seen that many Valks in one area , except maybe a store, (which is pretty impressive when you think about it ) You obviously have not seen sithlord's collection.
  5. I loved the part where a whole swarm of aliens climb to the top of the pyramid with Predators firing their shoulder cannons like crazy. Awesome!
  6. We're taking this whole transformation thing as delicately as handling a virgin, like what Ivanov would say. Don't worry about it dude. The parts are quite tight on the 1st transformation. Follow the illustrations and the videos and you should be just alright. But don't sue me if anything goes wrong. Hehe.
  7. Personally...i didn't find it all that scary WHILE playing the games. But i felt abit freaked after playing it and THINKING about it and what it all meant. But in terms of scaryness factor, 1 was the best despite PSone era graphics. Ouh...about Silent Hill 4, it has English sutitles in it! w00ts!!
  8. I thought Rally cars removed their backseats?
  9. I want one! There are panel lines if you looked hard but probably not enough. And I see a yammie sticker applied. The number "18" at the back of its cannons. Horrid as ever. And if they could paint the panel lines on the Zero, why not the other toys?
  10. No such problem with mine.
  11. Is that supposed to be Largo's ph34r bot from Megatokyo? HEhe. Please for the love of......
  12. 8.95,random in box. I'm quite sure its per box, not whole set of 10.
  13. Why would it be yanked by ebay? Illegal or something?
  14. What's SYRL? And that's PRETTY DARNED COOL!
  15. Yes people. Play with your 1/48. Don't be afraid to try new things and explore its body and every single panel line........heh. Let's not go there. I do realise people who play their singular 1/48 appreciate it better than a person who has tonnes of them but never plays with them. *carreses Roy VF-1S ever so gently*
  16. Not the most detailed of figures. But it works. Bad thing about it, the stub at the bottom of her shoes which goes into the base she stands on BENDS after awhile. (PVC sickness) So right now, she doesn't stand upright. More like leaning.
  17. I've said it before and I'll say it again. There IS a battlesuit mahoro by Sega Prize and I have it. Got it from an anime convention in Australia. No Sylpheeds yet though.
  18. It does just have a mouth..... I know all of the intimate details of every mecha. ^,^;; LOL No....but Basara's VF-19 with Mylene's VF-11 would do the trick.
  19. I have too much eva stuff. And all my mecha must have articulation.
  20. Thank God for that. One Rei Fukai is enough, thanks.
  21. Random stuff my friend picked up when he slow-moed the battle scenes frame by frame: 1.) When focker was diving for his gunpod, his hands came out in fighter mode without the legs coming out 1st. This is impossible for the VF-1. Perhaps the VF-0 has a different transformation? 2.) Roy's head lasers can take out an Octo-pod, but Shin's lasers can't scratch Nora's SV-51. When Nora flew under Shin, Shin fired a few times with his head laser at her. Watch frame by frame, and you can see Shin hit Nora 3-4 times just outside the canopy area but it sparks and leaves a searing burn mark but otherwise no damage. Uber armor on the SV-51? (owe it to the russians to come up with variable stumorviks) Or VF-0A Head laser sucks?
  22. Grey Fox would be a kid at this time.... if he was even born yet. I doubt he'll make an appearance. The Sniper Wolf like girl, and Raiden like guy could probably be gene donors to the future Wolf and Raiden. If Snake was a biproduct of Big Boss' genes, there's a huge possibility that some FOXHOUND members were also made through cloning(?). And I don't know, but girl-with-horse looks like Fortune. And about the crotch grabbing part, its yet to be revealed cause even in MGS 2, Raiden's crotch was grabbed by the President, cuz he thinks Raiden is a girl and then found out he was wrong. So this reprisal in MGS 3 made me ROFLMAO! PS: Isn't it quite depressing for "The Major" that throughout all the games, his beloved Anti-terrorists special forces FOXHOUND (forgot the exact name) members always turns into terrorists?
  23. wolfx

    Dirty Valk

    Wow...the shoulders ARE dirty..... I like the overall look though, and the corroding metal on the fastpack look.
  24. If the YF-19's wings morph during transformation to battroid mode, so does the VF-1's wings which become shorter and fit into the backpack in battroid mode so the engine intakes don't actually collide with the wings in battroid mode when doing crouches etc. Animation oversight or morphing wings? You decide.
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