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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. 1 would think that its shoulder mounted or launches your shoulder Why do you need to bring that small thing up to shoulder height anyway? Pistol sights?
  2. Looks like some sorta sci-fi romance book cover to me.
  3. The gun (exaust?) looks pretty dodgy.....
  4. where did you get that from and how much? I got mine from here. http://www.jungle-scs.co.jp/cgi-bin/goods....FIGURE&keyword= You're lucky that they still have it. HLJ is backordered. oh, that's where you got it from? Man, I'll just go there myself to pick it up. Thanx! Got it from Osaka, Japan. I don't know about the US store though. hehe.
  5. If you didn't mention the broken seat and missing arm piece, I'd think this toy was minty fresh. Cool!
  6. where did you get that from and how much? I got mine from here. http://www.jungle-scs.co.jp/cgi-bin/goods....FIGURE&keyword= You're lucky that they still have it. HLJ is backordered.
  7. Ouh...and I thought it was some l33t mod incorporating all the consoles into one box.
  8. I'm quite curious what they are standing on though.
  9. Sweet! I think i'll just leave them in the box!
  10. The box for the Grimrock figure looks kick ass!
  11. I left out of this thread until i finished watching it and....I really liked Area 88. 1stly, a few corrections. This is the TV series, not the OVA. The OVA is older and I have yet to watch that. Gunslinger Girl anime is only 2 (or 3) books into the manga. So it ends where book 2 ends for now. Expect more in the near future. CG planes weren't yukikaze and macross zero great, but it was ok. Didn't mind the music either. Good stuff. What I don't get is the ending. SPOILERS WTF? I thought he made enough money to go home. Why did he stay back? And I read a few posts back that the OVA conclusion showed him returning to Area88 after he came back to Japan because he has become too much of a cold blooded fighter pilot and can't adapt to normal life? Behhh So....is this story concluded or is there more?
  12. And as Millia engages Max in a duel to the death, the oft-slain Kakizaki comes up from behind looking for sweet revenge! Now it's time for someone else to get wasted from behind before they see it coming! That's cannon fodder btw...not Kakizaki's, althought they both look almost the same.
  13. The next Bisor line.
  14. Anybody knows what the UN Spacy is in Robotech universe? It seems like they didn't remove it from their toys and art.
  15. wolfx

    Alien vs. Macross

    Its a 1/60 and the alien queen probably bitten off its arm armours. ANd that's not the surfboard, but the display stand it came with.l
  16. U got a pic of it in motocycle mode? Wish I had. I'll post one immediately after I find one though.
  17. wolfx

    Just got my Q-Rau

    Not a Trekkie, but I thought Bird of Prey were the Klingons, not Romulans?
  18. Like how they were STILL running away from killer cyborgs sent from the future to kill him? Each one sent in a convient time frame. One before John was born. One when he was a kid. And 3rd when he was a bumming adult. With time travel, one would think to keep sending termies further back into the past instead or at least 1 after another. IE: When 1st termie got mashed, send another one immediately after the 1st one gets mashed. But anyway....I was hoping for Rise of the machines to be more "wide-scale" and apocalyptical instead of "innocent ppl running from killer cyborg" like the 1st 2 movies.
  19. Heh....egos sizing amongst geeks?
  20. THere's alot of stuff to read there, friend and i'm in the office. Will get to it once i get back. Once again, thanks for the link.
  21. Good question. Answers, recasters? I'm probably guessing that resin is easily casted and more liquid than say....plastic. Plastic probably has to be what they say....injected or something with pressure. I'm just talking outta my ass. Let a pro explain.
  22. Mospeada custom of motor bisar.
  23. His collection: http://homepage.mac.com/s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d/my...toAlbum141.html be humbled. I know I was.
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