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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Shows which had their characters designed by Hirashi Hirai (Infinite Ryvius, Scryed, Gundam SEED, Soukyuu no Fafner) all pretty much look the same. His designs are distinctive and I like them, but his range isn't great. Not that it should matter that much, Leiji Matsumoto's designs have looked all alike for decades. But for this particular anime (i'll find out what it is later), they look EXACTLY alike. Like there's kira, there's ahtrun, there's freya etc. Not sure if it was intentional though. Its kinda new.
  2. hmmmm...who's the cute chick? Seed destiny...bah Slightly off topic, I remembered reading an article about another mecha anime which had EXACTLY the same character designs as SEED. It was weird cause its like the characters are actors acting in 2 different shows. Anyway suffice to say that show had the same char designer as SEED who also did Scryed. Just can't remember the name of that show.
  3. I left out of this thread until i finished watching it and....I really liked Area 88. 1stly, a few corrections. This is the TV series, not the OVA. The OVA is older and I have yet to watch that. Gunslinger Girl anime is only 2 (or 3) books into the manga. So it ends where book 2 ends for now. Expect more in the near future. Ah, I didn't know that about Gunslinger Girl, but the 13 episodes that I saw don't make me want to watch more of it. As for your question about the ending I assumed it was because he needed to buy a new plane. What for? He's not gonna use the one he has already. That's why the commander dude said he'll make him pay for clearing up his downed plane but his right hand man said that would only be miniscule for Shin and won't be enough to keep him around.
  4. ouh crap....my condolences to the F-91. What !*@&(!&@ parents are those anyway? Teach your kids for chrissakes. Don't justify their behaviour with "ooooh...you're too old for toys anyway". You know...that just pisses me off. At least the plumber dude was wary of his kid's rudeness and tried to correct him.....(despite failing badly) but AT THE VERY LEAST he had an idea what was happening. Geeeeez.... thankfully for me...i had little bratty cousins who come crashing into my room excitedly to look at my stuff, but have the decency not to TOUCH anything. Well..probabbly that's cause i was there....but my mom knows how i treasure my stuff and would never let them up if i wasn't around anyway.
  5. I found it more funny and tongue in cheek than insulting.
  6. I'm amazed that he got the sword/backpack right...considering i haven't seen any line art of it. Its supposed to be Blue Frame's sword or something. Guess he got them from the Astray Manga.
  7. For this, i want pictures!
  8. Man...this thread made my day. And maybe I should try that if I ever visit Hurin's place. "I want that!" *points to Low Viz 1/48* "When are you gonna urmm...sleep with the daisies? You someday will...won't you? Could you give them to me then? Hmmm?"
  9. I liked it very much until towards the end. The ending was rushed and lots of plot points were lost during the whole finale. It would've been an instant classic if not for the rushed ending, I think. Plot holes are a big no no in my book.
  10. Its strange that nobody heard of this before when I asked about it in fansub message boards. No one seems to want to fansub it either when it 1st came out around december last year. Ah well. It looks cool. And the soundtrack sounds awesome.
  11. BUMP! Forgive me but, how big is the 1:18 scale? Is it about the same size as the Binaltech transformers ? I'm guessing its probably slightly bigger?
  12. If they are 1/144 trading figs, i'd rather get the Ultimate Operation line. Those looks real good.
  13. They're manufactured in China, like everything else. The ones sold here in the US are made by Hasbro, with Hasbro's own color schemes. Other than that, they're all Tomy's creations. The Tomy color schemes, usually look a lot nicer, too. Oops...what i meant was if they were manufactured FOR SALE in the US, making the staff think they were not Japanese.
  14. That's pretty damn funny! But are zoids now manufactured in the US like Pokemon are?
  16. I don't get the Exedore Miria 639 one.
  17. Titania sounds awesome! Wanna get my hands on it. But 1st, need to get LoGH.
  18. And what is this line supposed to be ? Articulated detailed 1/144's?
  19. Just wondering...how does someone do jumping/flying scenes in stop/shoot animation?
  20. I thought it was gonna be a triology?
  21. Since we're on the subject, who knows of a midi editing software? I'm using a Nokia 3310 and it can't play midis which are bigger than 10kb. ARGH!! And i so wanna fit shao pai long on my phone.
  22. wolfx


    omg...after reading this thread yesterday, today my YF-21 took a plunge in gerwalk mode around 2-3 feet from the desk. Was asleep and then it crashed. I'm like....omfg....THAT must've been the YF-21. Turned on all the lights, rushed to the crash site....and sighed in relief as i found that nothing was broken and only the fastpacks and gunpods came off. There IS a God!
  23. I believe this is the case as well. I felt like it was as rare as any other high demand valk (which excludes the Max 1A).
  24. Yeaps.... he's in that scene as well. I always look out for Stan Lee when wacthing the marvel stuff. Is it just me or does the sound track sounds ABIT like the Hulk's one? Anyway IMHO, Spidey2 was kinda crap. They put in lots of cheap lame humour....tried to capture "Peter Parker's Curse" but didn't do it QUITE right IMHO. (wth is with that uncle ben in car dream?) But "Go get 'em, Tiger!"..... ahh....classic! Guess that means no venom in the next series eh?
  25. wolfx

    Macross Twins

    THey were called LAMS or Land and Air Mechs, I believe. Aerospace fighters cum battlemechs. Don't know their stats though.
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