watched the 1s episode of Kiddy Girl-And ....and....errr....i'm not sure i want to continue.
Wasn't that great a fan of the 1s kiddy grade anime but this....words can't describe it.
A scene from the 2nd gurren lagann movie. Looks like everyone will have their own tengen toppa...?
It has Shiki Ryogi in there but not Shiki Tohno. Its set in the same universe as Tsukihime but otherwise standalone. You should check out the movies. I think there are 7 currently.
I don't feel its like God of war though. The one that feels like GoW would be Dante's Inferno.
Btw i must've missed it, but what issues with the PS3 version?
You should try its precursor, Garden of Sinners.
As everyone on the internets agreed, there's NO Tsukihime anime.
Hollow Axtaria is complicated because Shiro isn't shiro and it has some funky stuff like magical girl Rin?
LOL i admit though they got the CG of the mecha pretty well done but wth is that lame-oh Aquarion bootleg HUD? They invested so much on the CG and they can't make the HUD look more decent?
i played the demo and kinda like it but can't shake the feeling of button mashing too. Its a beautiful game btw and i dun mean it because of the protagonist.
I did notice that the US release version has censored it slightly when Bayonetta uses her hairpowers, she's left with a black strapped underwear thingy when there should be just a gold chain covering her unmentionables.
queen's blade is some illustrated game book with stats or something. I'm not entirely sure how its played but it has to do with you exchanging your character's book with your opponent's? Didn't really cared enough to find out more.
Angel Beats, a collaboration between Visualarts KEY, Aniplex and G's Magazine
it looks gorgeous. And probably KEY's 1s foray into the action genre.
1st season was pretty good...but the 2nd season just ended, and I felt the ending was really rushed and it felt...unfinished.
Sad really since the 1s season was one of the better anime of that time.
Is that Astray-BuCue a custom or an official product? It looks pretty kick ass.
And i'm not sure if i'm liking the new MG Astrays....they are looking less chunky than they should be.