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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. is this official? I got reports that this was a fan-made trailer.
  2. Restarted watching bakemonogatari. Another strange show by studio shaft but actually quite enjoyable, even if its mostly conversations between two people.
  3. Thx for the heads up.
  4. Yeah...abit confusing. Especially with the whole "become Ragnarok angle that didn't matter because we are gonna come kill you anyway plot." One thing i'm wondering though.....
  5. In other news the Battle Angel Alita live action is postponed because of Avatar 2.
  6. Also you can use the right analog stick in the map to zoom out so you can see where the red star is.
  7. Cute. I don't mind getting the gurren lagann one too. :3
  8. The King Behemoth and Mandowhatsitsname takes less than 3 minutes to regen. Just don't be near there and you'll find them again. I won't recommend you go farm them just to grind though. I recommend you do the Cith missions and kill stuff along the way. Less boring that way.
  9. By end game, my Lightning deals the most damage in the party (probably due to * level helter-skelter) but like David says she is mostly a Ravager. I couldn't get out of my all-girl-team because the benefits of van and fang as saboteurs were too good to give up especially in the finaly chapter which had some challenging enemies. Lightning's "Limit break" does looks the best out of all the characters but i find her dealing 5 hits as a Ravager or Commando to deal overall much more damage than Army Of One even during stagger. You seem to deal 4-5k base damage per hit iregardless of how many % the stagger bar is. At that point i can easily deal 30k per normal attack hit.
  10. took a break from final fantasy 13 and playing Patchwork Heroes on PSP now. Very fun and addictive, sawing warships into pieces!
  11. A little tip to those who finished the game or are at chapter 11 at least. There's an easy way to kill those giant turtle things (called oretoises) They are all susceptible to Death.... You shouldn't have problems killing the small one, Anachelid. Adamantoise and Adamantortoise ....i can't kill them fair and square yet. They give 30,000 CP and drop some cool stuff like Adamantites and Platinum Ingots. Read on if you wanna know how:
  12. Looks like BRS will get a figma soon. http://ameblo.jp/gsc-mikatan/image-1048528...0456983664.html
  13. That's not much of an "address" u know. Haha. Its just an excuse. I was hoping that Pulse would've had towns for you to explore if not Cocoon. Didn't have a problem with that. Only "ominous" parts are narrated by Vanille which I felt was pretty good. Also bear in mind Vanille uses her "srs bsns" voice during the narration and not the cutesy ones. Speaking of Vanille, lol, did anyone raise an eyebrow during her Eidolon's final attack? I was like LOLJAPAN. That was so intentional.
  14. I believe there was a teleport mechanism in X? Its been years since i touched it so I can't remember very well. And i was sure that there were early dungeons in X that you didn't need to go to, and was a diversion from the main story. I remember dying in some of them due to being underleveled.
  15. A flashback to the past in 2006, this was the 1s trailer for FFXIII. Notice that the battle system was changed very significantly and dare i say not as impressive as the 1s trailer. Looking back now though the 1s trailer felt more like a proof-of-concept cinematic rather than a working game engine. Also Lightning's anti-grav device seemed to play a more important role in the POC's battle engine compared to the final game, which was only featured in the cinematics. Pity.
  16. In X you could always stop travelling the main path and divert yourself to the huge dungeons to level up or gain your ultimate weapons. You could also return to the towns that you have passed to do some side quests. Heck X has blitzball! Not so for XIII.
  17. Its nothing like 12....and if you're looking for something like 12, 13 isn't for you. Actually FF games aren't exactly replayable per se. Long gaming hours yes, but replayable, not really. And yes i loved 12 like you for the reasons you stated. If i had to describe FFXIII in a few words, i'd say its "RPG lite.....for the general casual gamer to get into easily". I wanna replay Chrono Trigger now because of the bad taste 13 left in me.
  18. Tragic. I need to watch that again.
  19. Huh? Omega weapon looks like the hauteclair? That sucks. Disappointing. Yeah its my least favorite design too. I prefer it be like the gladius/helter-skelter any day. My experience with axis blade so far, i could only get the ATB charged 1 bar, which isn't much to me. I rather have the damage that the axis blade lacks.
  20. ah..the great fansub debate again. Who would've thought it would make it into this thread. Get back on topic, ppl.
  21. You and me both.
  22. Just finished it myself. Like Ghost Train said, the finale took me by surprise and was quite awesome. And I'm not sure if they purposely made Terestina become so much like Beatrice (from Umineko No Naku Koro Ni) in her batshit mode. Same voice actor too. bring on the next series in the index-verse. To quote someone on another board, "A Certain Scientific Hotplate. "
  23. yeah...Snow's optimism rubbed off on me. >.< (no spoiler beyond chapter 11) I was thinking (chapter 12 spoiler)
  24. Finished the game. I have to say the story doesn't feel as epic as the previous FF games and....overall quite disappointing. Also paradigms are only fully unlocked after you finished the game so there's no way for you to farm and get your characters with the ultimate weapons and stats before you fight the final boss. Oh final boss fight was pretty laughable as well. The final form of the boss was actually the weakest. I forgot to check my time but i believe it was around 40 hours. I think i'll spend another 10 or so hours to grind for the ultimate weapons and put this game to rest.
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