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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. they may release a normal version. I shall wait out for that
  2. don't like those tribal motifs either.
  3. I got my Robot Damashii devilfish and quite happy with it, except it doesn't come with the stand. Sorry if its a stupid question but what stand should I get for it? Theere seems to be a special stand for the robot damashii series.
  4. Nope. That would be Onechanbara and there already is a live action adaptation for it. Haven't seen it myself though.
  5. Trigun theatrical movie...Badlands RUmble. OH YEAH!
  6. I'm just laughing at "MY NAME IS BOLO SANTOSI" crazy singaporean accent.
  7. The crossover of Peacewalker and Monster Hunter video. wow. just wow.
  8. is it diecast?
  9. make a whole alternate universe already and stop with all these parallel stuff.
  10. K-ON 2 is out. More fun and laughts for Afternoon Tea Time.
  11. P.A Works...ah ok. There's that 1s Kanon (not the 2009 one) and the Air: The Movie which were both by Toei Animation.
  12. eh? why the comparison to Canaan? Sorry if i'm slow these days. >.< I do know its written by KEY's Jun Maeda and I initially thought the animation was by Kyoto Animation (Its Aniplex) since they had some Kyoani stuff like the 100 hit death, the school concert and strangely similar characters to previous kyoani works.
  13. why is gensoumaden saiyuki considered "flash animation"? Did i jump the gun or something? Was it because they didn't have much action scenes and just showed static shots? XD yeah i kinda forgot cuz its been years.
  14. i'm sure he was talking about the older saiyuki, not that BL bait one. Saiyuki after all is just the Japanese name for "Journey To The West" and there are many japanese works based on it.
  15. i concur. Things are really heating up now.
  16. just watched 1s ep of Angel Beats. Feels very Haruhi + Clannad in the afterlife.
  17. WOAH MY GOD as Megatron....this should be FUN!!! "Atashi waaaaaarrrrRrrrrr megaturoooooonnnnnneeeeee"
  18. The Japanese OP for transformers. Woah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWjXcmBjJXg And i thought prime was called Convoy in Japan?
  19. Harlock 3D CG movie poster.
  20. Animation is strange and experimental. (ugly some might add) Has some interesting quantum mechanics as a plot tool, where some guy from an alternate future visits this girl who is supposed to be saviour of mankind in the alternate future or something..... Story could be slow at times, but I love Noien.
  21. I don't know why people try to find a DEEP meaning in Evangelion. Though Eva speaks to everyone differently, the basic fundamentals of the show isn't that far from Gunbuster. Its a "coming of age" story about our protagonists facing problems that people like us go through everyday. Peer pressure, envy, jealousy, wanting to be loved and accepted (big theme here what with A.T fields and whatnot) and etc. Eva injects more angst and speaks to alot of us who have problems relating with our parents, the expectations placed on us since we were kids, and the pressure to live up to them. Reading the introduction of Eva 1.11 included with the Blu Ray, i was more or less convinced that Anno intends to make Eva more accesible at face value so just watch it like you would any other anime and take it at face value. The characters are well thought out, their motivations very clear and their insecurities laid out to bare. Eva is just that. Don't bother about mumbo jumbo non-symbols. If anything , the Eva movies is going at new direction and I really feel that Shinji is growing as a character (unlike the TV series).
  22. It does feel like a "cheat" and easy way out of making an anime... but i doubt SHAFT has budget problems. Btw yeah i watched the webisodes which continued Tsubasa's story. Just abit strange that they dumped her story at 12 and continued with 13 and 14. I don't think it tried to be different or cutting edge, and yeah generally its a cliche plot but the presentation is way different. You realise the show doesn't have any other characters except those that participate in the dialogues and very rarely you get to see more than three people talking at the same time. If this show was presented in your typical anime-style, it might probably make less of an impact and even be cliched. The show also sometimes breaks the "Fourth Wall" and pokes fun at itself being an anime and also frequently presents all the usual otaku tropes deliberately.
  23. Welcome to version 3.0 I finished watching Bakemonogatari TV episodes and was abit perplexed that Tsubasa's story wasn't really completed? Will they explore it further in the OVAs? The show is studio SHAFT at its weirdest with frequent "RED" "BLACK" "BLUE" and "WHITE" screens flashing during action scenes. But the story and dialogues between characters saved the show from otherwise very experimental animation that isn't everyone's cup of tea. Also watched the 2nd OVA of Darker Than Black Gaiden. Its sad that the OVAs are better than the whole 2nd season put together.
  24. Just finished the Eden of The East movie, King Of Eden. Wow just wow.....i can't wait for the 2nd and final movie. And we still don't know who or what Juiz is.
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