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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. It looks like its only available in Japan.
  2. I think they figured it was human meat....i think I saw someone vomitting when they found out the reason they were being smoked and what they had been eating. As for flora and fauna, shrug. Since preds breathe about the same atmosphere as the one on earth, they might share similar species of flora and fauna.
  3. hey that's pretty wicked. Do the psychommu parts remain transluscent in normal light?
  4. Accountants. That made me laugh. Yeah and also considering human hunters don't go hunting big game with a grenade launcher and machine gun, consider how much more powerful conventional predator weapons could be compared to the ones they use for hunting.
  5. I was referring more to the ridiculous suicide trans-am torpedoes actually.
  6. Well: About sportsmanship, it does open a plot hole in the original movie as depicted by this funny vid.
  7. caught it yesterday. I'm not too impressed by it. Kudos for going back to its roots but it lacked some sort of "suspense/horror" element to it. Heck they even had a "samurai scene". Too campy.
  8. STRAIN gets better too....until 3 episodes in you realise, this show is whacked out weird as if its directed by 1 brilliant director then replaced by 10 other imbeciles. There's random fanservice thrown in too out of nowhere. Its too bad because STRAIN had alot of promise only to fail miserably. In other news....watched 1s episode of Highschool of The Dead. Not sure how the story is going to pan out but basically Japan has a zombie apocalypse and this guy and girl is stranded in a school fighting for their lives. Zombies, Gore, blood, action and panties. What's there not to like?
  9. The finale for 00 was too ridiculous though. I preferred the 1s season when everyone didn't have GN drives yet.
  10. I always wanted to get myself one of these but was worried about the face painting part that i might not get the same results out of the box. But since you mentioned the brows and stuff are tampo printed, i think i'll get myself one of these Alice scheme is cute!
  11. New anime of the season: Amagami SS: romantic highschool comedy....if you liked kimikiss pure rouge, this one's for you. Impressive animation. Black Lagoon : Roberta's Blood Trail : w00ts... killer maid(s)!
  12. is everyone confused because the 2 female leads in the anime look similar and only distinguishable through the colour of their similar uniforms?
  13. People already commented on that during the Miku Fest concert. Scary innit? And Macross had been accurate with their visions on the future of music. Like Lynn Minmay and the whole idol phenomena for example. Then now, virtual idols.
  14. Homemade hologram ftw!
  15. Already did few months ago. XD Finished B Gata H Kei....i wouldn't recommend it to anyone but its sad that it has way better production values than Kiss X Sis.
  16. What is gurren lagann childhood's end? Is that what they call Gurren-hen in the states?
  17. You, me, and everyone else. Hopefully Koyomi Vamp arc will be a BD special or something. Those small shots of their "encounter" was full of awesome. I was hoping for one more episode that involved all the girls he helped together though. Tsubasa's "oddity" isn't really solved per se either.
  18. Is God some evil smiley guy who barters stuff with humans via alchemy? :/ This whole "truth" bartered for "human transmutation" business makes my head spin. I think shiroikaze's explanation was more accurate. I also remembered an episode where they explained that Alchemy was brought to them by a foreign man which i presumed was the globe-wandering-Hohenheim. So unless i'm wrong, Hohenheim should be a master of Eastern Alchemy too? and oh in other news, finally finished bakemonogatari and working. Working was very funny and entertaining. Bakemonogatari was pretty enjoyable to watch as well, in a dialogue-ridden-moe-pandering kinda way....i think i'm getting used to Shinbo-anime.
  19. Elfenlied was pretty awesome, in a dark twisted way. Give it a chance.
  20. takoluka....probably in the nendoroid series?
  21. I'm so glad there will be one more "winding down" episode after that fantastic 2nd last episode. Still abit confused with all this east and west alchemy thing and its still kinda mysterious what this "God" thing is. XD
  22. Finished Angel Beats. As expected a very bad series with a lack luster ending with only the bare minimum explained. But because its written by Jun Maeda of Key fame, I stuck by it, along with others. Oh well.
  23. Make sure you watch After Story. As for me i actually found the time to finish Kemono no Souja Erin. Pacing can be slow and there can be one flashback sequence too many but i felt the story-telling was done beautifully. The world and characters were well thought out and voice acting was top notch. Too bad this is the kinda show that wouldn't make big bucks nor sell figures.
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