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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. His picture naming is hilarious.
  2. Its sorta like Heroes....cept this came out before Heroes. Plot gets convoluted at some parts but still worth a watch.
  3. That's probably the only awsm part of that show. :/ POTATO DONO!!!
  4. Its interesting to note that Huke is probably making alot of royalty money from just a couple of illustrations of a character which has absolutely no defined....well...character.
  5. End of HOTD ep 12. Pretty awesome final ep of the season. Can't wait for the next season
  6. Not that tear jerky. Kinda disappointed. But poor azu nyan has to soldier on alone. Season 2 feels like it lacks something....maybe Mio moments or something but it didn't feel as good as the 1st. Yay bring it on. Need more biri biri.
  7. Yakuza 4 Dead? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofCq8R2_jUg
  8. It feels like Tribes :/ Those were the fun ol days
  9. But-but....its the world of HD and 3D nowadays! Get with the times! jk Anyway i like what I see but not entirely sure if i'm happy with this being a "father and son" reunion kinda plot :/
  10. Smart alecky blade runner reference noted.
  11. Destroy the science facility on the lower right of the map to unlock a secret mission
  12. HOTD 10. Shidou has a bangbus. He obviously knows his priorities.
  13. Nice! I didn't know they included the DVD in it....or is this a special limited edition thing? But srsly that OVA sucked major balls.
  14. Cuz its full of awesome T&A
  15. It would seem that the events of Eva TV took place throughout summer....or because of the effects of the 2nd impact, seasons ceased to exist in Tokyo 3. *shrug*
  16. Didn't really like Hawx 2....feels kinda unpolished. Vanquish is very impressive though. Tried the demo. Its really fast paced. Not sure if this game will have multiplayer.
  17. Praise of course. Wanted to like this movie...i felt the idea was awesome as well. Just too bad Sly isn't that great a director. Rambo was a better movie maybe because he was the only lead. A-team was a way better "no-brainer actioner".
  18. Give me back the days of True Lies.
  19. Just caught it. I didn't really like it even for the action. I think A-team delivered better in entertainment value. Some parts didn't feel very connected due to the lacking of screentime for everyone other than Sly and Statham. Its like it was very hard to coordinate everyone's time (and budget) for them to appear on screen at the same time so sometimes its Sly x Statham, Sly x Jet Li, Sly x Rourke, Sly x Dolph etc. And it could've definately done better with more character development. I mean classic action movie or no....there has to be some minimal amount of character development....right?
  20. Its basically a sci-fi story about long distance relationships, traversing time and space. Anyway Shinkai's movies have this similar theme due to his experiences of LDR with his gf, now wife.
  21. I'm sure someone in nico2 or 2chan's gonnna give it a face anyway...or worse yet....an andrygonous futanari.
  22. Zombies are just a plot device...or was titage the plot device? I'm confused.
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