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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Clocked Vanquish in 5 hours 30 minutes. Pretty epic and cool game despite campy US vs Russia storyline. Gears of War on steroids isn't an exaggeration
  2. Nice. I never knew the name of that character. As for that anime u always forget, its Bakemonogatari!
  3. Who's general noodles and where do i get these takoluka :3 And Thx for BRS nendo heads up
  4. Ep 15 of amagami SS... miso ramen....seriously?
  5. is it cold or is she just happy to see me?
  6. i think we posted this in the anime thread. Its pretty awesome.
  7. Started last season's Sekimatsu Occult Gakuin. Top notch animation with your token tsundere character and a time traveller guy working together to stop Nostradamus' predictions from coming true in the future....or something like that. Looks fun. Really enjoying oreimo atm. Story is somewhat similar to Nogizaka Haruka no himitsu (girl who has closet otaku tendencies) but Kirino is more fun and has more character than Haruka. The World Only God knows....what's with all these otaku pandering anime getting really good production values? Story about some dude who is the "God" of eroge who can "capture" any 2D girl but one day is tasked to make real girls fall in love with him due to a pact with a demon.
  8. I preferred the dragon in this case..... but then again seeing Rin in underwear is kinda
  9. Finished Unlimited Blade Works. Lotsa shouting, blades clanging....and a new euphemistic sex scene. Very nice animation.
  10. Played the demo. I must say i'm not impressed. Firstly the demo doesn't show much cuz its in a village "arena" level fighting off werewolves and a "horse-chase" scene. Couldn't get much of the feel of the game here. But even so the combat feels kind of like bayonetta + god of war. Feels like a rent game. But at least it got me hyped up enough to start Order of Ecclesia on the DS.
  11. haven't watched the 2nd movie but apparently, it doesn't. In other news, BD of the Frontier movie is out. Expecting subs soon.
  12. need to hear more 1st hand impressions. The review on gamespot doesn't paint a pretty picture of the game saying its quite derivative.
  13. Second season is disappointing and opens up more cans of worms than it answers. Gaiden OVAs answers some questions then...er...yeah...more questions.
  14. New season watched: OreImo: Looks fun and funny.....challenging the "little sister love" genre even. I'm in for the ride. Panty and Stocking: Not so sure about this but I think i'm in for the ride as well just for the sheer kickass-ness. If i had to describe it, i'll say its like powerpuff girls + family guy.....kinda. Stardriver: Funky...bohemian? Ginga Bishounen? Errrr...... animation is pretty top notch but looks like some guy had "too much" creative freedom for this. This could be the next Gurren lagann or it might be the next Gravion. Will stay for another few eps. and some insight into stardriver: http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/328/stardriveritw.jpg
  15. LOL....nice.. BR cannons as striker units eh?
  16. Unlimited Blade Works is out. I am the bone of my.....yeah nvm.
  17. The new figma rei ayanami looks solid. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/10/figma-rei-ayanami-january-2011-release.html It tops revoltech fraulein by a mile.
  18. Urgh....i dunno actually. Lets not bring in androids and cybernetic organisms into this. XD Regular suit of medieval armour doesn't have mechanical moving parts. "Mecha" comes from mechanics i believe. Engrish but makes sense. So a regular kevlar or medieval platemail armour won't be mecha but ride armour yes.
  19. If it has metallic parts and it requires a pilot, then its a mecha. In my books anyway. That said, Eva's in, Frank (argento soma) isn't.
  20. Version upgrade yo....
  21. Garterbelt and panty... bad ass powerpuff girls? And Stardriver by BONES looks funkier than XAM'D and sorta Gurren Lagannish....hmmm. Promising.
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