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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. You didn't go for JAM Project? Awww...heard that concert was awesome. I couldn't make it to AFA this year. Had a wedding to attend.
  2. Just watched Macross Frontier Itsuwari No Utahime. Its mostly new animation but by GOD the pacing is horrible. Even DYRL? wasn't this slow. It is basically goin through the same basic plot as the TV series but with little things changed here and there to speed up the story. Despite that it still feels slow and I felt they didn't manage to put sheryl and ranka on the same screen as much as they should for the "Triangler" effect. Sheryl goes flirting around Alto most of the time while Ranka does her odd jobs as an up and coming idol with barely enough time for Alto. Don't know about you guys but I feel japanese movies in general (anime or live action) have pacing issues.
  3. SKyline...crap story....emo ppl....even worse ending. Aliens were cool though.
  4. Yeah i think its something like that as well. Probably the Unicorn OS coupled with banagher's subliminal programming can unlock it.
  5. I think the box was created due to what happened during the laplace incident on UC 001. It was the catalsyt that brought about the rise of zeon and caused the war some 80 years later. Based on eps 1 and 2, i think its hinted that the box contains a secret behind the incident or whatever that caused the war to happen. It might be a huge conspiracy by the leaders of that time to purposely segregate the spacenoids from those on earth. The novels might've already mooted my points but i'm basing solely on anime.
  6. I can't really tell from the pics....but is it sorta like glossy paint?
  7. I knew you'd like it. Star Driver is getting pretty fun too. Really loving the Diebuster references (same mecha designer) especially the eyecatch in some episodes.
  8. 0:16, the girl in toga looks like she isn't wearing any pantsu. This show's gonna be awesome! Its not your daddy's mazinkaiser.
  9. New show from Makoto Shinkai, Children Who Chase Lost Voices From Deep Below. ZOMG FANTASY!!
  10. Thanks for clearing that up. Yeah i meant to ask the differences but based on your descriptions it sounds like pearl is the way to go for me. I don't like chrome unless its a hyaku-shiki-like MS. Bling only goes well with certain mecha.
  11. all your yamatos belong to me

  12. A young voice with a mature sounding air around her. She's the most mature sounding next to Mio and Mugi. I won't knwo about the dubs.
  13. Who doesn't love the token tsundere character? I finished this series few days ago too. Not bad considering it doesn't take itself too seriously. But nothing great either.
  14. Mecha animation doesn't seem up to par with the 1st episode which is quite a shame. But nevertheless some awesmoe MS combat there. My theory:
  15. probably from the PS2 games.
  16. What? No Oreimo? You have to watch that this season too
  17. I wanna get the Metal Composite GFF Gundam Unicorn but am confused with all the versions out there. Which is the best colour (cause i can't see the diff on the internet)? Normal , Metal coat or Prism coat?
  18. Wait what....haruhi gets composite ver. ka-ed too? http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=FIG-MOE-2250&template=default/product/e_display.html
  19. By Bolo Santosi from Just Cause 2. "My name, is Bolo Santosi" “Otherwise, they will evaporate to nothing. And nothing will come of nothing, Scorpio”. “Unable to motivate even the slightest self-preserving action. A willing and terrified lump of flesh, just for me”. and many many choice others. http://www.justcause2mods.com/BoloSB.swf
  20. Is this comment relating in terms of accuracy with a F-22, or just the design of the F-22 in general?
  21. So i'm late to the party and noticed Starscream movie version will be out for the movie line : http://www.hlj.com/product/tkt37840 Looks pretty cool. Anyone got this or has any impressions of it? The description says its the same as US's leaderclass SS.
  22. In no way related but if you liked the animation in bakemonogatari and casshern sins, i'd recommend you Katanagatari. Light hearted and lots of character development. In other news, i started Soredemo Machi Wa Mawatteiru .... pure slapstick fun by SHAFT if you're into those kinda stuff. Don't think its by Shinbo since the "SHAFT"-ness seems rather toned down.
  23. I'm really enjoying Panty & Stocking. XD I can't explain it but its awesome.
  24. Saori Bagina moment was epic.
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