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Everything posted by wolfx

  1. Spring 2011 anime http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/1694/1292397295604.jpg Mmm deadman wonderland.
  2. The accesories are really lacking aren't they? There isn't a single weapon in this release. Disappointing.
  3. Two words. Squid girl. aka Shiryaku Ika Musume.
  4. I got the old kaiyodo figure and the SOC toy. Not sure if i need another but i'd get another Nono if they come up with one.
  5. Gemma Atkinson was so hot in RA3 as EVA. She wins hands down.
  6. I already ordered them from hlj/amiami. Yamato VF-22s at 50% off.
  7. Glad you liked it. I just finished it myself today. Katanagatari brings out comedy and tragedy in both their extremeties. At the end of it all, its a story about Shichika and his growth from an island bumpkin into a "proper" person. Its quite a tragic story now that I think about it. As for blurays....I hope an english version will be released in a box set eventually. I'll get it in a heartbeat. But for now, not looking into getting any untranslated BDs. In other news, I just got my copy of Nanoha The Movie 1st and watched it immediately. I recommend it to any Nanoha fan and anyone who likes to see fancy explosions. Very good production values and its always fun to see magical girls blast each other in the name of friendship in 1080p, no?
  8. Started watching Ika Musume. Its pretty funny. Reminds me of Sergeant Keroro where some hapless squid tries to invade earth and fails. XD
  9. Are touhou figmas limited release or some online store's special cuz i didn't even know they had them.
  10. Other than the gorgeous art, it apparently isn't a very good game.
  11. It was called Mnemosyne during the Japanese release. Pretty awesome and dark show.....lotsa sex and violence too
  12. Sounds like gurren lagann parallel works but for Macross. I had no idea they were showing this in the theatres. I thought it was a BD release.
  13. So its well established that Stocking is a BDSM freak....but her love interest throws me off. Is it because he looks somewhat like choco pudding?
  14. It just occured to me despite having the Zeta II GFF figure, i just realised that the ReZel probably is its direct descendant, which i think only made it as far as concept canon-wise. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/z-msv/msz-008.htm
  15. I love Ciaphas Cain books! Very great fun injecting humour into the OH SO GRIM DARKNESS of the 41st Millenium. I'd like to recommend the Ender Series, or at least just the 1st book, Ender's Game. Its like a sci-fi Harry Potter but the main protagonist is a genius kid with siblings hell bent on world domination amid an oncoming alien invasion of Gunbuster space monster proportions. Time dilation, warp and anti-matter bombs are in the mix. The later 3-4 books of the Ender series become abit more philosophical and even "religious" since Orson Scott Card seems to inject his mormonism in his sci-fi books.
  16. Aerosmith song is awesome. And yes sad laser is sad. I've seen better laser light shows in clubs.
  17. Which part of it was abenobashi? :/ Zombie episode could've been better. Monkey phoenix wright was awesome.
  18. So is the Zeta Gundam the ancestor to the Hyaku Shiki or the Delta Plus? Always thought the Hyaku Shiki was the prototype for the Zeta before they put wave-rider mode onto it.
  19. Got it when it was released. Loved it. I had trouble following the story and didn't know why the supposed colony was filled with robots with no civilians in sight, but who cares? Action was top notch. Its a shame that its so short though and I clocked 5 hours on my 1st play through. Now playing a 2nd time to get better scores and the challenges.
  20. Just watched Koe De Oshigoto OVA 1. I loved it! Its about a 16 yr old highschool girl who feels indebted to her elder sister who has been looking after her since young, and felt she had to return the favour when her sister asked her to do voice acting for an eroge. (ero game) What follows is hilarity! Animation and art is top notch and voice acting is nevertheless excellent since its an anime about voice acting. Caution though that its an adult title and its about eroge after all. It does have annoying censor sounds to words/noise and of course "unmentionable" anatomy.
  21. Looks kinda awesome. Do want!
  22. Panty and Stocking ep 7 reference.
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