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Everything posted by tank

  1. I guess if everyone tried to email toynami they might consider making one
  2. This was like back then in 2004
  3. I'm also wishing that some toy compny would make it. I remember I even emailed toynami and sent some pictures to them. This is what they have said before. Thank you for your inquiry. There are no current plans for the Mechs. We have considered it but at this moment it is undecided. Please check back at our website, www.toynami.com, at our news link for updates. Thank you for your continued support. Best regards, Customer Service Toynami Inc
  4. I think they only have two paint schemes on the jets
  5. Oh I see, sorry about that coz i wasnt sure thats why i said there might be one but yeah me too im also pretty sure that there will be alot of variants for the vf-0 lines and i also wish that they would do a sv-51
  6. I wish yamato usa will produce the macross toy line so it would be cheaper for us, like what they did with the garland thats going to have a US release. I have been scrolling through the pictures and found this http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...r-06-yamato.jpg check the lower part. There might be a vf-0a soon
  7. a recast of just the 1s head would be nice
  8. I'm still cool with those schemes but i wish they would use a different pilot to fit the color scheme of the 1a and 1j
  9. what company made these figure? they look so cool they made them really poseable. http://angelsrep.plala.jp/~fumiyuki/figure...060219_0506.jpg oops sorry saw it already never mind
  10. yeah coz some would be really pissed paying like alot of money then knowing its just gonna be rereleased again I'm glad i waited
  11. hey thanks guys well i just kinda miss that show I never got to finish it wish someday someone will make a toy for it
  12. Anyone here remember this episode techno man? its the guy that holds some kind of crystal and fuses into with an armor of some sort. i remember watching this cartoon. I never got to finish this episode. I was wondering if there is any toy for this episode?
  13. is there any prototype picture of this upcoming voltes v? finally! its coming out
  14. Is it possible to do a recast on this?
  15. dude try checking out yamato parts and services exchange that topic is pinned people might have some spare missiles I think neova and haterist are offering some parts. but i dont know about the missiles try sending them a message. good luck
  16. i really like it you've done a really great job
  17. I think they have that posted in the how to customize section try checking it out you might find it there
  18. Its as tall as the MPC Prime...and with those wings and big guns on it...i'd say its bigger than the MPC Prime.... nah it couldnt be coz this soon to come out HBS-01 galaxy convoy is around 4 and a half inches tall only
  19. Hey guys i was wondering just how tall are the galaxy force toys? coz I havent bought one of these yet and the soon to come out HBS-01 galaxy convoy is gonna be smaller. so whats the standard size for these guys like the gc-01 galaxy convoy? do let me know thanks
  20. hehe Yep it really paid off Anyway for anyone thats new here Please support his store. his the best Anyway thanks again for everything. Oh by the way when the roy vf comes out and the pilot is soft and rubbery anyone here care to trade or to sell it?
  21. Oh I see thanks guys for the reply
  22. Hi guys I was wondering on how poseable are the hands of the PG wing zero? Coz I saw the kit and the guy at the store showed me the parts that is inside and I saw the fingers still attached to the sprue. Well it looks wierd coz in the instruction manual of the kit you can see the fingers bent, but looking at the actual fingers it doesn't look bendable to me? Anyone here that can help with my confusion? any zoomed in pics of the hand or links that you can show me? thanks
  23. yeah me too I'm dying to have a voltes v so yep! I'm keeping my fingers cross
  24. I was just wondering will bandai make voltes v? coz they already did combattler why not make voltes v?
  25. I was wodering is there any zone of enders mech toys out there?
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