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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Excuse my ignorance... What's a C&D letter?
  2. I'll wait for the FAST PACK version!!!
  3. Yeah, me too. Hey, Graham. Any word on when we will see the TV version? I can't afford a custom right now and I don't like the red a bit.
  4. Thanks, Reminator! That's been useful. Sorry about the missing decal. I'd give one of mine, but I'm pretty sure we're not in the same neighborhood, though if you come to Mexico city some day
  5. Hey, talking about stickers! I have some doubts about the ones that suppose to go on the fast packs of my 1/48 Roy. I'm talking about those tiny alpha-numerical codes NP BP 01 - NP BP 02 - NP FB 01 and NP AR 01 I guess some are suppose to go on the right and left back and leg boosters and some on the right and left back and arm missile dispensers, but wich ones go where?! Please somebody help me on this, I'd like to put away those sticker sheets for good. By the way: I used the black skull symbol from the Yamato sticker sheets and then placed the white 001's from takatoys (much thinner) right below the crossed bones, and I'm very happy with the results. The only problem with the Skull symbol from Takatoys is that it only comes in red, but the Yamato ones don't have the 001 markings, so I decided to use stickers from both. We all know the problems with the Yammies, but in this case it looks very nice.
  6. I wish! No, in my case the animation look is because I love the style in comic books. I had a few meetings with a local production company, rearding the possibility of doing a short animated feature but I'm still skeptical about it.
  7. Lucky you! I love those designs. Is the mecha style I'm tryng to achieve. On the link it reads that the company went bankrupt and no one knows anything about the rights. Too bad, I would give anything for an art book. The same happened to me with The Dark Crystal movie for years. Oh, well, thanks for the pics MSW, that's probably the only images I'm ever gonna own of QUO VADIS. I feel the same.
  8. We're trying to figure out if the absence of news about the Monster has something to do with the possible release of a Konig.
  9. I love the color on that submarine mecha. Can somebody please post a few pics of the QUO VADIS videogame? I've gone nuts searching the internet for some mecha imges and nothing!
  10. HOT DOG! That creature gives me heebie-geebies! What the hell do you need an airbrush wacom for?
  11. May Bandai almighty hear you. There IS a story behind this designs, and I hope to see them move on the screen some day soon as a movie, and then who knows?
  12. By the way: Great designs, MSW. I loved the transforming car and the feminine robot-fighter. You have great ideas! Ani chance to see you babies on a comicbook or anime soon?
  13. Yessss! You guys rule! I had no idea of this RGB-CMYK-Microsoft-Mac-Explorer thing. Oh, you will, believe me. A colleague of mine, who happens to be a kick ass comic artist has changed his blue pencil for a Wacom for good. I'm not that good yet, but the Wacom handles pretty naturally. Feels kind of strange at the beginning, but after a day or two, you won't touch a mouse anymore.
  14. Thank you all, guys. I'm so grateful for the feedback. Helps me to improve my work. Ok, here's some answers (I live in Mexico city, so my working hours era different from most of you). You bet! On a recent model I designed an flexible cover for the ammo to reduce that possibility. Ideally, the ammo should be concealed inside the arm to prevent the possibility that the belt gets cut on a battle, but this babies move so fast that it is unlikely that an enemy mecha get the chance to do that. Besides it looks more bad ass this way. Surprisingly I don't like Briareos head that much, but lots of Masamune-Sama designs look similar from each other, so I'm not surprised if the head resembles Briareos to you. The character in the foreground was "inpired" on River Phoenix, 'cause in my mind it looked like the main character in my story. I often use real life people likenesses for my character designs.
  15. Aw, You're just saying that...
  16. I'm very interested, but I'm new to ebay (just purchased twice), so I don't have much of a feedback yet. Is that okay for you? Great custom, I hope to have at my shelf soon. Good luck!
  17. It's hard to pick one up. They all have good points and bad points. I hope the Yamato version ends up looking more like the second fron the top, but again it will be great if they can take the best from each model. Come on, Yamato. Hurry up! We're toy starving here!
  18. Me too! Hey, EXO, how come YOU can see MY pics and I can't ?! De Niro and Ron Pearlman are there already. The rest are my designs with some features taken from here and there. The guy at the centre for instance, draws some inspiration from Michael Ironside. The art techniques are different in each case. As I said the first illo was made with Photoshop 7 Brushes and a pencil drawing on a separate layer. The Bad Guys piece is also Phoshop, but it was made from an inked drawing using the same technique that colorists use on comic books (selections and stuff). The third is a very old one, so it's hand painted with acrilics on canvas. If somebody want's to know more about how a specific piece was made I can give a more detailed explanation, no problem
  19. Cool! Let's share some stuff! I'm a comic artist myself. This is an older version of the same mecha. I hope it can be seeing. This is getting so embarassing.
  20. Wow, I loved that one! I always dreamed of a life size model for my living room. Maybe I took something from it without knowing.
  21. Oh, I give up! I'll post another stuff later
  22. Oops! Sorry. It was corrupted. I'll post another one. Hold on a sec.
  23. Thank you guys. I'm taking notes of you comments so keep posting. Hopefully we all get to see this baby take off on the screen some day. Oh! Here's the baddies by the way
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