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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Hey, I'm as a Macross fan as the guy next post here, but it happens that I found out about Macross thru' Robotech (as most people this side of the world), so I want to keep a decent Robotech DVD edition for nostalgia sake. What's wrong with that? And just for the record, the flavor is grape, not cherry.
  2. I was wondering where does the Predator hides those blades when He's not fighting, but I decided that I don't really wan't to know.
  3. Oh, crap! Now that you mention it, I wonderd several times where are the linkups for the eventual Beta since the toy seems not to have any. If that's the case, I'll have to cancel my preorder as well, if we find out on time, that is.
  4. I just visited the Robotech.com site after a looong while and found those. Seems like they finally found the way to remaster the whole thing, but I heard some sour critics here and there. Should I buy this new version or is still crap? Mods: If this topic was discussed already (like I suspect it was) please feel free to delete it.
  5. What's that "First 3000" everybody is talking about? I'm beginning to get wary about this because I preordered my Alpha from Kevin soooo long ago and I'm sure I'll end up with one of those. Also I was lucky enough to get the second 1/48 Roy by chance and learn about the QC problems afterwards. I don't want the "loose cockpit" version. So if anybody can please update me on this As for the guys at Robotech.com, I read a long time ago that, for preording at the site, they're getting an "exclusive, limited edition, extra rare, signed and numbered, with certificate of authenticity" illustration cell featuring the New Gen. characters in that goofy new style. But I don't thing this comes inside the bookbox. Nevermind. I just visited the site and found this out: SPECIAL ROBOTECH.COM EDITION: 3000 special units of this volume will only be available on Robotech.com with a limited cel of Scott Bernard... at no additional charge! When youy collect the cels of all 4 pilots and the background, you'll be able to enjoy the complete "New generation Pilots" illustration! Personally, I preffer Kevin's shipping discount any day, but that's just me
  6. I do believe that the toy was packed that way (mis-transformed). If you look closely at the "fighter mode" picture on the box, you can see that the model shown is also mistransformed. We'll see. Here is the Alpha mis-transformed again. I'm beginning to wonder if the lower legs can be fold up at all!
  7. About: Robotech Vs. Predator?
  8. I think this new show will be a lame one. The reason I loved Robotech so much was because almost everything else back then was lame and boring, but RT was taken from a japanese product and japanese studios don't have all the "moral" restrictions they have in the US, where everybody chooses the "self-censorship". You have to struggle every day to pull out an intelligent product with all those restrictions (I'm thinking on Batman the animated series as an example). So I'm not expecting a second "New Generation", not even a second "South Cross". I'm very excited with the idea of playing a Mospeada game, tho'.
  9. The MPC's look almost identical to the super poseables. I'd say that they even used most of the super poseables sculpt to lower the costs, if this is possible. To bad about the dragging chest plate. The feet don't bother me at all.
  10. This was taken from the model kit, but I bet the transformation sequence of the toy is about the same. If you look closely at steps 9 and 10 you'll see what I'm taking about. First the nosecone flips up, then the torso. Funy thing is I've never noticed that this version has an extra misile launcher behind the cockpit and the gun pod is stored between the arms instead of beneath the wings as featured in the toy, hmmm
  11. Okay, lemme see if I can post the IMAI's transformation sequence manual for you later on.
  12. Actually if I remember well from the IMAI I own, you don't have to flip the nosecone up and backwards, only up. Then you flip the intakes 45 degrees forward and voilĂ ! So you don'r need to have a huge ugly hinge to make it perfect variable, only a small and easy to conceal one. Cool, huh?
  13. I'm so happy. For me is one of those rare moments in life when panic does pay off. That blue is great, the heaviness of the toy is also good news. Hell, the production toy even looks sleeker than the proto version. I think I'm gonna get the whole line. Plus, if the toy solds well (and now I have the strong feeling that it will), we'll have the Beta also. Suddenly those 80 bucks don't hurt that much.
  14. Hey, Lads! Anyone knows where can I download free vintage video games (Pac-Man, Galaga and such) for my Macintosh? I want to buy an X-Box but my girlfriend miss those so much. I also remember a very old Macross Saga video game in 2D, anyone remembers it? Thanks in advance.
  15. Fire Serious now: What kind of graffite is best to panel lining? HB? 2B? other?
  16. Thanks for the tip and the pics. I haven't panel line my valks yet, but I don't quite like the look of the Sharpie for the lining, it looks "too Sharpie" to me. I've worked with Sharpies many times (I'm and artist) and it has a very disctintive black tone to it. Besides the lines look too dark for me. I've been looking for a medium grey fine marker, but I can't find one yet.
  17. Niiice I'd like to see some pics of it next to the VF-1 and lots of close ups!!!
  18. Thanks again, man. This is a tough desicion.
  19. I feel the same. While the Gakken was the only Mospeada/Alpha out there I thought it was cool. Now I can't even think in spending 250 bucks for a toy who has a better and newer version for less than half the price. This does not means I'm happy with the $80 price tag. I'm talking to you Toynami
  20. Wow! Those are great graphics. One thing bothers me though: Can you pilot other Valks beside the VF-1? I mean I love DYRL and everything, but the PS2 is not exactly cheap and there's so many cool Valkiries out there.
  21. Cool! Thanks dejr8bud. Now where can I see some screens?
  22. Can someone post the best pics of the Monster? I'm just too lazy to download the whole movie
  23. I've been away from games for a long time now, and I'm thinking on getting one of the new platforms. As always I choose the platform according to the games I like the most, so here's my question: Is this new Macross game available for X-box too, or just PS-2? and: Is this Macross game as "user friendly" as the VFX2 game? I remember that the first VFX controls were a bitch to use. Thanks guys
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