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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. They tag all the titles that don't apply to the official timeline as "Infinities". Most books in this category have a small logo on the cover. With Tag & Bink Kevin did a lot of hard work trying to place the two characters in key scenes of the movies and for that reason I did a lot of research trying to make the book look like if you were seeing the movies and not just another comic book. But it's a comedic story that messes with the actual movies nevertheless, so despite the fact that the books fit in the timeline very nicely, I guess that DH and Lucasfilm felt more confortable giving them the Infinities tag to avoid the wrath of the purists
  2. Oh, that's Kannen Doom, a character created by Kevin Rubio. According to Kevin, young Kannen was Jango's pupil and lover. When Jango died, Kannen took care of little Boba and teach him the ways of the bounty hunter. When Boba was old enough, HE bacame Kannen's lover (he looked JUST like his father, so what the heck). There's a whole story already written about all this waiting to be published, so in the meantime Kannen gets a small part in the last two books of Tag & Bink along with Boba and Jango respectively. Kannen was also modeled afer Kevin's girlfriend, Drea Hoffman, a beautiful nice girl. The costume is my design, tho' in the cover I had to leave the helmet off for clarity.
  3. Thanks, Man Actually, I'm not in the US either, I work from an apartment in Mexico City.
  4. Sounds good, Radd. Kevin has been very busy doing some TV writing, but he is closer to George Lucas so who knows? As for the TPD, it's a beautiful edition so you won't be disappointed. I already have a "preview" copy and I'm very proud of it.
  5. Hey, Adam! I'm not much of a Gundam fan, but I LOVE the Kampfer. So how tall is the Zeonography one, and how much it will cost? (Sorry if this question annoys the experts here, but I'm not reading the whole thread just to find out).
  6. Well, no. Except for the art of the whole damn thing! Thanks for the kind words, Prometheum5
  7. Thanks, Mechwarrior. I saw that podcast too, I want to buy that T-shirt from them also
  8. Hey, guys. I didn't dare to bump back the comic books thread (it turned into a superheroes thread, anyway), so I rather decided to start a new thread to pimp my book at this forum of exquisite science fiction connosseurs: http://www.darkhorse.com/profile/profile.php?sku=13-991 Here's the full version of the cover in desktop form: http://www.darkhorse.com/zones/starwars/do...ads.php?did=562 The book gathers all four Tag & Bink previous issues plus the original covers, as usual. The cover for the TPB was drawn and painted by me. On a side note, George Lucas himself bought the original cover from me , you can say whatever you want about him or his movies, but the man has no taste in art whatsoever. I'm counting on you all to buy the book so I can buy more Valks for Christmas
  9. Something tells me that Yamato already has a SDF-1 on the line, so I'll just wait for it.
  10. Really?! I have to try that!
  11. One question: I know somebody addressed this already, but just to be sure and given the fact that you have both 0's, does the 0A has a lock on the feet for Battroid mode unlike the 0S? Thanks
  12. Cool! Thanks for the tip
  13. Beautiful! It almost makes me want an Angel Birds. What exactly did you use to panel line your valk, Hayao?
  14. Hey, I miss on that one! You think I can get it on eBay on a decent price or it's much too late now?
  15. Aaawww... Those VF-1D model sheets does bring back memories. I wish Yamato could do VF-1's to look like those early drawings Edit: As for two seaters. I think as long as Yamato exists, and there's a market for Macross toys, we'll be seeing more and more valks from any license available. I KNEW the YF-19 wasn't vaporware and I said so a long time ago. Now that it's coming, it's only logical that they release two seaters next. I even think a Macross 7 and Macross 2 line is possible, but sadly there's too many toys on the line before we can see a VF-2ss
  16. I've heard the Toynami one was pretty good. I wonder if this die cast limited edition uber expensive Yamato version actually worth it. I mean, I love Yamato toys, but how much better can this one be to justify shelling out US$365?
  17. Yeah, too bad they'd go with all the VF-1's variants first (as always), and THEN with the destroids and only IF the line don't sink in the process
  18. Look on the bright side: This means Devin can make option stickers to customize your 0A's!
  19. If my finances allow it, I'll have a standard Roy.
  20. I'd love to see a Brocken Labor or a Phantom being made.
  21. Thanks for the quick review Drifand! I just added the Revoltech Ingram to my wish list Fun factor is everything for me. Too bad the lack of gimmicks, but I'll be glad to buy a good cheap toy for a change Edit: Which labors are more likely to follow in the Revoltech line?
  22. Nice Ingram collection you have there, Drifand. Since I don't own any Alphonse myself, Would you say that the Revoltech is the best yet?
  23. Thaks for that, kensei. I feel a lot better now
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