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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. How was the sky/dome done? Anyone have any info about that? Is it made from that "invisible" optic cloth that projects in front of a person what's behind? Just curious.
  2. So this is a bump? Phew! for a second I thought I had to save for a new line of über expensive gokins!
  3. Maybe because this is a Spanish/mexican production (Guillermo Del Toro is from Mexico), we've already seen it in Mexico and Spain a few weeks ago in it's original spanish dialogue. I think it's far the best movie of the winter, but beware! It's a very mature story. If you bear this in mind you'll love it. The best Del Toro movie yet. By the way: the conceptual designs are from Mike Mignola, Hellboy's father and a good friend of Guillermo's.
  4. Thanks for the info. Yeah, it's the best price I've seen so far around here, but I think I'll wait 'till I can buy one at US retailer price and hold it in my hands before considering on buying sets. The common impression around these boards is that they worth what they cost and not a cent more, and only if Toynami keeps their promise of expanding the 1/100 line (which seems to be doubtful, and we are talking only about FP's. Let alone Destroids and enemy mecha!).
  5. Where?! I saw them going for $ 600.00 (about 55 U$D) at Plaza Delta. They sure don't worth THAT kind of money.
  6. I'll buy a bunch, then
  7. My VF-0S arms are decently tight, what I can't get over of is the lack of feet lock. Can someone think on a way to modify this?
  8. Do Gundam Markers need clear coating?
  9. I think the goodies on that package includes a CD soundtrack and an art book: The Ultimate Megazone 23 Geek Set.
  10. Thanks to you, Man!
  11. Damn! That's the only way I'd buy a Stealth: If I could apply THOSE stickers on it. But since Devin went out of business and those sticker sheets must be impossible to find, I guess I'll never bother to get one. Good work, by the way!
  12. Hmm. So far it seems that there'll be no cannards or "head" for the bundle ghost. I hope that at least it has landing gear.
  13. Is that a prototype of the HL-96 at the left bottom? I love when they pay attention to supporting mecha, but it's still weird. Doesn't look too poseable, tho I'm just probably spoiled by those Revoltechs.
  14. I'm on! Thanks, Noel
  15. Hey Noel, First of all great work. It's good to have real Macross fans behind Macross products. Question: I'd like to wait for the pilot suit versions, but I need to know if the helmet will be removable with swapping heads or hair, so you can pose them with/without helmet.
  16. Is it out? Is it out? No? Damn! My girlfriend is going to Image Anime right now to see if she finds it. Nevermind I gave her a looooong list of posible toys. I too have been train not to order the first issue, but in case I do, is there still any e-tailer taking orders?
  17. The shoulder cannons rotating mechanism might not be visible, but must be there, since in both shoulders the cannons are in different positions. I doubt they modeled them that way. But what do I care? I'm not buying it anyway. There's so much cool stuff out there already.
  18. Hmmm, I'm not sure about that comparsion pic. Is Ideon supposed to be that much taller than the VF-1?
  19. Hmm, they're some funny lighting effect going on all right. Look at the chest doors, they look more saturated in the production shots as well. The shoulder missile covers, could be white, if you compare them with the Valk's arms. If they were light gray they'd look much better. I'ts funny how the light on the first picture shows us the perfect color scheme wereas the production shots, don't.
  20. What's with Yamato and their green valks? It looked so nice in the first pictures. Come on, Yamato. Noone likes the green. Save some money and leave it out.
  21. Reminds me a lot of that diecast Yamato toy from the seventies. Personally I'd go for a bigger ABS dude. I think I'll wait for Yamato to make one, eh Graham? Sorry I couldn't resist
  22. Amen! I don't care for scale either.
  23. You're right. It does look metalized on that pic. I would've preferred the military issue to be dull brown, instead of a new metallized red version tho'. But jenius is right: the real question here is if it is a fixed edition or not.
  24. It doesn't look any more metallic than the one I already have. What I really want is some decent figures for my Garlands, like the Chirico Cuvie one.
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