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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. That seems to back up jenius' theory of Toynami not being able to handle more than one line at a time. At least I hope the Beta will be a reality and not just a sales incentive for their new SC Alphas
  2. Thanks for clarify on that, Graham. I assumed that Yamato knew all this from the beginning. My mistake. Still, I hope that all the complains reaches the ears of the people at Yamato so we can keep buying their products with confidence. Edit: Grammar.
  3. Yeah. It's a shame. The bike alone has a great design (in the lineart, I mean).
  4. No neck joint as far as I can see, so they just painted the eyes of the rider looking up. Edit: Changed my mind.
  5. Agreed. Is not that simple as "don't buy it" (unless you mean stop buying Yamato toys altogether). The boys are right: Yamato IS hiding information from the consumers. Not only we didn't know there was to be a bundle, we also didn't know that the toys will have all those flaws, but Yamato did. I was completely convinced that this first release was going to have a lot of problems, I just knew it, so I decided to skip it. But most people still expect more from Yamato. I can't talk for the rest of the guys here, but I'm not here to rant. When I complain I hope that by doing so, Yamato will pick up the glove and make better toys and marketing decisions, so we all be happy.
  6. I was just looking at the pictures of the Cyclons again, and it's a damn shame: The only company making these and there's no proud in the making of the product. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about, I'm an artist and when you're not fully focused on what you're doing it shows: The bike is too small and ugly, reminds me a lot of those tiny Cyclones with the black linking bar to the rider. At least on the Alphas you could see the good intentions of the early stages.
  7. I own all four Alphas and was lucky enough to get good ones (except for the arched back and the problems every Alpha has), and yet I think that Toynami has a lot to prove to us customers. It pisses me off that after all the problems found in the first release of the Alpha (the Bernard), they didn't move a finger to improve the subsequent releases. They just didn't care. The sad thing is that the future doesn't look too bright either. I understand Graham´s complain about us being unfair with a toy that nobody has even handled yet, but look at them: that Cyclone sculpt alone is poor and so the Beta's (I was comparing the pictures with the lineart last night). In my opinion, scupt is a part of QC: If you have a mediocre sculpt, you have a mediocre toy. And don't make me start with Yamato
  8. Ok, I'll order a copy. I'm not used to buy montly magazines from other countries, but I don't want you guys to think that I'm a dick
  9. So far I don't like it. The sculpt is too wonky for a 21st century toy. Besides, there's a lot of things that can go wrong with this toy and most likely will, like the poseability and head sculpt of the figure (an accurate head sculp is very important for me in a toy that size). Since the Cyclons aren't perfect transformation by nature anyway (i.e. armplates), I'm not too hyped about new Cyclons, but as a bike lover and a Mospeada fan, I'd love a cool looking sculpt that these don´t have. Those new Shadow Chronicles Alphas don't do anything for me either, specially the fuchsia and blue one, eww! But I want to read reviews on improbable improvements over the previous releases. What has me (a bit) excited is the fact that Toynami is showing the Beta again.
  10. Damn. Expensive and it doesn't look that cool since you have to fold the leg and all... I was waiting for a giftset to be released, but now I don't feel too happy about it. Oh, well. I'm not waiting for second stand alone Isamu YF-19 release with fixes to come out, so I guess I'll pick one up. I feel kinda ripped already.
  11. You improve your distribution and I'll buy your magazine.
  12. There's little chance I get that magazine. Can someone post scans of the Mospeada part down the road? I'd appreciate it.
  13. I ordered a set myself a couple of days ago. Since I'm based in Mexico City they might take a while tho'. I can't wait.
  14. Don't feel bad about it. People around here tend to act like they didn't learn about Macross through Robotech. Come on, guys, get over it already.
  15. Just to clarify: These are decals, right? NOT stickers (I learned the difference the hard way) Edit: Nevermind, I just read an earlier post by David Hingten at the YF-19 thread.
  16. I'm affraid this issue comes too late for Yamato to replace the clips for POM plastic at least for the VF-0A Shin wich I already preordered. I just checked my 0S and both clips are okay. They both have what seems to be very little stressmarks at the bottom, but I'm under the impression that they come like this from the factory. It's hard to say because the toy comes packaged in fighter mode and that's when the clips are used.
  17. I don't like cruiser mode at all. I'll wait for a better rendition too.
  18. Hey, Kicker. No, I bought a set of GBP custom decals by mistake. I tought they were stickers, since Yamatos' suck and I'm not very good at decals. So if anyone has a set of stickers for the classic GBP (since Devin went out of business and he's stickers are so scarce right now), I'd like to buy a set or trade them for my decals (tho' I'm not sure if Devin ever produced GBP sticker sets)
  19. Is the bundle on preorder yet?
  20. Good news. I already have that one, but now that we bumped this thread back, can anyone tell me where can I get some stickers for these? I have a sheet of custom decals for the GPB if someone cares for a trade
  21. Ha, ha! That's MW for you, buddy. Don't take this Macross zealots too seriously tho'. No one corrects Kawamori-Sama around this boards. Personally I like the big nosecone, because it gives the plane both: a more menacing and "foreign" look, and a balance with the large tail section. Actually, I'm a bit disappointed that the Yamato SV-51 has a smaller nose than Hasegawa's.
  22. Wow, I've never thought about it that way. That makes me feel relieved. Guess I'll wait for prices to go down then, and buy one on eBay later on. And then just wait and hope for a better Ivanov if they ever reissue it. Thanks, jenius
  23. I'm not into getting first releases, but I want the Ivanov over the Nora and I doubt it'll be a second release of it soon enough if ever. If Scream Man is right and the VF-0S is still in stock out there, I don't think the Ivanov sells better. Too bad for me 'cause I know for sure that this toy will come with a helluva lot of engineering problems.
  24. Okay, as I said before I don't own a YF-19 yet, but looking at the pictures looks like the grey piece is made form the same cheap a$$ plastic Yamato used for the hip of the 1/72 VF-11, and the shoulders of both: the Garland and the VF-0's, which I do own. What really sucks here, is that all the parts made out of that plastic WILL break sooner or later (depending on use, of course) in many tiny pieces. Maybe that plastic is good for use in some areas, but when Yamato chooses to use it in areas where the piece actually works, we have disaster. I say we recast those pieces now before tragedy strikes. AND urge Yamato to change those pieces for better ones in future releases.
  25. Hey, Do Not Disturb: Doesn't the graphite leaves a metallized finish to it? I feel tempted to use that technique myself, but I'm not sure about the results. From the pictures it looks great.
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