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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Hey, cool pics! Specially the first one. The composition is awsome! It's like Macross photographed by David La Chapelle
  2. The line is still young so it's hard to say, but it seems to me that Revoltech is going for the basic mecha of each series at least for the time being. I seriously doubt we'll see fancy mecha as ruskiiVFaussie said. I can see Mac+ battroids being made after they milk the VF-1 mold since that's the most popular series after Macross Saga and DYRL, but that's a looooooong way off. I also don't care for non transforming VF's, there's too many cool stuff on the way, I just wish my 1/48's had Revoltech joints
  3. Oh, Man. I'm in deep $#!T! I'm gonna have to buy all those! That ride armor is what I was talking about: 21st century engineering. Toynami can shove their retro crap up their a$$es. Looks like CM's Legioss have the opposite arched back syndrome, but that must be because of the prototype. Same with the Legioss/Tread link (I hope). I also hope the knee of the Legioss can bend backwards, that's why "gerwalk" mode looks so stiff in the picture. Besides to bend the knee, the knee cap should hinge downwards (like the Toynami), or outwards and so far I haven't seen where the knee cap hinges.
  4. I think those pics are all Toynami's. I don't think Aoshima has any Legioss of their own to show just yet.
  5. I enjoyed it a lot. I'd like to see a full movie of this, with polished mecha designs and acting, but as it is, I thing it's a very good start. Let's not firget this was made by four guys.
  6. I agree with LowViz Lurker. I've never understood the fascination of US toy collectors with die cast. In my experience die cast always plays against playability wether is because of excessive weight, poor balance or paint chipping. Die cast is useful for swing bars and other strategic pieces that from an engineering standpoint NEED to be made of metal. For the rest I prefer good strong plastic. Another point for the 1/48 IMHO.
  7. I gave away the only 1/60 I bought afetr I get my first 1/48. I don't even want them for display pourposses next to the other 1/60 releases. If Yamato released all new 1/60's with perfect transformation, I'd probably buy some, specially the two seaters.
  8. Yeah, the Beta is just bulkier, but for the pic it's not taller than the 1/48. Actually I don't see why all the fuss about a Beta/Tread toy's size. The upcoming SV-51 is way bigger.
  9. Exactly. And that's why I like it so much.
  10. The day I picked up my first 1/60 at a local toy store (a non FP Roy), I looked at the box of a 1/48 on a shelf (also a Roy), and said to myself: "Meh! Another VF-1, bigger and morte expensive for the hardcore VF-1 fan, No way I'm falling for that one". I was happy with my 1/60 the firts day despite the non perfect transformation, but it was getting more and more annoying each passing day. Specially the hip joint part. Then I started to lurk around here and learn about the features of the 1/48's. Ask my girlfriend: I just couldn't take my eyes off those pics for days. She was scared $#!7less
  11. I hope there will be no die cast this time but good old PVC all over, just like the 1/48's.
  12. I like cannon stuff, and normally I'm afraid to play with stickers on my Macross toys, but in the Koenig's case, I'm waiting for some spare time to go wild with my custom decal sets.
  13. Agreed. The more I think of it the more silly it sounds to buy thousands of Alphas, fix them, repack them and sell them. Don't forget that besides the QC issues common to all units, the Alphas are like a box of chocolates: You never know if there will be missing pieces, broken parts or paint chipping. Too much to fix for a whole line of toys. As for the Beta/Tread, I still don't buy Toynami's linkeage with the Alpha, it's pretty obvious the Beta link system was an afterthought, so I hope that Aoshima can help them there too.
  14. Send a mail to Garner at Yamato USA (the address is a few pages back), most of us got the shoulders that way for free
  15. If Aoshima is reworking the Nami Toys without their permission, is safe to assume we won't be seeing any Betas for them. If there's an agreement between them, then a Beta being made for both toys is a sure thing.
  16. You have to unscrew the two screws in the inner side of each half of the front wheel (the dark grey piece, where the metal bars attach), then separate the shoulder piece from the silver wheel cover (the piece that has the sloppy paint job). There's a slot to take the shoulder apart from it, you just have to take the two pegs of the shoulder piece trough the slot of the wheel covers and that's it. Replace the wheel covers for the original covers and put the whole thing together again. Fortunately the new "one click" feature of the shoulder for battroid mode is not there, but in the shoulder piece and the inner wheel piece, so after you finish you'll still have the shoulder with the single "click" when you transform it. The only gripe is that one of the screws is too close to the magnet, so it's annoying to put it back in place sometimes 'cause the magnet keep attracting the screw and it's very strong, but that's about it. I also loosen those screws a bit when I discovered that they were the cause of the wheels not rotating properly.
  17. I know this is a long shot, but I need a left arm for my Millia Q-Rau. Thanks.
  18. I got my replacememts yesterday and performed the operation right away. I noticed that the new covers of the front wheel have a slopy finish, so I used the originals and now they look and work great.
  19. Congrats, Ginrai. Now you can move on. Since I'm in Mexico City my replacements will still take a while I'm affraid.
  20. I also voted Luke. Besides I love that scene.
  21. Nah. But it looks cool opened up for display. As for the VF-4, if it's the SHE kit, it's fairly poseable. There's a thread about it in the models section, with tons of pics in various poses taken by the owner (I can't remember his nickname). Nevermind, here it is: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=19974 Check out the finished model pics.
  22. This line drove my attention: "Also of note with the Cyclones is that Toynami is working in conjunction with a Japanese distributor to release the line in Japan as well. Good news for Japanese collectors for sure." It seems the Cyclones announced by Beagle are in fact the Toynami ones after all: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=22044 Bad news for Japanese collectors for sure
  23. Again there's this collectors giftset, that includes a metallic red Garland along with the movie, CD, artbook and whatnot. I'm not sure if this version is limited, improved, or if it has been released already, but I'm afraid we'll have to wait for this two runs to sold out before we see a second "standard" run of the red Garland.
  24. I wonder what happened with the MaxFactory transforming Garland. This would be the perfect timing for releasing that one. Edit: Yamato should also release the flying cannon fodder green Garland. It's basically the same except for the lack of wheels.
  25. Yes it is. Fenrir has racks for various swords on each side, I just saw the movie again. One of those swords is from the stand alone Cloud figure, that comes with a different sword than the Clod w/ Fenrir giftset. I wonder if that other figure is the one standing next to the bike with the sunglasses and the naked left arm or if it's a custom also.
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