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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. No release date, no MSRP and no new pics.
  2. Thanks for the tip. I have to try that some day. Sadly, it won't be on Cap's Gurab, I was hopping to buy one down the road, but I can't afford it right now
  3. Yeah, I thought about the socket problem. Revoltechs are made of a rubbery plastic, whereas resin isn't that flexible. I wonder if there's any matrerial out there you can pour inside the socket to make the Revoltech joints stay in. Something easy to use. Also it would be helpful to have sets of Revoltech joints available. Buying Evas only for the joints could be expensive.
  4. Thanks for the heads up, Cap. I wonder if I could outfit this with some Revoltech joints. I know, too much trouble, but what're you gonna do? I'm a toy person
  5. The crotch tends to be loose, but my main complain about it is that it's not designed for an A stance. I've never understood the extra missile pod attached to the left shoulder, makes the Legioss look chunkie in both Fighter and Soldier mode. I hope is detachable :/
  6. I'm interested in one set of the Eager to go with my Legiosses. How tall is it, by the way?
  7. Good think you're basing this project on that particular drawing. Is my favorite depiction of the Gurab. Pardon my ignorance, I don't know much about resin kits, but will this be poseable or fixed? And will this have the two top cannons?
  8. Good idea. I don't care if the green is canon, a poor color choice is a poor color choice.
  9. Damn, I really want one, the Ivanov is my fave, but I can't afford a flawed toy THIS expensive. I hope the QC issues are acceptable, otherwise I'll have to wait forever for an Ivanov reissue
  10. Reminds me a lot of a Fuchikoma. I'd love to design a body for that thing.
  11. About the linkup, I just remembered that the Legioss don't use it's landing gear when connected to the Tread. And in the mag scans, the Tread has the landing gear out. Maybe they just pose them that way since the Tread proto is too fragile to support the Legioss' weight. And yes, I'll end up buying at least one unless it really really REALLY sucks.
  12. You bet! Unfortunately it seems a long way off. I hope the Revoltech Macross line does good so we end up seeing one eventually. I'm having so much fun with my Eva, and I'm not even an Evangelion fan
  13. I wonder if toy makers show their protos in magazines to lurk on toy forums like this one and check the collector's reactions for improvements. I hope they do. As for the hole in the calf I think is too big for the angle needed to the "transformation" on the pic. You can have a Toynami bend the knee like that and it doesn't need a big hole in the leg to do it. But I just can't figure out what other pourpose it could possibly serve.
  14. I wonder if we'll see a Toynami Vs. Kaiyodo with the destroids and the enemy mecha. A Q-Rau the size of the other Revoltech releases will look very nice next to the 1/100's, same with the destroids, so whomever release them first will get my money.
  15. True. I hope Kaiyodo can handle several lines at the same time, so the Macross franchise gets a serious follow up and we end up seeing Destroids and Q-Raus
  16. Hey Shaggy, Can you post a better scan of that page? Appreciate it Edit: A few gripes I just noticed: a).-The intake fans are now showing, I'm not sure I like that, I think I prefer the intakes covered. b).-The knee cap seats too far from the main body, it reaches the half of the wing. c).-The shoulders are too short. I realize that the scan is warped, but I've noticed that from previous pics also. d).-The hinge of the wings is just like the Toynami Alpha. I wish they could conceal it a bit more. e).-This guy really needs a neck. f).-The nosecone is ridiculously long. The Alpha has a short nosecone, so I don't understand why they've chosen a lenght that will get in the way every time you try to pose it in soldier mode.
  17. I understand the special significance of Max's TV 1a, but you gotta agree that that scheme is the worse of all. You see that valk from above in fighter mode and it's completely white! How lame is that? Toynami still can reissue wave 1 with all the fixes and if that is not enough they can always use Yamato as example and release a wave of non canon schemes.
  18. Wave 3 should come with three Cannon Fodders with different markings, yeah!
  19. I loved the Dread 2 gattlin gun in the front. I might add one to my CM's Tread if I buy one. Back on topic, if Aoshima makes a good work fixing the Legioss, I might buy one also. I happen to like Toynami's sculpt. The arched back must be at the top of Aoshima's mod list, since it's one of the things collectors complained the most of.
  20. Wow! I've never seen those images before. CM's should make his bundle with that illustration in mind.
  21. That's good news if you ask me. I don't mind waiting a bit longer for a better toy.
  22. I'm more worried about the shoulders. I think they're too short and look odd in both Soldier and Fighter modes. The Tread on the other hand, looks very good in Soldier mode. Way better than Toynami's IMHO. I wouldn't worry about the linkeage between the two: the Legioss' arm boosters are supposed to connect to those small circular pieces on the chest of the Tread. It's too much of a basic lineart thing for CM's to ignore. Also check out the said arm booster in the latest pics, it looks like a slot (unlike the same piece of the Toynami version, hence my skepticism about its linking capabilities). As it is in the pics, looks like the Tread is having his way with the Legios
  23. I preordered both: the bundle and the stand alone. Man, I'm so happy I did! Can't wait to fly them around the room.
  24. I don't like the skinny legs either. Reminds me of the Metal Siren, Yuck!
  25. Wow! I'd get that Legioss 2007 only to go with my Dread 2! I prefer the "bell bottom" design of the original Legioss, but fighter mode looks neat!
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