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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Wow! I love it. Mine looks so meh, out of the factory. Do you mind posting your technique step by step? I can't make any promises, but I like to think I might try this myself someday
  2. I don't know if these are from the actual campaign, but here's some Dualis videos from Youtube: This one is actually very cool. It's a video of a lifesize Dualis in "robot mode": Edit: I just found this one. It's the Dualis transformig sequence. The video would've been better if somebody wouldn't have passed right in front of the camera when it was transforming. And yes, it's very short. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-tiD4oEBqU...ted&search=
  3. Damn, too slow. Okay, mods. Shut it down.
  4. And a metallic paint finish. Tamim e-mailed me a couple of weeks ago about my brown Garland, but I'll have to wait for my other items to arrive before I can get my hands on it.
  5. It's on my favorites already. Looks like it's an initiative of the Satelight guys where Kawamori is managing director of the board. Lots of cool links. So Kawamori designed the actual Aibo? I can't read japanese. http://www.satelight.co.jp/kawamori/
  6. The motto of the car is "The Powered Suit", hence the robot. I think if it looks a little weak is because it was inspired in the car. I think it's a good design from that standpoint. It would be a failure as an anime character, but I bet Kawamori knows that. The Creatives of the Dualis campaign must be a bunch of anime geeks
  7. It's a good moment to be a transforming bikes collector
  8. Oh, man. This could be the ride armor I was waiting for, looks very dinamic in sculpt and poseability and the size doesn't bother me at all.
  9. I love my 0-S. The head, the sculpt, all three modes are beautiful. The only thing that bugs me to no end is to know that there's a 0 out there that has something that mine doesn't: Friggin' feet locks! As soon as Yamato re-releses the Zero, I'll have to buy it again. Edit: Welcome to the boards and congrats on your house, by the way.
  10. So far I like CM's Tread best in both modes. The cockpit might seem small, but I think it makes for a cool looking bomber mode. Soldier also looks bad ass. I agree Toynami's looks like an old school toy. I've been saying that about Toynami for a while. They're way behind the modern toy industry in design and sculpt IMO. As things are now, I'm tru' with the Toynami/Aoshima Mospeada line. I'll rather save for the CM's bundle.
  11. I've just noticed looking at the green Legioss close ups, that these are hand painted prototypes.
  12. Things I have noticed about the Aoshima Legioss: -Plastic (no rubber) fingers, as Hiriyu already pointed out. -No seam in the upper leg and the upper leg's "light", wich means the "cap" is now a separate piece. A good idea from the cosmetic point of view. -The hip joints are maybe stronger now, but the Legioss still can't hold an "A" stance wich is a big disappointment for me. -The sensor pod is the same as Toynami's, wich means it still can't be stored in fighter mode. -The shoulder mounting piece (the little gray thingy that swivels to put the arm in place) is still also the same, so it doesn't lock properly in Soldier mode (look Sig's left shoulder). -The Cyclone storage section, apparently still don't have a locking mechanism, so it tends to close down. -The neck is also the same. -And the arm connector boom is the same as Toynami's, so no new/improved linking mechanism for the Beta in the Aoshima version (I'm still wondering how they'll pull that off). The biggest and more numerous problems however, are in fighter mode, so we'll still have to see if the arched back problem, the dragging chest piece, and the overall fitting parts were solved. I also like to see if the wings lock firmly in the nose in Soldier mode. As it is now, if the toy doesn't even feel more durable and tight jointed, I think I'll pass. As for the Beta, the connecting port design does not allow for the Legioss to be attached in Soldier mode, so it seems that CM's beats the Toynami version at least in that area, since the Toynami/Aoshima apparently just "rests" on the cup, letting all the job to gravity alone.
  13. Here's a better pic of the mystery beta. My guess is this is a revised sculpt by Toynami. They must be feeling the pressure of CM's version.
  14. In any case is weird that Toynami shows a new unpaintes Alpha prototype. Could it mean that they're reworking it and now it finally connect to the Alpha and makes a better Soldier mode? We can only hope. Edit: I just realized that those Alphas have missiles under the intakes AND you can see the extra missile pod behind Yellow's left shoulder! I hope that doesn't mean those are the actual Aoshimas, They still can't hold an "A" stance and that green is hideous.
  15. If I hadn't spend so much money in my Alphas I'd probably have ordered the Aoshimas already, but as it is I just couldn't stand the guilt
  16. I just dressed up mine with custom decals from Erick. It was in bomber mode for months and when I transformed it to Gerwalk again I remembered what cool toy it is.
  17. Yeah, but the piece connected to it is still made of plastic. We'll just have to be extra careful when transforming it.
  18. The plastic seems light and brittle. That's a good thing considering the size of the toy. It means less weight for the hinges. I also noticed the dark gray intake piece of the gerwalk. It conceals the ugly intake a bit. I wonder wich one we'll see in the final version.
  19. I preordered mine at Twinmoons, but it's not in stock yet. I don't know if it's out in Japan, but I don't think so.
  20. I haven't (yet), I own all four Toynami Alphas and I want to wait before ordering the Aoshima version. I love the sculp, but the Toynamis need some serious work to be okay. Every time I look at my Alphas I found a new thing that should be improved, I hope Aoshima takes the task seriously.
  21. It's just mistransformed. In the proto pics the "hunch" (the piece with the fans) is in the right position. I thinks that's suppose to be the boosterpack by the way.
  22. That's a very smart analysis. I agree, the Terminators were an intelligent way to wipe out even the smallest sign of human life, an efficient and really scary human predator. That's what I liked so much of the movie: You could feel the menace. Very John Carpenter. Then, for some reason Cameron went all Hollywood and wrote T2, wich I see as a completely different genre. I remember reading an article about it. A Hollywood executive remembered a chat with James Cameron about his next movie. Cameron then said: "I want to do a movie about a boy and his terminator", they both laugh about it for a while and then Cameron went all serious again and said: "No, really".
  23. As somebody else stated earlier, the new shoulders have one "click" instead of two to lock the arms in place. Also I noticed that the new shoulders have a sloppier paint finish on the wheel covers. Other than that I can't even tell if the replacements are made from a better plastic or not.
  24. 1/1 LVL should write the next three movies. I've never had any conflict with the Terminator trilogy: For me they're three different animals, being Terminator a grat Science Fiction piece, T2 a Hollywood action superproduction, and T3 a bad movie. As I see it, the only thing the three have in comon is Arnold. If they make new ones, I'll take them as they are. I'm not a purist. Maybe they're even fun to watch, but they'll need somebody who really cares about the licence and can come up with an original approach. Someone like 1/1 LVL here, but I doubt it.
  25. That's a great deal. Is your Garland calling me "sucker"?
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