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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. How much are people paying for a custom like that nowadays, (if I'm not being indiscreet)?
  2. Yay! New clothes for my upcoming Urban Camo GBP
  3. Hey Gene, If you still have some put me down for two sets, will ya?
  4. I think I won't go messin with HLJ if I can avoid it. Screw the replacement shoulders then, I'll go plastic weld or something. 30 bucks buy a lot of other nice stuff and besides I'm not in the United States.
  5. Yamato should recall the defective 0's and replace them for the QC free ones, instead of selling us the same toy twice.
  6. Thanks Gabe. Now I can rest knowing that all my hopes and dreams about a Yamato Regult have disappeared, forever. Edit: BTW, I've just found a Kaiyodo series 001 set for 85 dollars at ebay . And they come with one single Regult. At this rate, making a Yamato Regult army would be cheaper.
  7. I want replacemements for my 0-S too. How much is HLJ asking for them after shipping? I wish I dind't have to pay for them, but my S's are going to snap sooner or later.
  8. What? No panel lines? That Valk sucks! Just talking out of envy here
  9. Thanks for the link, dodgethis. Did you clear coated your Valk afterwrds? I'm a mess with paint and such (that's why I collect toys, not model kits), so I'd like to know if clear coating is indispensable.
  10. Dude! Those are awsome! Where did you get them? Are they still available somewhere?
  11. I never cared for the Glaug. Maybe is the color scheme, dunno. I'm all for a Regult with all the accesories to make all the different versions including the Reckon Regult (I don't know it's official name, but I'm a sucker for reckon mecha). I'd buy multiple Regults to have all the versions on display if the price were reasonable.
  12. Yeah, for me is the feet, really. It bugs me to no end.
  13. Great job, dodgethis. What did you use to panel line? I like how it looks.
  14. The Shadow is my favorite, and the one with the fewer QC issues of all my four Alphas. Mine transforms nice and easy and besides, since it has no sensor pod is the only one that's perfect transformation. I wonder why neither Aoshima or CM's aren't making it. It'd look sick with it's own Tread.
  15. Heh, don't worry Man. And thanks for all the useful info. The Tamiya wethering set seems to be the way to go. I can wait to see your Scopes when you're done with them BTW.
  16. I ordered both, my Shin Combo and the Stand Alone from Tamim but they haven't arrived yet.
  17. So you used pastels? How do you apply them? Did you have to apply clear coating over the whole thing or not? I know you think this is too simple to write down a tutorial, but that's the beauty of it. I'm not very skilled at modelling so I'm looking for whethering technique that's simple and easy to fix if make any mistakes. Once I learn to do it my Yamato Scope Dog will be my guinea pig, I can't stand it all nice and clean anymore. Ugh!
  18. There you are I'm not saying I believe Aoshima is doing the whole toy again. I think the final product will still have the looks of the protos we all know. The interesting thing here is that the Beta engeneering seems to be in early stages (e.g. crappy hip joint), unlike the Alpha. That might allow Aoshima to have some input in that area. At least I hope so. I'd like at least one Beta for my Scott, if it happens to be a decent toy.
  19. So Aoshima took over the design of the Beta. That sounds promising. Toynami proved they just can't do it. Maybe we even get a convincing linkup feature.
  20. There's something awfully wrong with the location of the pilot's seat. Maybe the designers took the term cockpit too literally?
  21. I've heard the same version about the Wachowski sex change. It was said that Matrix two and three were made just to raise the money Seriously now, the Mach 5 looks just like the original, which is a good thing IMHO. It's amazing how cool that design looks even today.
  22. I'm a 21 whore myself. The 1/72 FP is my favorite Yamato toy to date. Come on, Yamato. Shows us the cads so we can start a thread about it
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