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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Knock it off with the wallets, already! I want news of the 21. Or start a new thread on the "Wallets and other forms of currency transport" section. j/k
  2. Whatever it is, it sure has him very happy. He even added the "(yes, this is a clue)" bit. The word Penetration can be applied to every VF, since they're all weapons. Therefore the clue lies in the Saturation part. C'mon Graham, we don't have enough to work with that clue. We need something more.
  3. That YF-19 could make a good start point for some easy Stealth customs.
  4. I never liked the 1st release colors of the SDF-1. I hope a more sober repaint will serve as an example for future SDF-1 toys, but I'm still not getting a Wave. I know it's been said at nauseam, but it's too expensive for the size.
  5. I was thinking the same thing. Since we have Graham, we should convince him to take those pics to his Yamato contacts. A lot of us would repaint our 19's this way ourselves if we only had the know how. Still, I'll wait for Wicked Ace to post the steps to do it. Should be something interesting to read.
  6. Not to burst anyone's bubble, but this lack of news smells like delay to me.
  7. The american society began with this hyper sensibility nonsense and now is spreading worldwide. My dad has a little daughter, and while I was raised like an salvage kid, jumping in the back seat of the car and all, my little sister has to visit the pediatrician every month. Needless to say my old man is rather confused on how achild must be raised nowadays.
  8. Yeah, my apologies to all. I mixed up invations. Then again, the White House said so many times that 9/11 was the cause for the Iraqui invation too. Oh, well. Edit: Last night I've heard in the news that the mexican government is making the vendors recall the alleged poisonous toys, including some Cars toys too, such as Sarge. Today I went to a store that has them and I couldn't find a Sarge anywhere.
  9. I love the detail of the underfeet. I hope Yamato's 21 end up looking like that. As for the feet thrusters, they give me the impression that they're just to slow down very rapidly in the air when the 21 transforms from F to G (it's a very useful feature in all Valks, so I doubt Kawamori would let the 21 without it), more like a vernier, than an actual thruster. Edit: From the lineart looks like the shoulder pad is hidden inside the intakes and flips out. That explains it to me, and it's somewhat doable.
  10. Yeah, you can't really blame the chinese for being unable to link the two events. I can't either.
  11. I'm based in Mexico City. Mexico holds a stupid and unilateral economic quabble against China since they took away all the manufacturing, and each time I order toys, since they're ALL produced in China, I have to pay a fortune of custom taxes and write a responsive letter to the customs director, stating that the toys in question are intended to go to a private collection and will never fall in the hands of children, because of the lead in the paint, and things has been like this for years. Now, excuse my cynicism, of course that my Yammies are painted with toxic paint, but what about all the Mr. Potato Heads that are sitting on the shelves of my local Walmart? This is not about a few Doras and Elmoes. IMHO lead paint is used on almost every object manufactured in China, I mean lead paint is probably cheaper, and chinese always aim at increase their profit by cutting costs, so why not using it? I think that "maybe" from time to time, somebody in the US has to raise the hand and recall some products, so US consumers can feel safe and keep consuming and this time the bill went to Mattel. As far as I know most of us grew up eating lead and here we are. Granted, we are geeks, but other than that useful members of society Edit: I just read David's post about lead in the paint. Thanks for clarify, David (again)
  12. Wow! Super robots on crack. Nice concept. So these are as good as gone, right? Except for Bossborot, I mean.
  13. The Tread/Legiss pics are the same old ones we've already seen. It doesn't mean the current prototypes look like that, last I've heard CMs was reworking them. The Ride Armor looks nice, but I don't get why the toy makers never take a look at the bikes' line art and focus exclusively on the armor mode. The bikes are really great designs on their own, aggressive and muscular, unlike these tiny and skeletal bikes that Toynami and Megahouse are showing. Those designs were okay for a child's affordable 80's toy, but this is the 21st Century. We're not kids anymore and we're willing to pay top dollar if the product worth it. Edit: The long neck and wide shoulders on the riders figures are probably to make them look good with the bike on.
  14. I also felt bothered about the bell bottom part being to small, but we can't see the whole leg because of the SV-51 silouette getting in the way. Maybe the other half compensates visually for that. In any case I remember how different was the Garland prototype compared to the actual toy (specially the legs) and this is but the CAD. I also remember how dissapointed I felt when Graham first posted the YF-19 CADs and now everybody is so happy with it.
  15. That's the announced Proto Garland, but Yamato salvaged all they could from the previous one, including the ugly front wheel.
  16. It doesn't?! Damn. I've read somewhere around here that there's a better version of the Motoslave on the series. I'm not much into BGC, so I thought this would be it.
  17. As much as I love transforming bikes, the Motoslave doesn't look that impressive. I wonder if should wait for this one instead:
  18. Yeah, it should be called the SV-51 Queen Latifah.
  19. Looks like Shogo is fully poseable now. Too bad it's the "realistic" 80's styled Shogo. It also looks like they salvaged all they could from the first Garland. Bah, it looks good so I'm gonna get it anyway. I'd love to see the robot mode tho'. Edit: I just took a closer look at Shogo and is the same crappy "one pose only" figure as the previous Garlands.
  20. Another pic of the Poliansky. This time with flash. I weep for the Nora fans: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/007402/01.html
  21. Thanks Psycho. Guess that means you'll have to hunt them down on auction sites in Japan. I guess I'll just wait for the 1/60 then. Great work there Luke. Wow! That 21 is too sleek to be true!
  22. Hey, I've never seen these! Are they toys? Maybe I should buy a couple while I wait for the 1/60.
  23. Sorry for the mistake Dave, and thanks for the clarification.
  24. This is the best I could do within the given time. I didn't dare to eliminate the silouette of the SV-51 to avoid falling in speculation. Anyway behold the new Dark Monk! Edit: The head isn't visible from the side and the vectorial nacelles could be a little higher, but looks better than I first thought.
  25. Size comparsion between Revo's Movie EVA 01 Mini and normal: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=11...4295&size=l And Unit 00: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=11...4295&size=l
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