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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. No, I mean the white little marks around it. Or am I seeing things?
  2. Besides the "No Step" markings would've to be written in Cyrillic, or do russians mark their planes in english?
  3. Tampo is a system used to add paint based markings on the toys from the factory. Tampo markings are very resistant so they won't rub off. Meanning you won't need most of the stickers provided with the toy
  4. Just made mi mind on these: I'm not getting them. The VF-1S is the one that turns 25, so if for the anniversary thing THAT should be the one worth getting and I'm not too impressed by it. The YF-19 looks nice but just b/c it's black, so I'll wait for the eventual Stealth (we all know they will make one eventually).
  5. Hey Ophio, are those stress mark on the mid wing hinge?
  6. I'm with you DND, so don't give up on this SV-51 consummer's frenzy. The toy looks great so far and for those who preordered it or broke down and decided to get one on eBay I sincerely hope the toy is flawless, but I still can't afford skipping the reviews. Besides I have to pay even more than american based collectors, since I don't trust in mexican customs and all my toys must be shipped via FedEx
  7. How is the gripping of the gunpod? Does it holds it tight or the gunpod tends to fall off like with most VF skeleton type hands?
  8. Ew! I hope is not the Stampede.
  9. That's been said a few posts back. Unfortunately Graham won't tell us even if one of us already posted the right guess, so now that I think of it, this whole thread is pointless
  10. Please do! I can't get any japanese hobby mags on time where I live and I've been waiting for other companies to release their own transforming Garlands for quite some time now.
  11. When I first saw pics of that ligaa, I thought it was just a paper sculpture made on the rush to draw attention to the bikes line. I don't care if Inbits should've looked like that in the show, fortunately they didn't, so I'm not getting it if the final product looks anything like that. It doesn't just looks like a piñata, but it has the same poseability.
  12. Yeah she seems to be for display only, so Ley/Rand will haqve to "detatch" her away from the bike for transformation, just like the saddlebags
  13. What sold me was the opening saddlebags with all the little things inside and the likenesses. The bikes are still a bit disappointing for me, but the armor mode looks okay and the pilot looks okay too, despite the neck and shoulders, so it's 2 of 3 for me. I'm getting the whole line. Any news on preorders yet?
  14. Yeah. Buy the whole 1/48 line to complete the 1/60 Monster
  15. Yeah, I'm this close to regret not having preordered mine, but I'm still on the fence for reviews.
  16. I hope the 21 ends up looking close to that model. I specially love the intakes sculpt.
  17. From C3X. The proto is looking good but there aren't any robot mode pics yet. Source.
  18. I think is safe to assume these are production samples. That's enough tampo for me Source.
  19. That would also explain why he seems so happy in his sig :lol: Seriously now: Maybe Dobber is right when he says that maybe Yamato is making a toy we saturated them with requests of. I believe the VF-2ss was the winner on the last poll? Or was it the VF-17? I don't remember.
  20. I guess this is the closest we're getting to a Stealth 19 for the time being, so I uderstand why some people here want the "25th Anniversary" text to be optional. I for one, would like to remove the gold stripes to make a Stealth Custom more easily than having to repaint the entire toy. But this is a non cannon VF, for the cannon ones I wish Yamato could tampo even the smallest markings. If Yamato was to announce a Stealth YF-19 today, most MWers would have second thoughts about getting the anniversary edition.
  21. A better compliment would be if Yamato actually pay some money to the guys they take their non cannon color schemes from Yamato's non cannon schemes are fugly as hell. The GBP Urban Camo and the Low Vis 1 are the best IMHO and they were designed by fans.
  22. I'd like to contribute with a scheme if I can find good quality lineart pics and if I have enough time. Is there a deadline for this?
  23. Oh Man. That's awsome. I'm getting one as well. I hope they call it "Dobber type".
  24. I'll never forgive myself for missing that nurse.
  25. I was wondering how to remove tampo myself. As someone stated early it looks like the John Player Special scheme and that font doesn't help. It looks so late 80's.
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