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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Don't go around saying I think Science Fiction is nonsense or that I assume technology has reached its peak. I said that Skynet is cliché, poor and unrealistic story-wise nowadays (maybe I shoud've said "believable", blame my poor english). Not as a serious thesis about AI (or AL): As a moviegoer, I need more than just "Skynet became self aware and launched a nuclear attack against humanity". Of course it was okay when I was a teenager and I was all about visual effects and had no clue about science fiction or literature. HAL 9000, for instance it's much more believable and as a character is basically the same. Now for the "real" thing, why just assume that an artificial life form would behave like an animal or arrive to the same conclusions as human beings? Its nature is completely different, so could be its way of seeing things. Maybe instead of annihilate the species it decides that it wants to become a Budha and it succeeds within a few seconds.
  2. Keep em coming EXO! I'm so sad I missed this years Con
  3. As promised. Pics of the Pod in Mexico City. I'll have lunch in that mall in a few minutes so I'll check if the pod is still there, but I doubt it. It'd probably be on a plane to the San Diego convention center right now.
  4. Yeah, the way it was set up in the movies, Skynet is a vulgar dictator: S/he fears humans and therefore spends all its resources in more efficient ways of annihilate the origin of its fear. I'm not bashing the movies in any way: Cameron it's no science fiction eminence to be quoted and neither of the Terminator movies were meant to be a serious thesis about the nature and behavior of an AI. But I do think that the "tyrant AI" concept it's not only cliché but poor and unrealistic nowadays, so I think I'll just go to see the movies for the robots.
  5. I watched the movie last night with some friends at my local theatre here in Mexico City. (Most american summer blockbusters are premiered in that theatre BTW). Last night they were putting together a huge stage in the shape of a big bat with plasma screens and all. A moment ago me and my GF went to get tickets for tomorrow because she wanted to see the movie too, and we stumbled upon the original Batpod. Apparently it's on tour and it'll be here for the weekend. Gotta go back tomorrow morning with a camera. Edit: I'll post the pic tomorrow
  6. IF they set the story during the third war, could they use the Mospeada original designs? Either way they'll redesign everything, but it'd be cool to see a live action Cyclone closely based on the original Ridearmor, not to mention toys.
  7. I remember a small chapter in the GITS comic book were Batou's fuchikoma is trying to talk the other fuchikomas into anihilate the human race for their benefit, since they're far superior than humans in every way. Then another fuchikoma asks him who would do their maintenance and develop their accessories then, and he replies that they could enslave the humans to make them work for them. Then another fuchikoma says: "but they're already doing all those things without our controlling or eslaving them. There's no advantage in your proposal!" And then all fuchikomas point at him crying "you have a bug! you have a bug!" Since I read that I realized that a true AI would never turn against humans (fear and thirst for power are human concerns after all), so the very concept of Skynet ceased to be believable and therefore interesting for me. I still can enjoy a good robot flick tho'
  8. So is it already made? Damn! I thought it was one of those forever things.
  9. By the way, I just got this eMail from Joel at BBTS: "Hi - We've been able to secure a lower priced distributor who can also offer cheaper shipping on this item. We've dropped the price from the original $730, then to $650, and now to $589.99. The $589.99 price will be our final price, thanks so much for preordering with us! Thanks Joel www.bigbadtoystore.com" Problem with most eBay sellers currently accepting preorders for these items is that you have to pay up front, and I need time to save some money for this. I guess I'll keep my preorder for now.
  10. Thank you, guys. Gotta think about it. I'm not very familiar with the Hannibal, but I like that sculpt quite a bit.
  11. Does it require assembly and painting? With toy companies calling their toys "kits" I don't know what to expect anymore.
  12. Thanks for the review Save. Very nice done. What's the scale of the Boomer figure BTW? Is it in scale with the Motoslave set? Edit: Do your Priss figure "feature" dropping legs too?
  13. Think of the Tyco RC version. That one is also 1/6 and there's pictures everywhere. Total crap IMHO. Poorly sculpted, bad reception (you have to run after the car, otherwise it will stop ten feet away from you) and the front wheels don't move whatsoever, it has a small steering mechanism at the bottom of the toy, so it barely moves over grass or dirt.
  14. Thanks man. I'll do just that. More nice big production pics from Bat-Blog. Just scroll down.
  15. It is for me. I just cancelled my preorder. Too bad, I was in for all four releases. I wouldn't have cancelled if I wasn't sure some other company will pick up the glove on this tho'. It's a matter of time.
  16. D'oh. My bad, I don't know why I assumed it was Toynami. I wonder if it's yet another company after a slice of the Mospeada cake or if it's Beagle we're talking about. I don't see a big company like CMs gauging interest on a new product like any garage model maker.
  17. I'm going to burn in hell. I've just preordered the two vehicles and the new movie Batman, which means no other toys for me for what's left of the year. It's okay tho': even with all the Valks coming up, I haven't been this excited about a toy in years. I'm not a huge Batman fan, mind you, but I'm in love the Tumbler and I'm all about bikes, so throw in a Batpod too. What's another 300 bucks when you've already spent 800 dollars? Gotta go back to work. I have to draw a lot pages if I want to have the money for november (where's the hysterical emoticon?).
  18. The Ligaa is not listed, so I checked "others" as well. Edit: That last pic is awsome. Good work Ruskii.
  19. So she is more like a CMs in scale. Stupid Yamato.
  20. I'm based in Mexico City and asked Yamato USA for the replacement shoulders no problem. They even paid for the shipping. I hope this helps.
  21. I just left my comments. I can't believe Toynami is considering to make Invid mecha before any other toy company.
  22. So they're somewhat in scale with the Mega Houses? That's a point for the Motoslaves. One question: Can you see Priss' face? Is there an alternate head or something?
  23. Fawk!. And I recently cancelled my CMs Legioss preorder. If I cancel this one, Tam is going to hate me
  24. I'm not much into LEGO myself, but that Spinner is a must. I wonder if the front wheel covers can be flipped up. There's also this guy who is building a 1/1 replica. Apparently he's well known in Hollywood and for what you can see in the pics (sadly there's no text on this section), the guy bought at least one prop (the most wrecked one with engine and steering front wheels) and is restoring it. So the main page says, tho' I can't say if the site is up to date or not. He has done several Tim Burton Batmobile replicas also, and sells them to private collectors.
  25. Is it out? And it's not PT? Damn. I'm glad I didn't preordered the other chicks. I guess I'll stick to Priss until something better comes along.
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