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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Hahaha, Raven and Shadower beat me to it. Garland all the way. I yet have to see a mecha that blows me away like the Garland did when I was a kid. Second would be the Q-Rau only because it can't transform in bike mode. Hmm, come to think of it I think I could design a Rau that transforms into a bike... To the drawing board! (Batman cut music here).
  2. Thanks for the insight, Hikuro. I guess the 700 and the 800 look about the same in the movie, since Hot Toys already reused the Endoskeleton mold for their Terminator Factory Diorama The figure itself now sports some "raw metal" texture, but the sculpt is exactly the same.
  3. By the way, does anybody know what the differences are between the T-800 and the T-700 from the Salvation movie, if any? I can see Hot Toys re-releasing their outstanding endoskeleton in a Salvation box, with a different set of guns, of course.
  4. Ah, I see. So the silver must be a painted proto and the boxed one with the more dirty paint job a production sample. I still like the shiny silver finish better. Anyway, I can wait for these to hit the shelves. Maybe I can even find one at my local Sears or Walmart here in Mexico and skip the e-tailers, shipping customs and $#!+.
  5. Ok, so this H/K is from Playmates and includes an Endo 3 3/4 figure. But who makes this other version? Is it japanese? Is it 3 3/4 also? I think I like this sculpt better. Any info will be much appreciated.
  6. Noice! What color did you used on the Defender?
  7. Dude! You should direct it!
  8. Damn!. Even when he's being an a$$hole the guy is funny
  9. I just saw this: Toynami Maia Sterling MPC Alpha recall. Is this old news? I'm tempted to get one if it ends up being any better than the other Toynami Alphas, since they're moving the production to the factory that made the Betas. I know what you'll say:"The problem with the Alphas is the molds, not the factory yadda, yadda." Here's hoping anyway. I don't care for Shadow Chronicles in the slightest, but I do want to see a good Toynami Alpha, since I do like the sculpt and design.
  10. Ok. I guess I'm hooked too: I've never cared too much for 1/6 figures since they're too big to be that playable (i.e. you can't have a lot of vehicles to put your figures into, they're expensive,etc), but recently 1/6 figures have made an incredible jump from kiddy toys to works of art. All this ado is only to justify my latest purchase: I just won a HT Terminator Endoskeleton on eBay, so I decided to look out for a more fleshy rendition of the T-800, but not even the Battle Damaged Terminator figure from HT convinced me, despite all the generous amount of accessories, due to its infamous "zombie" headsculpt (an obvious move to avoid likenesses fees). Luckily, during my research I stumbled upon this guy. He happened to have a spare Arnie head ready for painting lying around, so I committed the cash and now he's painting it for me. The problem now is to find a HT Terminator figure at good price. Last time I checked on eBay, there was one going for 300+ dollars! I'm afraid I bite more than I can chew, but if any of you guys know of a Terminator figure in good shape and or price, please let me know.
  11. Well I preordered the Toynami version, but if Beagle is asking for consumer's feedback, we'll probably see an improved Stig re-release sometime soon, which means I'll have to get the Japanese version anyway, since Toynami won't be able to release it stateside, due to the Limited Edition thing.
  12. So the Indy line was cancelled or not? I'd give anything for a good 3-3/4'' toy of the nazi fighter plane from ROTLA. I guess I'll have to get the LEGO diorama instead.
  13. Don't worry, dude. There's more time than life Back on Topic: The hips on my Proto got terribly loose after some posing and playing around. I'd plug the leg off to add some nail polish, but I'm afraid that the ball joint snaps off on me. The intake assembly is glued together so I guess I'll just have to live with it.
  14. I've been with my Proto for quite some time now, and I just noticed the little moving vectorial fin inside the heel. That's attention to detail
  15. I'm so with you on this. I'm even at the brink of getting the old Bandai model. That Battroid mode is so bad@$$
  16. Anybody up for a mod? Too bad I already sold my Gakken.
  17. Damn. I was hoping for an all new scheme to drool over or skip altogether, but since I already ordered the Tomahawk OD and seeing just how nice the Defender turned out in OD colors, I'll have to consider if I'll get the whole OD set or not. Edit: Spelling.
  18. All the designs look pretty close to the original, except for the boy. They even kept the wonky old school robots. That's nice. It means that the Gatchaman film will also be closely inspired on the original series. It's odd that so far we've seen more footage of Tetsujin than Gatchaman, BTW. I thought T-28 was schedule for release after Gatchaman.
  19. Don't feel bad. It's hard to score a scoop in this community. Besides, those pics were never posted AFAIK, just the link.
  20. The japanese have dope supermarkets? That did it. I'm moving to Japan.
  21. Which takes us to the big question: Which one would be legally entitled to produce the 1/60 version, Bandai or Yamato? If Bandai is making the 1/100 that means they have the Flashback rights, because Yamato holds the VFX rights. Could both companies make the VF-4 at the same scale but under two different licenses? Not that it could actually happen, mind you.
  22. Ah, good to hear. Thanks Tober.
  23. I ordered the Toynami one, but I'm tempted on the Beagle for the Plaque and the box art (I can't help it, I'm a purist). Does Overdrive accepts Paypal, BTW? Edit: Thanks for the tip Jenius, I'll try to get an used one on the cheap to experiment with.
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