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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. No kidding. Can't wait for fighter mode pics
  2. Larger intakes and an extra gun? Is that it? Pass again. Keep trying CM's.
  3. Seems like Medicom is re-re-releasing The Rocketeer. Now it's Ver. 2.5. I know the differences between the first two versions but I can't read japanese, so any help will be much appreciated since I've been holding on this figure for a long time now:
  4. The folding of the torso and the carving on the upper leg means that the 19 will be very close to PT since those are usually the tricky areas. The landing gear will surely be swappable just like the hands, 'cause they seem too big to be storable in the forearm, so if the head section isn't swappable, I'm in (unless they announce the Blazer before the Kai comes out, of course).
  5. The bridge window is made of clear plastic. Great move there, Yamato.
  6. Mine too. I don't care much for the 25's, but the Quarter is a fine looking toy, not to mention is a beautiful design. The super-dimensional-hands-holding-the-gun thing is a bit cheesy for my tastes, but I think I'd keep it displayed it in Ship Mode anyway.
  7. A friend of mine just sent me this link. I thought this was the right place to post this: Bruce Lee Vs. Iron Man
  8. Ew! Those look terrible once applied. Maybe they were made with the collector's wives in mind?
  9. Nice! I just realized those HK bikes seem variable. You can see the spine and the legs in the back like a crouching terminator and what seems to be a ribcage. I'm trying to figure out the rest, but the design is too busy, so if it does transform, it'll be one of those ridiculously complex transformations a la Michael Bay. I hope I'm wrong.
  10. Bummer! I thought the four bikes were a given. What's so secret about an item that we know it's going to be released sooner or later anyway? C'mon, Beagle! Give us a decent Legioss already!
  11. And yet, if you look at the comparsion line arts a few posts back, you'll notice that the bridge is significantly larger on the Meltran version, which means the SDF-1 is a LOT bigger
  12. The good thing about super dimensional craft is that you can be more flexible with scales (unless you're a purist of course). Me, I gotta become rich real soon if I want to start my Macross fleet.
  13. I guess there's no reason for Bandai not to make a kaiju-style Gundam live action series now.
  14. I guess Yamato and CM's found a way to correct an unforgivable mistake and make profit in the process. I own the CM's Millia set, but I can't get over the fact that they could've made a nice poseable Millia (a la Chirico Cuvie) to begin with.
  15. The "Super Robot" Terminator thing does look like a mix of movie robots: The torso and forearms are from a T-800 (Why would Skynet use the same torso on two machines designed for two completely different tasks is beyond me, you'd thing that at least a fully covering armor is in order), the hips are from Robocop 2's Cain, and the hooves from the Matrix Revolutions powered armors. I'm I missing something? Oh, yeah! And the headless robot idea is from Robot Jox So far this movie doesn't seem to contribute a big deal in the visual department, which is a shame given the all the possibilities, but I'll reserve my judgement for the theatre. I'm specially looking forward for the Terminator bikes.
  16. So you can't pose Stig holding the helmet under his arm unless you want it to look like he just slaughtered his own brother?
  17. I'm with EXO on this one, at least should include a GBP. Still I'm staying away from small non transforming VF's.
  18. I got mine from the guys at Tokyohunter, they ended up with two sets from a hobby show somehow. Maybe they still have the other one lying around. They're not trying to make money with them, but they're still not cheap, like 20 bucks or something plus shipping, IIRC. English spoken and Paypal accepted. Hope this helps.
  19. That's great news! (not that your camera sucks, I mean the Mospeada sticker thing). I was about to order the Beagle one only because I was convinced that the display base would read "Robotech, The New Generation", seriously. Of course back then I thought that the sticker was actually a plaque, but no biggie.
  20. If Yamato ever makes a VF-4 whose Battroid mode looks anything like that kit, I'm in. See, I'm a Battroid guy myself, that's why a line of fighter only toys wouldn't do for me.
  21. I think people like it for the classic Macross appearance and because it's linked to the original characters. Besides this is a VF Yamato can lean towards Fighter mode all they want, because the other two modes are chunky anyway and mosp people will display it in Fighter mode like Hikaru did in the series. Am I right, fanboys?
  22. Oh, man. That diorama keeps gettin better and better. Reminds me why I chose the MH's over the CM's's. They're sure taking their time with Houquet. It's okay tho', I bet it'll be a great figure. And then Shinobu, yay!
  23. Was the VF-2ss on that list?
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